
To contribute translations, editing-corrections and/or original material for publication, such as updates from the streets, reportbacks from actions, responsibility claims, texts of imprisoned or persecuted comrades, calls, brochures, opinion articles, etc.: contrainfo(at)


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[Greece] Let’s all be insurgents, robbers and saboteurs

Received on March 16th 2017:

Solidarity with those standing trial for the Velventos robberies

In 2013 six anarchists were arrested for a double robbery in the town of Kozani, Velventos. One year later they were sentenced from 11 to 16 years of prison. In the beginning of March 2017 the appeal of this trial started in the Koridallos prison, were they have been held since their arrest.

The reason why these people were hunted down, beaten up, locked up and sentenced to years of imprisonment is not because of the amount of money lost by the banks in case they would have fully succeeded in their robbery. The reason is the danger for authority if it would spread in society, the choice to go out and do what is possible to fight the daily oppression, to find the means necessary to create projects of struggle, to go against the world of the rich and powerful in a direct and autonomous way. We are not speaking about bank-robbery as such, which could as well be an alternative way to obtain wealth in the same capitalist logic that tries to hypnotize us everywhere we look. We are speaking about the choice to act, to deepen an always evolving adventure of revolt, armed with ideas of freedom and courage.

In the end it is a question of life. Do we want to live with our heads down, seeing always our feet on the ground of this so amputating society, thinking this is the horizon? Or do we want to look around us, get together with many or few, to organize the attack against the existent, and all that gives it air to breath. In which case our creativity and imagination will determine the horizon.

Solidarity is struggle.

Let’s all be insurgents, robbers and saboteurs…

Next court dates: 23/3, 30/3, 11/4 & 27/4

in Greek

Athens: Info-discussion with a comrade from Belgium (March 20th)

in Greek

Athens: Hands off Themistokleous 58 Squat!

Received on March 8th 2017:


The purpose of this text is to clarify the position of our squat regarding some incidents that took place over the last months in Exarchia, and defend our physical and political integrity by all means necessary.

We refer to the practices of gossiping, slandering and violative behavior against the structure and the actions of the 58, practices that we consider equal as snitching, regardless of whether or not the person using them each time is expecting something in return from the persecuting authorities. The outcome is the same, in the sense that they are singling out specific individuals as a target, they attempt to strip our project of its political characteristics, and prepare the ground for the direct or indirect repression that lurks in the corner.

We also refer to physical assaults that took place the last 2 months, like bullying attempts at our front door, a group ambush against squatters of the 58 at Dervenion street (Exarchia), and even threats and attacks against us with the use of sharp/lethal objects (like a knife and an awl) only a few meters away from the 58.

Lastly, we refer to vulgar libels and miserable (tabloidlike) gatherings that some organize behind our back to jeopardize the political autonomy of the 58, attempting in vain to interfere in our internal procedures, to speak in the name of our project and to sell protection to those of us who have no papers.

For example, a slandering and completely distorting six-page text that resembles an indictment is signed by an initiative of individuals from Zaimi 11 squat, the Ditto group and the rest of the crew who set and assist ambushes in Dervenion street. This text, that is being distributed behind our back since February 20th 2017 and has been emailed to unknown to us recipients, individually lists participants in anarchist projects, with a declared objective being the following: “[…] Our target is to deprive those individuals of any space for exercising their dominant and sectarian practices, as well as to beat them up. Our tactical choice is to call comrades who co-exist also with them, update them about our intentions and promote the exclusion of these particular 3 individuals both from Themistokleous 58 Squat and procedures in general. […]”

We also quote an excerpt from a text of another groupuscule from Zaimi 11 squat that refer to us without mentioning us directly, spread lies – this time publicly – and confirm their synergy in secret procedures towards undermining the 58: “[…] We have consumed a lot of time and energy to sort things out with closed/internal procedures that, as it turned out, had no prospect […]”. The supposed ‘open procedure’ – naturally, without any prior arrangement with us – which they are now calling as self-proclaimed referees, promising to reveal titillating details, indicates what they are made of and proves once more what big cowards they are.

Apparently, Themistokleous 58 Squat and all that we stand for with our discourse and activity do not only cause pain to the State/Capital and the fascists, but also to parasitical elements who in their attempt to build themselves an identity do not hesitate to undermine all of us and try to infiltrate the project.

In the face of all these threats we choose to counterattack and defend all that we build with day-to-day effort: reciprocal solidarity between people from all corners of the world, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, origin, language, color, and religious or irreligious background, the equal participation of everyone in all activities of the squat and our very co-existence through anarchist practices and a self-organized manner.

