Tag Archives: France

Paris, France: Targeted rampage of administrative offices of the university of Tolbiac

translation received anonymously: Translator’s note: This sabotage took place during the ongoing movement against the “loi Travail” (the work act). The university of Tolbiac is on the frontline of this struggle in Paris. This rampage was commented in the bourgeois … Continue reading

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France/Spain: Anarchist actions against the prison, capitalist, and patriarchal system

from contrainfo, transl. waronsociety: We claim as different groups of anarchists, a series of actions aimed at attacking capital and the State and everything they represent. During the night hours of the 19-21 of July the following solidarity actions were … Continue reading

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Attaque – Chronicle of the social war in France

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Paris: News Briefs from Lucioles #8 and #9

from Lucioles, translated by waronsociety: Lucioles [Fireflies] is an irregular newsletter containing texts of analysis and agitation in Paris and the surrounding area and analysis of everyday life from an anarchist perspective. We discuss different manifestations of insubordination and attacks … Continue reading

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France: Attacks on a bank and political headquarters

from indymedia, translated by waronsociety: Neither Justice Nor Peace A week after the murder of a comrade in Paris by fascists,* a week after the ever-so-democratic police raid in Barbès…**

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[en/es/fr] France: Solidarity attack for Henry Zegarrundo

from indymedia, translated by waronsociety: Over the past few nights in Paris, the screens of two ATMs were cracked, we were thinking of the anarchist comrade Henry Zegarrundo, imprisoned by the Bolivian State for a year now (he was arrested … Continue reading

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France: It’s been four years since Zoé died

from non-fides, translated by waronsociety: Four years. Difficult to know if it’s four years already or just four years. Four years and a long mourning which has only just begun several years after her death, after those who justice found … Continue reading

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France: Statement from Mike on his release from prison

from nonfides, translated by waronsociety: On March 9, 2013, I got out of prison. This follows almost 4 years of repressive procedures related to an explosion in May 2009 in Chambéry in which my companion Zoé died and where I … Continue reading

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Letter from Mike almost four years after the accidental death of Zoé in France

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety: Note from LT: Our path as a propaganda project is still marked by the moment when we found the information in French that a compañera had died and a compañero had been wounded, this accident happened … Continue reading

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Dan and Olivier – “Nothing to declare: Why we refuse to participate in our own repression”

from nonfides, translated by waronsociety: Nothing to declare Why we refuse to participate in our own repression It has now been two years since the investigation into “public defamation of public officials” and “incitement to the commission of an attack … Continue reading

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Paris, France: ATMs Sabotaged in Solidarity with Prisoners

from Brèves du désordre, transl waronsociety: During the night of Sunday, February 11th, lonely, I strolled the streets of Paris. After applying a few shots of super glue to the supermarket on the corner, being a spirit in pain, I … Continue reading

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France: Molotov Cocktails Thrown at CRS Vans in Mulhouse

from the press via Brèves du désordre, translated by waronsociety: January 27, 2013 On Saturday, 5:30 PM, two CRS* vans suffered blasts from several Molotov cocktails while traveling on Dieppe Street in Mulhouse. The police observed a group of fifteen … Continue reading

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Paris, France: CGT Windows Smashed in Solidarity with Prisoners

from Nantes Indymedia via Brèves du désordre, transl waronsociety: On the night of January 28th-29th, we broke the glass of the local CGT* at 1 Rue de Nantes (Paris 19e). This is a direct message to the CGT prison and … Continue reading

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France: Yet More Pressure Against the Site Non-Fides.fr [edited]

from Non-Fides, transl waronsociety (thanks to non-fides for the help!): Tuesday, January 22nd at 4:45 PM, the BRDP knocked on the door of Olivier and announced: “Search!” Olivier is targeted this time because his name is the registered host of … Continue reading

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