Category Archives: Athens

Greece: 10th appeals trial hearing of anarchist-communist comrade Tasos Theofilou

Reporting by Giant and Sylvia for OmniaTV, translated into English by BlackCat for Insurrection News. The hearing held on the 13th of March consisted mainly of the examination of defence witnesses. Mrs Fytrou, a geneticist-biologist with a PhD in genetics … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Communist Prisoners, Anarchist Prisoners, Athens, Greece, Repression, Tasos Theofilou

Athens, Greece: Explosive attack against New Democracy politician Adonis Georgiades’s bookstore by CCF-FAI/IRF

Responsibility claim for the attack on Adonis Georgiades‘s bookstore. On 3/15 we placed and detonated a clockwork explosive device at Adonis Georgiades’s bookstore at 263 Kifissias Av. Adonis Georgiadis is a well known to all… picturesque, saturated and at the … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Athens, Chile, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire/FAI-IRF, Direct Action, Enrique Guzmán, Explosive Attack, Greece, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Revolutionary Front (IRF), International Solidarity, Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova

Athens, Greece: ‘Packs of Fire – FAI/IRF’ take responsibility for arson attacks in Dafni

TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ARSON ATTACKS IN DAFNI Cut your strings puppet We are taking responsibility for the arson attacks at dawn on March 10 at the Mayor’s house and at the Post office in Dafni. In that area, that … Continue reading

Posted in Arson Attack, Athens, Dafni, Direct Action, Greece, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Revolutionary Front (IRF), Packs of Fire – FAI/IRF

Athens, Greece: Banner in solidarity with anarchists in Belarus

Received on 04.04.17: On 03/04 we hung a banner inside the Panteion University in solidarity with the anarchist prisoners in Belarus who protested against the ”social parasite” law and got imprisoned, detained or injured. Anti-authoritarian Squat of Panteion

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Anti-authoritarian Squat of Panteion, Athens, Banners, Belarus, Fuck Lukashenko, Fuck The Social Parasite Law, Greece, International Solidarity, Repression

Athens, Greece: Antifascists attack Golden Dawn HQ with sledgehammers & axes

Greece, 31.03.17: At about 9:30 Friday morning on March 30, 2017, approximately 30 anarchists – antifascists armed with sledgehammers, axes and red & black paint attacked the headquarters of the Golden Dawn party in Athens,  despite it’s close proximity to the … Continue reading

Posted in Antifa, Antifascism, Athens, Direct Action, Fuck Golden Dawn, Greece

Greece: 9th appeals trial hearing of anarchist-communist comrade Tasos Theofilou

Giant and Sylvia report from the court room The hearing began with the reading of documents that are not relevant to this trial and concern people that in many cases have been acquitted. T. Theofilou’s name is not even mentioned. The next document was Theofilou’s acquittal on … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Communist Prisoners, Anarchist Prisoners, Athens, Greece, Repression, Tasos Theofilou

Athens, Greece: Police evict 2 squats, 7 anarchists and over 100 refugees detained

13.03.17: Via Enough Is Enough: In the early morning hours Greek police evicted the Villa Zografou and The Hospital squat on Alkiviadou in Athens, Greece. About 200 people were detained. We publish a statement from Khora Social Centre about the evictions: … Continue reading

Posted in ACAB, Athens, Greece, Refugee Housing Squats, Refugee Solidarity Movement, Refugee Struggle, Refugees, Repression