Those that have decided to deploy the abovementioned tactics against the 58 are to be considered nothing but enemies, regardless of the mask they are wearing according to their aspirations. We publicly inform them that we are not going to tolerate any territorial expeditions against the 58, nor their overt bigotry and covert racism, nor any attempts to isolate members of the squat and spread fear to our multiracial community. We also tell others who have already rushed to their defense, uncritically adopting their victimist claims, to stay out of it.

The 58 is not only housing our common needs for sleep and feeding, it also houses our common needs to factually overcome the divisions imposed by the world of visible and invisible borders and to clash head on with the existent system, its defensors and its false critics.

When they touch one of us, they touch all of us. No official or informal repressor will break the unity among us and our diversity, and those who will attempt to sell us protection will fail big time. If some wonder how all of this will end, the answer is simple: when the gossiping, slandering and targeting will end, and when it becomes fully understood that no one can enjoy political asylum so long as they practice violations against anarchist structures and actions.

Our struggle is not about undermining squats, projects or persons that fight for freedom, and this is something we have proven by refusing to enter into a vicious circle of petty rivalries even when some of our choices received harsh critics. But when some unleash tangible threats against us, we are not going to play the good fellas.

Whoever is not a cop, journalist and the like (and is not implicated in any way whatsoever with this fiasco) can and should address their questions on this or any other matter concerning the 58 to our weekly assembly, every Sunday at 20:00 in the squat itself, or email us at:

See you on the streets.

Themistokleous 58 Squat, Exarchia

in Greek

Bloomington, Indiana: Sabotage in memory of Lambros Foundas (USA)

A few nights ago we sabotaged about 50 parking meters by gluing their locks, coin slots, and card readers. This was a simple act which took no specialized skill. Get some superglue, cover your face, keep your eyes peeled for cops or loyal citizens, and act.

These parking meters were targeted because they fund the Bloomington Police Department and because they force people to pay to be downtown. We hate the police and we hate gentrification and class society, so we chose to attack them.

We act as a gesture of combative memory for Lambros Foundas, anarchist of Revolutionary Struggle killed by the forces of the Greek state on March 10, 2010. Our memory is not one of passive mourning or martyrdom, but of active struggle against the state, capital, and domination in all of its forms. The flame of Lambros’ life kept us warm as we walked through the winter night, and we will carry that flame with us in all parts of our lives, which are lived at war with this society of masters and slaves.

We send strength to all anarchist combatants held captive in the dungeons of the Greek state.

We send solidarity to all those facing the state’s latest attacks against squatters, anarchists, and refugees: we are inspired by your refusal to be paralyzed.

For Lambros
Long live anarchy

in Greek

[Spanish State]: Communiqué from anarchists Mónica Cabellero and Francisco Solar

Received on March 10th, 2017:

(These words arrived with a delay due to the restrictive communications of the Spanish extermination centers. On March 7th, 2017 Mónica and Francisco were finally released to Chile, where they were greeted with a great deal of media and repressive threats. Finally today, they have returned to the street with their dignity intact.)

Affinity and Solidarity against victimization and authority

In the struggle to break with the establishment we look for and create relationship forms that are contrary to imposition and authority. Forms that help us feel comfortable in order to develop autonomously in our proposals and acts of daily confrontation. With this feeling we understand affinity represents the most suitable way for anarchist relations and that it’s not the fruit of empty slogans repeated until satiation, but the result of practices and shared visions that have helped generate long lasting bonds of passionate friendship and intimacy, that go beyond the simple bonds of just friends.

The trust and care that comes from feeling and knowing that the ideas of permanent rebellion are the sustenance and strength of affinity helps build and develop anti-authoritarian practices. In turn, these ideas, are inseparable from our choice of life, the option that reinforces what we plan and how it is to be done. It is through these relationships that we grow individually and have the undeniable possibility of acts with no strings attached, which impedes the creation of bureaucratic and authoritarian behavior, cutting off the concentration of power.

Critics of this position have signaled that this form makes it impossible to influence “social reality” and that it turns anarchism into a ghetto. Our response is that we don’t understand anarchism as a political party that uses all of its strategies to increase numbers for the purposes of achieving hegemony. We think that the means must be coherent with the ends as it would be contradictory to claim total liberation otherwise. For us, anarchism is, above all, a tension where individual initiative plays a central role, not a production.

