
We can end police violence in america


We can end police violence in america

We can live in a world where the police don't kill people
by limiting police interventions, improving community interactions, and ensuring accountability.

Click The Categories Below for policy Solutions (download this graphic)

*This site will be updated continuously in response to the ideas and insights of activists, organizers and concerned citizens nationwide. Click here to propose a new policy solution to add to the site.

Scroll down to learn about Campaign ZERO


The Campaign

The Campaign

It will take deliberate action by state and local policymakers to resist this administration and protect our communities from harm.

President Trump's administration plans to use the power of the federal government to escalate police violence and incarceration in our communities. It is essential that state and local governments step up to protect communities from harm and continue making progress towards equity and justice.

Here are the URGENT actions state and local officials should take:


Take Action

Take Action

Under sustained pressure, elected officials have begun to enact legislation to address police violence

Yet, despite this progress, more comprehensive action is needed. Use the tools below to track legislation impacting your community and hold your representatives accountable for taking meaningful action to end police violence. This page will be continuously updated. Email feedback@joincampaignzero.org to share your feedback. Last updated 2.13.17

Track Progress of Legislation

Federal, State, and Local Legislation Addressing Police Violence

  • At least 88 laws have been enacted in the past two years to address police violence
  • New legislation has been enacted in 30 states since 2014
  • 6 states (CA, CO, CT, IL, MD, UT) have enacted legislation addressing three or more Campaign Zero policy categories
  • At least 46 bills are currently being considered in 17 states to address police violence.
  • Executive action has been taken at the federal level as well as legislation
  • Local ordinances have been passed in many of America's largest cities

Demand Action from Your Representatives

Find Your Representatives, See where they stand, demand action TO END POLICE VIOLENCE

*For this analysis, legislation was reviewed in every state, the federal government, and a range of major cities to identify laws that have been enacted or are currently being considered that include one or more Campaign Zero recommendations. In addition to their positive aspects, some of these bills also include language that should be removed, improved, and/or replaced to more effectively address police violence and ensure accountability. The purpose of this analysis is not to endorse particular pieces of legislation, but to empower communities to hold their representatives accountable for taking action to end police violence.
*The advocacy tool includes bills that are currently being considered and bills that have been voted on by a state's full house (lower) or senate (upper) chamber where vote roll call information is available at OpenStates.org. More bills will be added as they are introduced by legislators.