Economic Update: Capitalism and Democracy


On this week's Economic Update: updates on Puerto Rico, slave labor in the cocoa fields, worsening UK inequality, leaders imposing austerity on others, Canada's Girl Guides among tourists to shun US...


Sweet Dreams, Mr. Ryan


“I’ve been dreaming of this since I’ve been...drinking out of kegs.” This statement was brought to you by House Speaker Paul Ryan at a National Review conference. The reverie Mr. Ryan has been musing since his youthful fraternity days at Miami University has been to dismantle healthcare for millions of those who rely on programs such as Medicaid, Medicare, and now it’s recent expansion under the Affordable Care Act.

But it seems that Mr. Ryan isn’t the only dreamer. Under the new Trump regime the GOP may well come closer to realizing this morbid dream.


Planting Socialist Seeds in West Bank Soil


Residents of the West Bank village of Kafr Ein have established a modest olive oil cooperative to solve immediate economic problems.


Economic Update: US Housing Crisis


On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on FED and interest rates, new US and China inequality data, BLS on wage stagnation...


Il fenomeno del populismo di destra: Intervista con Bill Fletcher Jr.

This article by Natascha Uhlmann was originally published in English. Questo articolo di Natascha Uhlmann è stato originariamente pubblicato in inglese.

Bill Fletcher Jr è stato un’attivista politico sin dagli anni dell’adolescenza...


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When: Apr 02, 2017 02:30—05:30PM

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