As this experience of imprisonment comes to an end we have lived through the birth, the strengthening and reinforcement of relationships of affinity. Our friends have given meaning to the word solidarity filling us with strength and pride. Overcoming many difficulties, we have been able to collaboratively build positions and initiatives of what we’ve learned. The will and determination of our friends, even if this sounds repetitive, has destroyed walls, bars, the space of time, and eliminated obstacles of isolation and communication. We have attempted and believe to be successful in establishing a relationship that breaks away from and is in opposition to the welfare practices where prisoners are viewed as “a poor victim of the system who is the subject of atrocious injustices.” The assumption that, as anarchists we find ourselves in a permanent confrontation with power and that it has its consequences has given possibility to put into practice an active and combative solidarity with a clear and unambiguous line of discourse. The idea – strength of “neither guilty, no innocent, simply anarchist” is reflected in our position against prison and repression both in and outside of their walls. It represents a way of living and being in prison that is linked with intransigence that opens innumerable paths of action for friends in the street, ways which attempt to destroy power by not falling into their categories and contrary to their predatory logic.

When repression represents an opportunity

The repressive wave that materialized in the operations of Pandora and Piñata represented the hardest strike against anarchism in Spain since the 1980s. Their clear attempt was to eliminate a sector of the anarchist movement by quickly moving forward with harassment, persecution, and imprisonment of friends. Evidently, the magnitude of state repression has had its consequences, as could not be otherwise. Many initiatives were put on hold, spaces were literally looted by the repressive fury and the worry of being enveloped into the paranoid fantasies of power created a certain immobility that has little by little began to be overcome.

However, in our opinion, due to the clumsy and inconsistent theory of the police, this strike represents an opportunity to highlight the weaknesses of the State that utilizes classic strategies of imprisonment and intimidation in order to reduce and eliminate those who will not be domesticated. Along with this, we believe that these operations are closely related to the rise of social movements and their incorporation within the institutions; those who refuse to play the game of democracy can await prison. Because of this, it’s important to address what the significance of these strikes and resulting solidarity in terms of understanding the social movements that have transformed into political parties don’t represent, in any way, an ally, rather they are an apparatus of power with whom we have nothing in common.

Throughout the operations of Pandora and Piñata the State has, as previously mentioned on several occasions, attempted to attack ideas and practices that are radically different than it, as evidenced by the fact that none of the imprisoned friends are accused of concrete actions. What they’ve tried to do is punish a way of living, the option of struggle against the established order and permanent anti-authoritarian activity that, that more-or-less, has influenced many spaces and aspects of the milieu. Therefore, the continuing transition on the path of rupture represents, a small victory that demonstrates that the State can show us its worst face, but it can’t bend us. In this regard, we believe that solidarity with the friends imprisoned must necessarily be the transgressor and on the offensive, breaking away from the discourses of pessimism and victimization. The utilization of all of our creativity, limited only by our anarchic principals, is fundamental in strengthening our solidarity. In the war against domination all actions are necessary.

Finally, we would like to send all our love and strength to our German friends held in prison, accused of robbing a bank there, who are currently facing a difficult trail. We are reminded in each instant of the pride and joy they have shown,  are also ours and the possibility to be your friend.

Today and always an open hand to friends and a clenched fist to the enemy.

Death to the State and long live Anarchy!

Mónica Caballero  S.
Francisco Solar D.
Prisión Villabona – Asturias
2nd of February 2017

in Spanish

Wrexham, Wales: HMP Berwyn sabotaged during construction – Prison structurally unsound

It is important to announce one week before the opening of HMP Berwyn that two of the houseblocks in the prison are structurally unsound due to sabotage in 2015.

After our action in May 2015 where machinery was sabotaged, we knew that to regularly attempt to attack the prison would be impossible due to the prison walls being built around the site. After intensive research, it soon became apparent that we could have a dramatic effect with little effort.

In July 2015, a strong acidic powder was poured into the excavations of the groundfloor slabs of two of the prisons’s houseblocks. This has made two of these buildings structurally unsound – their foundations will eventually crumble and the buildings could collapse over time.

Given that the strength of these slabs has been greatly reduced, intrusive investigations and a full re-build of these houseblocks would be necessary before attempting to cage people in these buildings.

This action is dedicated to every human being that has died in the prison system at the hands of the State.


in German

Vienna, Austria: Poster – Fire into the hearts!

…a small, timeless poster for distributing yourself.

They restrict our free movement on the Earth’s surface by closing the borders. They restrict our free movement in the streets by steadily chasing the cops after us. And after all that we already had to suffer, they even expect us to be friendly and to negotiate with the State quietly for some crumbles?
Fucking Shit! If you have a statesman in front of you, you don’t shake his head, you spit in his face!

Solidarity with all the rebels!
Fire into the hearts!

Genoa, Italy: Telecommunications repeater sabotaged

Ericsson repeater sabotaged in Genoa in solidarity with Greece’s prisoners Pola Roupa and Konstantina Athanasopoulou and the prisoners of operation Scripta Manent. Against the State. Against technology. Against armchair anarchists.

Source: CNA | In Greek

Australia: Paper Chained callout

Paper Chained is a journal of writings and artistic expressions from individuals affected by incarceration. We are currently seeking contributions from prisoners, ex-prisoners and family members of prisoners for our first journal publication.

