Banks exiting wealth risk losing 10 years of growth, says BTFG

Brad Cooper, CEO of BT Financial Group, and John Shuttleworth, head of platforms. Westpac is sticking by its wealth arm, ...
Brad Cooper, CEO of BT Financial Group, and John Shuttleworth, head of platforms. Westpac is sticking by its wealth arm, as other institutions abandon theirs. Daniel Munoz

The head of Westpac wealth arm BT Financial Group says banks that abandon the wealth sector could miss a "whole decade of growth", and has outlined plans to grab a bigger share of the burgeoning $2.2 trillion superannuation sector.

However, BTFG chief executive Brad Cooper said the group would drop outdated cross-selling tactics in its wealth push and instead focus on keeping customers within the digital "ecosystem" it has spent more than five years and $630 million to build.

He conceded that the wealth sector – including superannuation, insurance, investment and financial advice – was in a "transitional" phase, with millions of dollars being spent to address regulatory changes on all fronts. While he predicted this phase had at least two years to run, and would further weigh on profit margins, he said it would be a mistake for banks to hit the eject button.

"Organisations like ours that are well positioned with scale and well prepared to make those investments will work through this transition, and then be able to participate in the obvious growth that there is at the end, he said.

"If you're not in those investments, I think you're going to miss out on that whole decade of growth."

Mr Cooper said the $44 billion Australians spent   on insurance premiums was set to rise because of the chronic levels of underinsurance and an ageing population that would need coverage. Funds in superannuation would also grow exponentially thanks to the rise of the superannuation guarantee to 12 per cent, and the system was expected to be worth $9 trillion by 2035.

BTFG reported a 16 per cent increase in its life insurance premiums compared with 9 per cent last year and Mr Cooper said there was room for the wealth manager to pick up more customers across its product suite.

"You don't have to sell to a customer, because most of them already have these products. They just have them with somebody else, so what conversation do you have to have for them to move it from their current provider over to us?"

He said some of BTFG's competitors had "actively chosen" to withdraw from the market because they did not want to "step up to the investment that is required" or did not have the scale or product capability.

"But if you want to grow in financial services you really need to be in banking and wealth, to the extent to which you can meet the needs of an ageing demographic," he said.

Low penetration of products

"If you're just in banking, the 50-plus-year-olds have finished buying homes and are much more interested in retirement and healthcare and life insurance."

But Mr Cooper was forced to defend the relatively low penetration of BT products amongst Westpac customers – just 3.3 per cent of Westpac customers hold a personal super product, and 1.2 per cent hold managed investments. Overall, 18.5 per cent of Westpac customers hold at least one BTFG product. 

"I think you've got to treat this as the base case," Mr Cooper said.

To underpin its wealth push, Westpac has so far ploughed $630 million into its Panorama technology platform.

Panorama is an integrated banking and wealth operating system, which the bank hopes will provide technological foundations for the next two decades and help it fend off competition from Macquarie and emerging fintechs.

At Thursday's briefing, John Shuttleworth, BTFG general manager platforms and investments, told analysts the company would merge 12 of its superannuation funds into one and streamline its 50 wealth products down to three.

In the same update, Westpac chief executive Brian Hartzer pitched the group's ability to "integrate" customers across its banking and wealth offerings.

"The wealth business is a strategic priority for the Westpac group. It is a high-growth business, has underlying good returns and our starting position is strong. We also have a very valuable brand and a strong customer franchise," he said.

These comments come as ANZ continues to search for a buyer for its wealth arm, Suncorp mulls selling its insurance business and AMP's life insurance division drags down otherwise good results from its successful AMP Capital business.

National Australia Bank sold off 80 per cent of its life insurance business to Nippon Life Insurance Company in 2015.

Moving away from cross-selling

Mr Cooper said organisations not using analytics and other tools of digitisation to offer customers the right product at the right time could spell trouble for their wealth arms.

"We are moving away from cross-selling to a discussion and how you fully integrate and engage with those customers through a natural extension of relationship, rather than a bland transactional cross-sell – everyone has proven that that doesn't work," he said.

"It's not about selling, they already have it. It's about encouraging them to move it to us, and what are the roadblocks and how do we clear them, that is about price, product and confidence."

Mr Cooper said BTFG still faced a number of short-term headwinds.

Like other financial institutions it has had to grapple with regulatory changes covering superannuation, life insurance and financial advice, which led the group to spend $61 million in 2016 and $38 million in 2015.

"The regulatory scrutiny has been intense on our workforce, and were not through it yet," he said.

"It has had significant cost and been a significant distraction for product people that would normally be understanding customers and building better products."

BTFG has also been grappling with a dip in the number of banking customers who have a wealth product, but Mr Cooper is confident that its digital strategy will stem this.

"We've had a material increase in the number of our customers who have a wealth product with us, but that has plateaued at about 18 per cent because we have typically relied upon the physical distribution of the branches," Mr Cooper said.

"We are are going to have to do a lot better in digital to get that next stage of growth."