Tag Archives: Santiago

Chile, Santiago: Barricades outside of Liceo de Aplicacion

from contrainfo, transl. waronsociety: On Monday April 27, at 8 in the morning, encapuchadxs erected barricades and attacked the police outside of Liceo de Aplicación (a public high school) in solidarity with all anarchist prisoners held hostage in the prisons … Continue reading

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Chile: Claim for the burning of a transantiago bus, in the early hours of April 7th

from contrainfo, transl. waronsociety:  Because we act in consequence with the contempt we feel towards civilization and all of its machinery. In the early hours of April 7, we activated an incendiary device which resulted in the complete torching of … Continue reading

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Santiago, Chile: Confrontations, street blockades, and incendiary attacks in memory of compañero Sebastian Oversluij, Angry PHOTOS

from contrainformate, transl. waronsociety: During December 2014, several expressions of confrontation were found again in the street seeking to keep the insurrectionary memory of anarchist compañero Sebastian Oversluij slain during a bank appropriation the past December 13th alive. Already since … Continue reading

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Santiago, Chile: Street blockade in solidarity with Taco the polar bear

from contrainformate, transl. waronsociety: Street blockade for Taco the polar bear. In order to speak out about the situation suffered by Taco the polar bear at the Santiago metropolitan zoo, we demand the release of the polar bear. Blockade carried … Continue reading

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Chile, Santiago: From Chile to Spain Insurrectionary Solidarity

from 325, transl. waronsociety: A banner is a banner…but it is more than a piece of paper when it is marked with a form of seeing and understanding permanent multiform conflict. It is a minimal gesture of response, a complicit … Continue reading

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Santiago, Chile: Explosive device against women’s prison is moved by a worker

from 325, transl. waronsociety: At 7:10 AM, a worker found a bag in good condition on the side of the Women’s prison and the metropolitan address of the Gendarmeria and decided to bring it to the construction site where he … Continue reading

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Santiago, Chile: Incendiary attack against the Homicide Brigade of the Investigative Police station

from 325, transl. waronsociety: On November 24, 2014 around 1:30 AM some encapuchadxs covered in white overalls stealthily approached the doors of the Homicide Brigade of the Investigative Police (PDI) located on Condell street a few blocks away from the … Continue reading

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Santiago, Chile: Incendiary attack against PDI precinct (corrected)

from contrainfo: Incendiary Attack Against PDI Precinct in Solidarity with the Prisoners of Mexico, Greece, and the Whole World In order to act in solidarity with the prisoners, on October 29 of this year we departed from the Academic University … Continue reading

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Chile: Claim for the coordinated attack on the 39° Bosque and 1° police stations in Santiago

from contrainformate transl. waronsociety: On August 11 we carried out an attack on the 39°  Bosque and 1° police stations in Santiago. We wanted to show that it is possible to hit the police right in the nose. It ended … Continue reading

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Chile, Santiago: Barricades and attacks against the forces of order at Macul cordon

from contrainfo transl. waronsociety: Against the repressive kidnapping, in defense of our convictions. On Wednesday August 20th, our anti-authoritarian feelings materialized in a new gathering of anarchist violence, agitation in solidarity, and attack against the repressive forces at Grecia Ave, … Continue reading

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Chile, Santiago: Claim and clarification of the latest incendiary/explosive attacks

from rebelliondelaspalabras, transl. waronsociety: July 21, 2014 Revolutionary Cell Felice Orsini FAI/IRF “It is important to stress that the intensification of the autonomous and violent action of the minority guerrillas is driven by the objective of expanding consciously insurrectionary situations … Continue reading

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Chile: Incendiary actions in Santiago and Viña del Mar

From contrainfo, transl. waronsociety: Organized beforehand and with clear minds; in the early hours of July 23, 2014, we attacked, splattered with accelerant, and lit 5 automobiles. In Ñuñoa at Los Jardines st, at approximately 12:45, a luxurious Volkswagen truck, … Continue reading

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Chile, Santiago: Claim for the incendiary attack against the police cooperative on July 1st

from contrainfo, translated waronsociety: CORRECTION: According to the media of disinformation, the device was a noise bomb, which is false as the placed “present” was an incendiary bomb, a combination of a combustible with a chemical activator which triggered the … Continue reading

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Santiago, Chile: Explosive attack on the Lo Prado 44 police station

from instintosalvaje, translated waronsociety: During the early morning of July 11, 2014 anonymous individuals placed an explosive device in one of the many police dens which crowd the city. This time the Lo Prado 44 station on N°5829 San Pablo was … Continue reading

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