Please circulate this callout throughout your networks.

If you are currently in prison, have experienced time in prison or have a loved one in prison, we welcome your contributions to this journal! If you know somebody who might be interested in contributing, please pass this information on to them.

Here is an information sheet that can be printed and mailed to prisoners, and here is a poster you are welcome to print and display in your neighbourhood, workplaces, schools and other community hubs.

Details about the journal and how to send in contributions can be found at our website: Running Wild (anarchist collective)

in German

Zagreb, Croatia: 11th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair

The eleventh Balkan Anarchist Bookfair will take place in Zagreb from April 7th to April 9th, 2017. The bookfair will take place in AKC Medika, Pierottijeva 11 (MAP).

Balkan Anarchist Bookfair (BAB) is an annual anarchist event organised each year in a different place on the Balkans. First BAB took place in Ljubljana in 2003. Since then, it has been taking place almost every year in different cities across the Balkans. After Ljubljana in 2003, it was organised in Zagreb (2005), Sofia (2008), Thessaloniki (2009), Zrenjanin (2010), Skopje (2011), Ljubljana (2013), Mostar (2014), Zadar (2015) and in Ioannina (2016). More informations on past bookfairs can be found here.

Participation at the bookfair is open for all anti-authoritarian/anarchist groups, publishers, initiatives, places etc. (not just from the Balkans) so feel free to come and set up your stall or just visit the bookfair to participate in discussions.

As always, we are open for all suggestions and ideas when it comes to discussions. Also, if you have a text or a book you find interesting and you would like to present it or organise a discussion about a similar topic, just give us a shout.

The idea for such a bookfair is not new and it is based on the positive experience of other Anarchist Bookfairs. In many different situations, these bookfairs have proven to be important events and meeting places on both local and international levels.

This is why we need your help – come and support this event with solidarity and participation!

If you are willing to organise a benefit event for the 11th Balkan Anarchist Bookfair, we would appreciate the efforts very much! The money goes to covering tiny bookfair expenses and for helping comrades with traveling expenses.

If you can’t come to the bookfair, you can consider sending some free publications, posters and other materials and we will distribute it for you. Also, you can consider sending books and other publications for sale, we will organise a stall for all of you that can’t come but would like to present your work at the bookfair.Contact us at about details, the address to send stuff to, etc.

You can download the bookfair poster from our web page.

For more information visit

in German

Vienna, Austria: Solidarity with Thunfisch

We are sending greetings of solidarity from Vienna/Austria to Thunfisch, who was arrested on November 21st 2016 in relation to the protests in solidarity with R94 on July 7th. She is beeing held captive since November 29th in the women prison JVA Lichtenberg in Berlin.

On Saturday, 4th of February we gathered in order to show a gesture of solidarity. For this we made a picture with a banner, that says „Free Thun – Love R94 – Hate Cops“.

The action happened relating to an event for anarchist prisoners. It was an evening of information about repression and a party to support anarchists financially, that are having trials at the moment. With the label „Feierabendsoli“ it was already the second event like this for anarchist solidarity. The event also aimed at showing that there are other forms of actions in solidarity than simply visiting a benefit party.
Therefore we used this evening to support our comrade Thunfisch.

We send strength and power of endurance to her and to all our comrades in prison!

Fire to all prisons!
Freedom for all prisoners!

in German

Germany: ‘In Spite Of Their Separation’ – Call for international solidarity and action to defend R94 in Berlin

Defend Rigaer 94 and Kadterschmiede

We are writing to you from the threatened houseproject Rigaer 94 in one of Berlins once notorious squatting neighbourhoods.
Our contexts might be worlds apart or really close but the reality we lived last year bears the prints of the same systematically oppressive system.
In solidarity with all threatened projects, individuals and emancipatory struggles, we would like to better connect our structures and work on a closer link based on support, in our struggles.

Let’s keep walking this path together, but first a short summary of the recent past and our situation.

Last year saw us, the neighbourhood and people around, on the receiving end of much police repression, starting with the declaration by the state that our street and neighbourhood was a danger zone (Gefahrengebiet), giving the police extra search and detain powers and a green light for constant street harassment of anyone fitting their vision of a ‘leftist’, not white or somehow not normative person (this evolved into almost anyone being controlled, no matter how they presented).
This saw a massive rise in police riot vans cruising the streets, meaning constant conflicts for the neighbourhood, and in our efforts to fight for a autonomous and cop free area.
Rigaer 94 was at the centre of these conflicts, as the state and its cops declared it the crux of militant struggle.
This tactic can be seen in the wider context of reactionary imposed controls and intimidation, such as states of emergency and curfews, employed as constant stress factors (and datamining) to those against the aggressive progression of gentrification and public control.

