Tag Archives: Eric McDavid

Bloomington, IN: Communique for sabotage of Duke Energy trucks

from anews: Duke Energy is responsible not only for relentless rate increases that seriously affect poor people in United States, but for mega-development land projects against the poor in countries that white people here seldom remember. This is why we … Continue reading

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June 11th roundup of actions and events

from anews: Another great June 11th, thanks to everyone who organized events, wrote letters, and followed their hearts! There were at least forty events planned, including lots of international solidarity. We’re excited about the level of commitment and love everyone … Continue reading

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Milwaukee, WI: Communique for attacks on DNR and Chase bank

from socialrupture, communique: Wisconsin is open for business, but Milwaukee refuses. On the night of June 11 we took extinguisher paint to the Department of Natural Resources(DNR) and Chase bank, damaging the buildings, windows, and security cameras.

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Olympia, WA: Attack on Washington Loggers’ Association building; International call for libratory earth violence

from anews: On the night of June 11th in the sleepy town of Olympia, WA, we laid waste to the Washington State Loggers’ Association building, breaking out all 24 of their windows and leaving the painted message “YOU ARE NEVER … Continue reading

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Seattle, WA: Reportback from June 11th dinner and march

from pugetsoundanarchists: The June 11th celebrations began last night in Seattle with a well-attended benefit dinner that also included the sharing of poetry and words of solidarity and struggle. After the dinner, there was a demonstration of about 60 people … Continue reading

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St. Louis, MO: Parking meter sabotage for June 11 solidarity

from anews: Last night, more than 50 parking meters in a bar district and an up-and-coming artist district of St. Louis were made inoperable with glue, paint and hammers. We intended to attack 41 meters–one for each of the 19 … Continue reading

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Seattle, WA: Vandalism to Street of Dreams corporate office

from pugetsoundanarchists (link added by WOS): Last night the Street of Dreams Corporate Office (located outside of Seattle) had its windows etched out and anarchist graffiti painted on it. This was done for June 11th, in solidarity with all anarchist … Continue reading

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Anarchists Must Attack What Only Anarchists Can Attack, or why we should support the Anarchy Bridge! 5

from anews: It’s May 2012 and we anarchists are occupying a very crucial position in the ongoing struggle against Control. The position of violently attacking and dismembering it! I’d like to throw in here that when I use the term … Continue reading

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The Final Straw radio: Conversations with Will Potter & Ian Coldwater

from thefinalstraw: Cleveland Anarchists, Pax and Support for Long Term Anarchist Prisoners: Conversations with Will Potter & Ian Coldwater This week’s show features two conversations around the fbi, prisons and Anarchists.

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Communique for June 11th International Day of Solidarity for Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

from june11: Everywhere that there exists dynamic struggle against the state and capitalism, there is some degree of repression. Capitalism knows well how to protect its interests, and it entails targeting and eradicating those who challenge it’s dominance. While we … Continue reading

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June 11: Second international day of solidarity with long-term anarchist prisoners

from june11.org: The second anniversary of the international day of solidarity with Marie Mason, Eric McDavid, and other longterm anarchist prisoners is nearly upon us!

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Bloomington, IN: Round-up of May Day actions and events

from anews: Just like other places around North America, May Day was a mixed bag in Bloomington. The police were more prepared to crack down at certain points than some organizers expected, but there was also more space for activity … Continue reading

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Announcing Never Alone, long-term anarchist prisoner support tour, April 2012

from Never Alone Tour: It’s 2012. The world is ending. So what are we at Sacramento Prisoner Support and Marie Mason Support Crew gonna do? Go on an epic road trip to talk about prisoner support, of course! Because unless … Continue reading

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6 years of imprisonment – a letter from Jenny, partner of Eric McDavid

“I also know that it is our responsibility to remember. To remember why Eric was arrested in the first place – not because anything burned down or was damaged, but because he dared to think he could change things. And … Continue reading

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