Tag Archives: Marco Camenisch

Poster – Solidarity with Marco Camenisch

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“All About Nothing” – Marco Camenisch on the case against Stefano Gabriele Fosco and Elisa di Bernardo

from materialanarquista, transl waronsociety: From the 27 pages of “justifications” from the 10/30/2012 “review” in Milan which Elisa and Stefano recently received for remaining in preventive prison. I copy and disseminate excerpts and comments from these justifications which I have … Continue reading

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Three letters of advice for saboteurs from Marco Camenisch

Greetings and advice from Marco Camenish to the compañerxs of chile in relation to Mauri’s death. from liberaciontotal, transl. by waronsociety: Dear compañerxs, I implore you to send these greetings and this simple but perhaps important advice to the compas … Continue reading

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“When the Fire of Anarchy Nourishes Our Hearts” – Letter from Tortuga on his solidarity fast from house arrest

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety: Note from LT: On August 7th, after the verdict made against Tortuga allowed him to leave the prison, which they reaffirmed on August 15th when he was sentenced to 6 years of “supervised freedom.” Now he … Continue reading

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From inside Swiss prison: communique from Marco Camenisch about his hunger strike

As a contribution to the decentralized days of action for the immediate release of Marco Camenisch, we translate this letter from Marco on his hunger strike which began January 18. Preceding Marco’s letter is a text from prisoners in solidarity … Continue reading

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Argentina: Banner, paint bombs and rocks at the Leloir Institute in Buenos Aires

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique: On Wednesday September 5 at 11 pm we found ourselves at the facade of the Leloir Institute located on J. de Ibarborou and Patricias Argentinas, in order to with out gesture express solidarity with Marco … Continue reading

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Luciano Pitronello – The abyss does not stop us

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety: The abyss does not stop us. Communique at one year after the Bombing that almost cost me my life First days of June, 2012 To the conscious rebels; to my companions scattered across the world: A … Continue reading

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Argentina: Attacks on bourgeois and private security cars in Buenos Aires

from vivalaanarquia, transl thisisourjob: On Threats and Barking Dogs For more than obvious reasons, we find ourselves obligated to analyze the situation here on the banks of the River Plate and thus clarify a few points that, to our understanding, … Continue reading

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Bloomington, IN: Communique for sabotage of Duke Energy trucks

from anews: Duke Energy is responsible not only for relentless rate increases that seriously affect poor people in United States, but for mega-development land projects against the poor in countries that white people here seldom remember. This is why we … Continue reading

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Rojoscuro – Facing yet another repressive operation of the Italian state

from ParoleArmate, transl act for freedom now/B.pd: “Operation Ardire” is the name of the recent repressive assault on our anarchist comrades. A number of rebels were arrested, others are under investigstion. Moreover arrest warrants were issued against dear comrades who are locked … Continue reading

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Operation ‘Ardire’ – Update on Marco and Gabriel

from informa-azione via actforfree: We learn from Soccorso Rosso Svizzero [RHI – SRI] that Marco Camenisch and Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, imprisoned in Switzerland and Germany respectively, haven’t so far received any notification of further restrictive measures, international rogatory, searches in the … Continue reading

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Italy: Massive international repressive operation ‘Ardire’ launched against anarchists; A statement from Tomo [revised]

revised version from contrainfo: At 4 o’clock in the morning of June 13th, 2012, the carabiniers of the Special Operations Group (Raggruppamento Operativo Speciale, ROS) raided about forty homes, implementing the so-called ‘operation boldness’ (operazione ardire), a crackdown against people … Continue reading

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Italy: Claim of responsibility for the armed attack against Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nuclear (corrected)

WOS note: This version has been updated to include two pieces that we had missed when transcribing the text originally. from the press via culmine, transl waronsociety: OLGA CELL INFORMAL ANARCHIST FEDERATION INTERNATIONAL REVOLUTIONARY FRONT “The government of science and … Continue reading

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Bolivia: Claim for arson of a National Bank ATM

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique: We claim responsibility for the burning of an National Bank of Bolivia ATM, again in the Miraflores area, in the early hours of Thursday the 26th. This bank is one of the many institutions that … Continue reading

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