In the beginning of the year, a traffic cop was confronted on the street while trying to give out parking tickets, seven hours later, 500 or more cops were used to raid our house.
Some days later we were raided again, this time after a bag of rubbish was thrown from a window, as cops were going through the nearby house dumpsters (this was a ‘life threatening attack’).
In response to these attacks, we made a call for 1 million euros of damage to the state and its structures to meet any attack on left radical spaces. This was consistently met.
The state was set on trying to destroy our structures and continued to put on pressure, but we never let them get on top of us.
The last attempt by them to crush our spirit was in the summer. A massive police operation was organised to evict the bottom story („Kadterschmiede“ bar and Workshop) of our project. This plan was concocted by the police chief and the interior minister, who then approached the owner for the final ok.
The house was surrounded 24/7 by cops, who fenced off the front entrance and occupied the attic, stairways and yards. They protected private contractors who started a process of clearing and gutting the bottom story and attic. They were then helped by private security to control the coming and going of people from our house. The narrative given to the media was that the bottom story was going to be renovated and rented as housing for refugees. This was of course proven to be a lie and a divisive tactic by the state, who was trying to manipulate the public opinion and crush left struggle with some of its own pitfalls.
This occupation lasted three weeks.

(This is a more detailed text from the time.)

In the summer we saw the occupation of our home and project come to an end from the combination of inspirational street actions and a court process.
The court hearing concluded that the police action was ‘illegal’ and we had some sort of squatters rights to the contested areas of the house. Whether or not this action was ‘legal’ or ‘illegal’ in the eyes of the courts was and is of no concern to us, but in that moment it meant the state had to eat its own laws and go home.
Of course it would not let go so easily, and there has now been an appeal by the house owner to obtain an eviction order. In their legal way.
This court process will happens today,Thursday Febuary 2nd, and we do not expect to ‘win’.
Once the owner has this eviction paper, the earliest they could evict with due notice is two weeks after the court decision.If their first attempt fails they can theoretically try again at anytime in the future with no prior warning.

The solidarity in response to the past attacks on Rigaer 94 was incredibly powerful.
To read everyday of the actions that had happened in the night before, filled us with the strength and fire that we needed to continue this fight. The forms of resistance within the „Day X“concept were as diverse as the people showing it. The streets were full of action, but not only for us, as the struggle against gentrification is international and these and other actions have inspired and been inspired by movements from all over.
This is our strength against the repressive state and its structures – decentralized actions and autonomous organising that the state cannot even come close to keeping watered down and sated.
This is the pressure we can excert on the apparatus of capital and state.

Selforganized spaces such as Kadterschmiede in Rigaer 94 have to be defended!

We want to keep fighting not just for our housing project but for all those threatened by state violence and oppression- all those fighting for living spaces, all those sitting in prisons, all those fighting for their own autonomous futures, all those who are fighting just to live.

All evictions are Day X.
Day X will only bring us together again and strengthen and extend our networks of rebellion.

Day X means Chaos

Teilt unsere Wut!
Every heart is a revolutionary cell.
See you on the streets.


New anarchist infoshop at the Klinika squat in Prague

New Anarchist Infoshop at the Klinika squat in Prague…

is primarily a free place where everyone should feel safe. Because we know that safe area in this world based on exclusion and domination, is only illusion, we want to focus on topics and activities geared towards horizontally structured society.

In infoshop you can find interesting booksmagazines, pamphlets, zines, etc. from various areas. Black Books is for lectures, workshops, screenings, discussions, but also for meetings with people, on the program anyone can participate.

“Anarchist Infoshop” does not mean a closed space only for anarchists, but a place where diversity is welcome. What is definitely not welcome is any manifestations of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, colonialism and other forms of oppression.

Let’s start by imagining the world differently.

opening times:

From January 23rd, Black books infoshop will open 2 times a week.
Open will be on Monday and Thursday from 16 to 21 hours.

in German

[Faslane Peace Camp] Lock-on blockade at UK nuke sub base in Scotland

received February 2nd 2017

No freedom of movement for WMD minions

On 2nd of February, starting 06.30 AM, five anti-nuclear activists blocked the pleasantly busy morning traffic at the south gate of Her Majesty’s Naval Base Clyde (yes, they’re still having this monarchy thing going on) in Faslane, Scotland. South Gate is one of the two main entrances to the base and open under a certain schedule: it doesn’t take all that much to clog up their routines. Base staff did its best to direct the traffic to the North Gate, but soon enough the tailback stretched from the North Gate to a distance of over two miles: we climbed on our caravan roofs and tried to cycle down the line to see the end of the traffic jam, but no chance.

