Booktopia ready for the Amazon attack

"You can focus on the negative or you can focus on the opportunity – we just focus on the opportunity," says Booktopia ...
"You can focus on the negative or you can focus on the opportunity – we just focus on the opportunity," says Booktopia CEO Tony Nash. Julian Andrews

My mother, a librarian for almost 40 years, would be horrified.

At Booktopia's warehouse in Sydney's Lidcombe, a coffee-table book on Islamic art and architecture is stacked against a pile of manga cartoon books, a Thomas the Tank Engine picture book and a Paullina​ Simons romantic novel.

There's no place for the Dewey decimal system in Australia's $500 million online book industry. Rather, powerful algorithms calculate future demand and books are stocked accordingly – the fastest sellers closest to the conveyor belts that loop around the warehouse, the slow movers on 10 metre-high shelves accessible only by forklift.

"It's all about speed to market," says Booktopia chief executive Tony Nash. "The fastest we can get it out to the customer the more we get to compete against Amazon."

Conveyor belts cut the number of kilometres walked by warehouse staff from 14 to 1.5 a day.
Conveyor belts cut the number of kilometres walked by warehouse staff from 14 to 1.5 a day. Julian Andrews

Float abandoned

Nash is getting on with business after abandoning a $100 million float late last year because investors were spooked about the impact on Booktopia of Amazon's impending expansion in Australia.

"They just couldn't understand the Amazon issue, the uncertainty of it," Nash told AFR Weekend.

"They're just not used to investing in an environment where Amazon is around. The truth is, in the UK and the US there are plenty of companies flourishing with Amazon around."

While most Australian retailers are facing up for the first time to the possibility of Amazon launching its full-service offer in the next year or two, Booktopia has been competing with Amazon since Nash, a former computer programmer and IT industry recruiter, started selling books online 13 books ago.

Booktopia cut book delivery times by one or two days after moving to an automated warehouse in Lidcombe.
Booktopia cut book delivery times by one or two days after moving to an automated warehouse in Lidcombe. Julian Andrews

Nash and his sister, brother and brother-in-law had an internet marketing business and were doing search engine optimisation for now defunct bookseller Angus & Robertson when they started selling books online for other bookstores.

"It took me three days to sell my first book," recalls Nash. "There was no plan to start a bookshop. It just kept getting bigger and bigger."

By the end of the first year they were selling $100,000 books a month, by year two orders had reached $200,000 a month. After three years they set up their own website and moved to a 500-square metre warehouse in Artarmon. Two years later they moved again, to a 2000-square metre warehouse in Lane Cove.

By 2014, sales had reached about $40 million, forcing Booktopia to move to a 13,000-square metre automated warehouse and head office in Lidcombe. The move helped cut delivery times by one or two days and the introduction of conveyor belts cut the number of kilometres walked by warehouse staff from 14 to 1.5 a day. The entire $4.5 million investment was funded from cash flows.

Independent growth

This year sales are forecast to reach $101.5 million, up from $80 million in 2016 and $52 million in 2015, when Booktopia acquired its largest rival, Bookworld, the online retail arm of publishing house Penguin Random House. Booktopia now ships about 4 million books a year – one item every eight seconds – and holds 700,000 units and 130,000 titles in stock.

Booktopia has achieved this growth without external investment and despite the growing presence of Amazon and its UK subsidiary Book Depository.

Australian consumers currently spend $150 million buying books from Amazon's overseas sites and another $100 million from Book Depository, giving the group just over 10 per cent of the $2.4 billion Australian book market and half of all online book sales.

According to Hitwise, which uses a panel of 1 million Australian consumers to analyse online shopping behaviour, Amazon claimed 18 per cent of online book traffic in the week ending March 18, Book Depository about 15 per cent and Booktopia about 9 per cent.

Book Depository set up a third party logistics operation in Melbourne in 2015 and Nash believes Amazon is already establishing fulfilment centres in Sydney and Melbourne and speaking to major logistics companies such as Toll and Australia Post about distribution ahead of a wider rollout of its retail offer.

"Even if Amazon took 60 per cent of the Australian book market which is a $2.4 billion market there's still $1 billion left for everybody else," Nash says.

"You can focus on the negative or you can focus on the opportunity – we just focus on the opportunity."

Romance of print

Nash believes Booktopia can beat Amazon and the Book Depository at their own game by not only delivering books faster – most books in stock ordered before 10am are dispatched the same day and delivered the following day – but offering superior customer service and giving customers what they want, even if it is romance novels shunned by most bricks and mortar bookstores.

Booktopia's internal call centre operates from 7am to 8pm and, unlike Amazon, it lists its phone number on its website so customers can ring up to resolve a problem or ask for recommendations from staff, many of whom have worked in physical bookstores.

Nash says he might have another go at raising capital once investors can see what impact Amazon has on the book market after it sets up local distribution centres.

"I'd prefer now to bring in an investor," he said, "either a high-net-worth individual or private equity who can see what we are doing, someone who likes the idea of disruption and can see there's going to be a changing of the guard and that Booktopia is well positioned to be one of the key players in our industry."