Tag Archives: Informal Anarchist Federation

Argentina: Incendiary attack against Fiat dealership and other vehicles

from vla, transl. by waronsociety: We always do what we say because we feel the need to carry out the acts we think about. Theory is all the ideas that exist inside of our heads, practice is everything that comes … Continue reading

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Brasil, Balneário Camboriú: Attack on an electrical substation

from contrainfo, transl. waronsociety For a Black International Around 2 in the morning on Jan. 20th, with the complicity of the night, the cries of the devoted denounced us, but the cries were not raucous or sufficient enough for the … Continue reading

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Mexico: Phoenix Project. Unique Act (#9)

from contrainfo, transl wos: From individual initiative, without bases of support or complex revolutionary rhetoric/theories, without complex destructive devices WE ATTACK! A Unique and Annihilating Attack, Belonging to itself and without any moral, ideological or material condition.

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‘A Little Fire to Dispel the Cold’ – Attack on BancoEstado next to the Justice Center in Santiago, Chile

from vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety: The resurgence and strengthening of the discourse against the fantasy of terrorism will be, then, the backdrop on which legal processes are developed, with clear political interests, in which the State finds itself involving the … Continue reading

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Buenos Aires, Argentina: Claim for the torching of a federal police car

from vivalaanarquia translated by waronsociety: This rotten world has everything, the defenders of law and order are abundant, as well as those with authoritarian values who remind us of the police who control the streets we run down. Continuing the … Continue reading

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Mexico: Explosive attack on science and the police

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety: Two actions. An explosive attack on science and an incendiary attack on the police… We are not going to resign ourselves to sabotage, black powder and gasoline. Do not be taken by surprise by terrorism … Continue reading

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Argentina: Claim for arsons of a police car and other luxury vehicles

from vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety: “Hanged in Chicago, decapitated in Germany, garotted in Jerez, shot in Barcelona, guillotined in Montbrison and Paris, many of ours have died, but you have not been able to annihilate anarchy. Its roots are too … Continue reading

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Europol and Mexico to cooperate against anarchist groups

Note from WOS: It goes without saying that we do not share the analysis of the Europol or of the press that are reported below. What we do consider important is to be aware of international police cooperation. It is … Continue reading

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Argentina: Explosive device in front of police officer’s house

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety: Our hands return to burn again… the Artisans of fire return… Disgusted by the normality and the routine that surrounds us, we decided once again to go on the attack. This time, the warriors of the … Continue reading

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Mexico: Communique for bus arson, package bomb to PAN, and Telmex sabotages in Oaxaca

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety: “Insurgent youth will put an end to reformist youth” – excerpt from the communique of the Leon Czolgosz Autonomous and Destructive Forces “The secret is to really begin…. In such a direction, the method of spreading … Continue reading

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Argentina: Claim for incendiary attacks on a hundred luxury cars in Buenos Aires in early 2013

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique: In the face of the discouraging panorama produced by the satisfied slaves who wander through the city of Buenos Aires relating to each other mechanically, we decided to continue with the chaotic offensive, attacking and … Continue reading

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Spain: Claim for bank bombing and for package bombs to a Bishop and to a Legion of Christ School director

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, Note from LT: The image came attached to the communique that we received by mail. Press links at the end. Communique: We don’t need a lot of rhetoric to explain our reasons for attacking a bank … Continue reading

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Seventh Communique of the CCF-FAI Mexico

Please note the date–the communique is from about 5 months ago. from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety, communique: September 18th, 2012 To all anarchists of praxis, To the arsonists and antagonists in affinity, Communique of the CCF-FAI, Mexico City: Arsonists at war … Continue reading

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Sixth* communique of the CCF/FAI of Mexico

Please note the date–this communique is almost 6 months old. from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety: August 21, 2012 To to arsonists and antagonists in affinity, Sixth* communique of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / Informal Anarchist Federation of Mexico: The … Continue reading

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