“I can’t believe we still have to protest this shit! It’s a cliché, but true! The struggle against nuke weapons should be as out of fashion as other 80’s monstrosities, but now with the likes of President Trump or Prime Minister Theresa May it seems we’re headed towards a new arms race”, says activist Molly Garfield. “May has stated ‘I think we should defend our country, I think we should play our role in NATO with an independent nuclear deterrent’, so there you go. Nationalism, militarism, WMD’s. Down with all that, I say.”

The lock-on crew was accompanied by three legal supporters and a photographer. The Ministry of Defence police arrived to the scene in some 20 minutes. Around here, the legal supporters are supposed to have the right to snap photos, feed bananas to protestor’s and observe that the cops at least try to behave. This time MoD’s were having a rotten day. PC 470 (they just like to be identified, don’t they?) tried to bully the photographer off by threatening to “smash that camera if you don’t stop taking photos”, while other simply pushed two observers some 20 metres away, well behind a barrier of uniforms.

Not that we would’ve minded much. We were busy being amused by their continuous mishaps. At 07:00 AM, the hobby level cutting team from the base arrived, asking for the suitable camera equipment: only to find out their colleagues couldn’t find any. Next thing you knew was that they’ve managed to get a bolt cutter stuck on somebody’s lock-on, unable to continue. Thus, the traffic jam kept building up and road was nowhere close to get cleared before they managed to bring in the actual cutting team. On their arrival, the photographer was also tossed from the scene and view to locked-on activists blocked with police vehicles.

By 09.20 AM all five activists were arrested and transported to the nearest cop shop. The South Gate was closed for approximately two and a half hours. The action was conducted by hippies from the nearby Faslane Peace Camp: thanks for support, one struggle!

“On times when taking a stand or expressing one’s opinions gets you ridiculed, labelled as a terrorist or lectured how protesting of any sort is futile, do the bloody opposite. Faslane Peace Camp is rolling on to its 35th year, but seemingly the world leaders and arm dealers are not allowing it to retire any time soon. You could imagine that a nuke sub base would a tricky or dangerous location, but this seems more like a sitting duck for anyone up for a little direct action”, Roxy Newton, another activist, emphasises.

The action is the second protest to take place within a short time. Both sparked by the revelation of the Royal Navy misfiring of a Trident II D5 ballistic missile from the HMS Vengeance last June and questions surrounding the cover-up of the test results and general madness of nuke weapons. Activists were also keen to express their solidarity with the Put Down the Sword crew who’ve ably demonstrated that for all the hyperbole espoused by polemic, self-professed Christians, the “Thou Shalt Not Kill” ethos remains the central tenet.

The Faslane Peace Camp is a permanent protest camp dedicated to campaigning and protesting against nuclear weapons and related madness since 1982. The camp, located next to the HMNB Clyde, is celebrating its 35th Anniversary this year, and it’s welcoming all interested individuals to participate the fun and games available. No racism, no homophobia, no sexism: just direct action.

e-mail contact:

in German

Athens: Incendiary attack on the Ministry of Culture

On Saturday night, January 28th 2017, we struck the Ministry of Culture in Exarchia with Molotov cocktails. It was a small symbolic attack to remind all fascists and militarists everywhere that we don’t give a shit about national ideals. We spit on your national emblems, your uniforms, your borders and the graves you make for your slaughters.

War on the war of civilization.

in Greek | Spanish

Bern, Switzerland: Local jail and police van attacked with paint bombs

On Saturday January 21st 2017, we paint-bombed the regional jail in Bern in a complete denial of all prisons. On the way back from our action, a cop van made the mistake of pursuing us and had to retreat after our determined intervention. This action was taken in solidarity with the global action day for trans prisoners and the call for support of the group Revolutionary Struggle in Greece.

Trans Prisoner Day of Action and Solidarity

January 22nd marks the second annual global Trans Prisoner Day of Action and Solidarity. Scrutinizing glances, abomination, isolation, harassment and sexualized violence are double for trans persons in prisons, owing to the physical and emotional restraints of the literal cage that leaves them no way out. This event is organized at worldwide level by trans prisoners and their supporters. It enables those on the outside to remember those behind bars, show solidarity and increase awareness about issues faced by trans prisoners. It also enables those on the inside to raise their voice and organize together.

Action Day in Solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle

A global day of action in solidarity with the prisoners of Revolutionary Struggle was called for January 21st. No matter how strongly the authorities may believe that by imprisoning anarchists they can eliminate the (armed) struggle, they’re wrong. In complete complicity, whether inside or outside prison walls, we stand for a world free of domination. In doing so, we do not hope for leftist parties such as Syriza, that’s only interested in social pacification, and has yet again revealed its true face through the arrest of Pola Roupa and her son, as well as with its treatment of anarchist prisoners.

