Tag Archives: Mauricio Morales

Santiago, Chile: Incendiary solidarity and memorial action outside UACH

reposted from insurrectionnews: “It is time to act in everyday life for the destruction of the prison society and against any social attempt to reform this disgusting system of death. Solidarity should never be an empty slogan, but a daily … Continue reading

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Santiago, Chile: Confrontations, street blockades, and incendiary attacks in memory of compañero Sebastian Oversluij, Angry PHOTOS

from contrainformate, transl. waronsociety: During December 2014, several expressions of confrontation were found again in the street seeking to keep the insurrectionary memory of anarchist compañero Sebastian Oversluij slain during a bank appropriation the past December 13th alive. Already since … Continue reading

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Chile: Incendiary actions in Santiago and Viña del Mar

From contrainfo, transl. waronsociety: Organized beforehand and with clear minds; in the early hours of July 23, 2014, we attacked, splattered with accelerant, and lit 5 automobiles. In Ñuñoa at Los Jardines st, at approximately 12:45, a luxurious Volkswagen truck, … Continue reading

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Chile: If we risk our lives, it is because we know this is the only way we can make them our own

From contrainfo, translated by waronsociety: According to the press, ten explosive and incendiary devices were placed during the last two weeks of May. We write to admit agency for one of these. For security reasons we will not indicate whichone … Continue reading

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Chile: Attacks in memory of Mauricio Morales in Santiago

from instintosalvaje, translated by wos: “This is why we call our anarchist compañerxs to abandon immobility, we make a call to coordination between affinities to carry out actions of every kind, to abandon the side of that spontaneity that leaves … Continue reading

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Chile: Explosive attack on gendarmeria precinct in Santiago

from instintosalvaje: During the morning of June 5th, unknown persons placed an explosive device, which according to the press was made of a TNT charge. The windows and part of the armored door were destroyed at the Centro de Reinserción … Continue reading

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Chile, Santiago: We found out that anarchy lives!

from contrainfo, transl. waronsociety: In the early hours of Friday the 23rd of May, at approximately 12:30 am, we carried out a traffic blockade on the South Access, the highway that connects the city of Santiago with the south section … Continue reading

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Spain: Writing of compañero Francisco Solar Dominguez 5 years after the death of combative anarchist Mauricio Morales

from refractario, transl. wos: Still breathing the teargas in the streets of Valparaiso, after the protests that surrounded the presidential discourse of that year. The already burnt-out tires signaled the end of a day of fighting, which would return with … Continue reading

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Mexico: Words from Mario Lopez, El Tripa, for Mauricio

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety: Make your bonfire, and we will sing for you there. Remember the days long ago when we were all one. The coyote medicine is your strength. The spirits of the earth are strong and are … Continue reading

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Mexico: Explosive attack on science and the police

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety: Two actions. An explosive attack on science and an incendiary attack on the police… We are not going to resign ourselves to sabotage, black powder and gasoline. Do not be taken by surprise by terrorism … Continue reading

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[en/fr/es/it/srp] Neither Oblivion Nor Ceremony – Against the Cult of the Carrion

we receive and publish / recibimos y publicamos: (eng) Here is a text that we send to a few international anarchist websites and places in five languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian and Serbo-Croatian), for publication, printing and mostly for opening … Continue reading

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Mauricio Morales – ‘Rayén and the spirit of the river’

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Sergio Maria Stefani – ‘To End with the Cult of the Carrion’

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety: Four years ago Mauri died, while the trajectory of struggle he chose would continue without vacillation. To the lightning of the explosion, which unfortunately struck him instead of the enemies for whom it was reserved, … Continue reading

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Nicola Gai – ‘For a single hour of furious anarchy’

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety: The lightning which four years ago lit up the night of the Chilean capitol and which kept Mauri from carrying out his action made evident to all of us the beauty and strength there is … Continue reading

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