

Political Research Associates. Social Justice Think Tank since 1981. Publishers of The Public Eye magazine

Придружио/ла се март 2009.


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  1. Закачен твит
    18. дец 2018.
  2. пре 15 сати

    "This is a time for building our power. Now is the time to be vigilant. To love each other and support each other and to keep each other safe in turbulent times." -

  3. пре 15 сати

    Don't be fooled by the "feminists" getting cozy with the Right to sink the , warn 's Rev. Elena Rose Vera and PRA's .

  4. 25. мар

    A must-read by for on the Christianization of U.S. Foreign Policy:

  5. је ретвитовао/ла
    25. мар

    How Trump’s Golan Heights announcement and Pompeo calling him a new “Esther” capped off a week showcasing the administration’s favored relationship with U.S. evangelicals. New story with thanks to ed

  6. 19. мар

    "The question of saving our democracy and the question of winning a just, inclusive, multi-racial democracy are basically the same question. They have always been the same question and are so now more than ever."

  7. је ретвитовао/ла
    19. мар

    Ok, so why is it significant that Bolsonaro mentioned "gender ideology" at the presser with Trump? "Gender ideology" is a Right-wing conspiracy, a catch-all dog whistle that encompasses everything that threatens the so-called "traditional family."

    Прикажи овај низ
  8. је ретвитовао/ла
    8. мар

    By inviting Julia Beck to testify as a witness on the reauthorization the Violence Against Women Act, congressional Republicans committed violence against transgender people, writes .

  9. је ретвитовао/ла
    28. феб

    I wrote this for . It was hard to write a deep dive in such a rapidly changing environment, but I hope I conveyed well who the Proud Boys really are and who they really serve.

    Прикажи овај низ
  10. 28. феб

    "The Proud Boys: A Republican Party Street Gang"

  11. је ретвитовао/ла
    28. феб

    The Proud Boys: A Republican Party Street Gang via

  12. је ретвитовао/ла
    16. феб

    Check it out! My first featured article in , on how New Atheism aligned itself with the alt-right.

  13. је ретвитовао/ла
    13. феб
    Одговор за корисника и

    In this interview I say that beyond the moral hypocrisy & the betrayal of trust at the heart of the sex abuses scandals, the failure of SBC leaders to act on their knowledge of the problem & sometimes to enable sex abuse, smacks of a criminal enterprise.

  14. 14. феб

    "What’s the Matter with Secularism?: How New Atheism Feeds the Right"

  15. 7. феб
  16. 30. јан
  17. 28. јан

    PRA is proud to be a host site for 's social justice internship program. Learn more about RRASC and apply here:

  18. је ретвитовао/ла
    17. јан

    Christian nationalism is a driving force behind Trump's border wall & gov't shutdown. Also promotes "religious freedom" as defense of bigotry. But that's not what

  19. је ретвитовао/ла
    16. јан

    published my review of 's book "Pure". After reading this book I am even more overwhelmed by the physical & emotional danger Evangelical purity culture has put young people in, especially women.

  20. је ретвитовао/ла
    16. јан

    Today is 'Religious Freedom Day'. Does that include Freedom FROM religion? joins me to discuss. Plus checks in from the UK to give us the latest on Brexit. 3pm ET at ; 6ET on network

  21. 16. јан

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