Solidarity with all anarchists and other political prisoners, who’ve been kidnapped and incarcerated.

in German | Greek

Exarchia: Banner drop at Themistokleous 58 Squat in solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle

On January 5th 2017, worms of the antiterrorist unit arrested the anarchist fighters and Revolutionary Struggle members Pola Roupa and Konstantina Athanasopoulou. That same day, the six year old son of Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis was captured and placed in a psychiatric ward. In response to attempts to cut the child off from his revolutionary parents, the three members of Revolutionary Struggle Roupa, Maziotis and Athanasopoulou undertook a hunger and thirst strike, forcing the prosecutorial authorities to hand over the boy to his grandmother, pending a decision on the final custody.

On Sunday January 22nd 2017, we dropped a banner from the squat that reads “Long Live Revolutionary Struggle” in Farsi, English and Greek. With this small internationalist gesture, we send strength to the unrepentant members of Revolutionary Struggle, and we declare that we stand with those who arm themselves to strike blows against persons and structures that make up the State/Capital and domination.

From Athens to Tehran, all statist snitches need killing.

Themistokleous 58 Squat

Athens: Incendiary solidarity with the comrades in the U.S.

On Thursday January 26th 2017 at 10pm we attacked with molotov cocktails against the MAT anti-riot forces that guard the offices of PASOK in Harilaou Trikoupi St., in Exarchia.

This action is in solidarity with the hundreds of comrades arrested in Washington D.C. and across the U.S. during the combative manifestations against the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20th.

Strength to the IWW member who got shot the same day by a fascist in Seattle.

We stand with all those who fight relentlessly against Power. Wherever we are, using whatever means necessary, let’s attack the system of domination.

Fire to the borders, cops and prisons!

Suga Kanno Anarchist Cell

A prison-solidarity-tour through Germany and Switzerland

tour poster

Biel (1)

Biel (2)

Biel (3)




In November and December of 2016, we – a group of anarchist street musicians – played concerts in front of prisons in Switzerland and Germany. We wanted to let at least some prisoners feel that they’re not forgotten. We wanted to bring down the isolation for some moments and send our messages beyond those barbed fire fences and iron bars.

After all, we played 15 shows in front of 14 different prisons accompanied by benefit gigs at various places. The reactions we got from inside were – if existing at all – quite different. Sometimes, our songs were immediately answered with cheers and e.g. antifa chants while at 9 shows, we didn’t receive any direct response from the other side so we couldn’t be sure if people could hear us. But for two of these concerts, we later heard about reports from prisoners who were actually able to hear us, the acoustic of the prisons just didn’t allow reactions to find their way to the outside (one of them described the reaction from the inside as a “little uprising” as the majority of the prisoners were shouting, making noises with bars etc, leaving the wardens pretty unsettled).

Always when we noticed or heard about any of these reactions, this left us quite touched and gave us some sort of confidence that what we were doing was something important and made perfect sense. It is something that can mean a lot to people and that takes only a low amount of effort. We hope this idea will spread as a form of solidarity and inspire more people to fill prisons with live music (or other noisy things) in the future – not only on New Year’s Eve.

At this point, we also want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone that supported us along the way. To the people that borrowed us equipment, that set up sound systems, that let us sleep on their couches, that organized benefit gigs, that gave us money, that came to the prison concerts, that broadcasted one of our shows live on the radio letting prisoners know about it in advance (how cool is that?!), that mobilized to the prison concerts in their hometown, that dealt with cops when it became necessary, that cooked for us, that helped us printing zines and mobilization material and of course a really, really big thank you to the person whose truck we could use for five weeks. You are awesome, all of you!

Freedom for all prisoners!

Fire to all prisons!

Write letters!

contact: prisontour [ät] riseup [dot] net (this won’t have been the last prison tour, that’s for sure :))

in German

Leuven, Belgium: Solidarity with the accused in Aachen

received via email

In Leuven, Belgium, in the cold night of January 17th, 50 parking meters were covered in paint and the locks of multiple banks were glued. On one of the banks (and in other places of the city) the text was sprayed: “Solidarity with the accused in Aachen! (A)”.

A small deed of resistance.. to show that the accused are not alone.

Against the banks and their world!

in Dutch, German, Greek

Aachen: An evening in solidarity with those accused of bank robberies in Aachen/Germany

Spit in the face of repression- an evening in solidarity with those accused of bank robberies in Aachen/Germany

Faced with an apparatus of repression that is developing ever more suffocating forms within a context of on-going technocratic and scientific mania, it is easy to fall into a state of inertia.

