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Political Research Associates. Social Justice Think Tank since 1981. Publishers of The Public Eye magazine
P.R.A. 15h
From the New Right to Neoliberalism: the Threat to Democracy Has Grown
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P.R.A. Mar 27
“Faith-Washing” Right-Wing Economics: How the Right is Marketing Medicare’s Demise
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Laura Flanders Mar 26
Hey! did a fab job w this week's podcast. Features
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CLPP Mar 26
Religious Freedom is a Progressive Value Frederick Clarkson of sponsor is speaking at conf!
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P.R.A. Mar 20
This week's will look at the Right's attack in people. Follow along all week!
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Peacock Panache Mar 17
A Major New Study Shows That Political Polarization Is Mainly A Right-Wing Phenomenon
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P.R.A. Mar 17
Check out fantastic resources on de-escalating ethnoviolence and bigotry
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P.R.A. Mar 16
Everything old is new again: AntiSemitism on the Internet via ft
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Still Too Female Mar 14
This by is a super read on this topic: Mobilizing Misogyny via
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P.R.A. Mar 14
How did we get to Muslim Bans and Mosque burnings? Today's reading explores:
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P.R.A. Mar 13
From : Right's strategy invoking LGBTQ rights as just cause for anti-Muslim policies
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Christopher Stroop Mar 9
A related in-depth policy article, focusing on Russian influence in Europe ahead of crucial elections, will be out with soon.
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Sarah Jaffe Mar 13
These are all so good, glad is bumping so many of them. This interview in particular is necessary right now.
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P.R.A. Mar 13
ICYMI has a fantastic new piece, Mobilizing Misogyny, out. Want more content like this?
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P.R.A. Mar 13
To counter ethnoviolence, we have to move beyond a hate frame.
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Salty Woman Mar 10
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P.R.A. Mar 13
This week's will look at ethnoviolence and push us to move beyond a hate frame. Follow along all week!
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LightBox Collab Mar 9
Wanna fight the alt-right full time? is hiring Communications Director, Research & Editorial Director
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drmaggiesa Mar 9
This is important. Stay awake. 👉🏼Dominionism Rising: A Theocratic Movement Hiding in Plain Sight via
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P.R.A. Mar 10
This piece from 2014 on how neoliberal feminists ignore class con't to resonate today
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