The aim of this repression, achieved through permanent technological armament, the development of research and studies in the field of DNA and video analysis, and the accumulation and evaluation of data of any sort, is to impose itself on us as undefeatable and inevitable.

We are led to believe it is impossible to avoid the total surveillance, acquisition, and storage of data. To counter and overcome this fallacy of total control, we must approach the situations in which we struggle with continued analysis and reflection. We have to seek and share ways to meet these developments on battlegrounds of attack, solidarity and self-organization.

We are facing questions that have already been the focus of anarchist analysis for a long time and which haven’t lost (and probably never will lose) their relevance – questions concerning expropriation, repression and solidarity.

On Saturday, 11th of February 2017 at 7pm, we invite you to come to Infoladen Aachen in Bismarcksraße 37. We would like to share experiences and thoughts with each other regarding the questions raised above, questions that have been brought into focus by the recent repressive blows against anarchist comrades who are accused of bank robberies in Aachen and who are currently facing trial.

More info about the cases and solidarity initiatives:,,

Athens: ATM of Piraeus Bank sabotaged

On Thursday night January 12th 2017 we smashed and burned an ATM of Piraeus Bank in Canningos Square. Also this year, our gifts to the status quo are hammerings and flames. We don’t forget those who are in prison cells.

Chaotic youth

in Spanish

Athens: Reportback from demonstration in Exarchia (January 14th)

(flyer from the demo:) “Alerta antipatriota / We do not forget Shahzad Luqman / The only language I’ve learned well: to fight with rage for freedom / Neither natives nor foreigners; fatherlandless & rebels”

On Saturday evening, January 14th 2017, some fifty people participated in the demonstration on the streets of Exarhia called by the anarchist squat Themistokleous 58 on the occasion of completion of one year of the project. The demonstration’s banner read “Resistance, Revolt, Freedom” in English and Farsi, and another banner was dropped from the squat in memory of Shahzad Luqman, murdered by Nazis in Ano Petralona in January 2013: “We do not forget Shahzad Luqman – Bash the fash.” During the action, we handed out leaflets in Greek and English, threw flyers, and shouted many slogans in Farsi, Arabic, English, French and Greek.

We thank all those who attended the demonstration in Exarchia. We also send solidarity greetings to individuals, groups and communities inside and outside walls and borders that continue to fight by all available means against Power. We remind that on Saturday evening, January 21st, we’re having a solidarity party at the 58 to support our project financially. Proceeds will cover operational needs of the squat and future actions.

Themistokleous 58 Squat

in German, Italian, Portuguese

More »

[Greece] January 21st 2017: Action Day in solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle

The poster reads:

“I am a revolutionary, and I have nothing to apologize for.

Terrorists, criminals, robbers are those who compose the economic and political life; the institutions and governments that, through the memoranda, are waging the most violent, the most heinous attack on the social base in the name of a “way out of the crisis.” Terrorist, criminal, robber is the State and Capital; those whom I fight committed with all my soul to armed struggle, to Revolutionary Struggle; those whom my organization has targeted all these years of our activity.

(…) when the economic and political establishment attacks the social majority in the most merciless way, armed struggle for social revolution is a duty and obligation; because that’s where hope lies and nowhere else. The only hope for a definitive way out of the systemic crisis we are living in this historical period, for a definitive way out of every crisis. It is the only hope towards overturning capitalism, the system that gives birth to crises; the only hope towards overturning the State and Capital.

It is the only hope for an armed counterattack of the social base against a system that crushes them.

It is the only hope towards overthrowing the State and Capital; for Social Revolution.

For a society of economic equality and political freedom for all.”

Pola Roupa

“I am an anarchist, member of the armed revolutionary organization Revolutionary Struggle. The only terrorists are the State and the Capital.”

Konstantina Athanasopoulou

Demonstration in solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle members

Saturday January 21st 2017 at 12:00 in Monastiraki (downtown Athens)




Solidarity Assembly (Athens)

Full text of callout in Greek

in German, Italian, Portuguese

[US prisons] Sean Swain on hunger strike since December 26th

via (January 12th 2017)

We received word recently from a friend of Sean’s that Sean is currently on hunger strike and has been placed in a suicide cell.

Although details are still murky, we know that Sean has been without food since December 26th 2016. He was charged with extortion of a deputy warden and had begun a disciplinary process when he began his hunger strike and was placed in a suicide cell.

We know that the prison is recognizing his hunger strike and following the associated procedures, which include taking him to the medical unit every day and weighing him and taking his vital signs. It is unclear whether they are attempting to negotiate with him in any way.

Please take a moment to write a letter of encouragement to Sean:

Sean Swain #243-205
Warren CI, P.O. Box 120, 5787 State Route 63
Lebanon, Ohio 45036 [USA]

in Greek, German, Italian, French, Portuguese