Tag Archives: Costantino “Costa” Ragusa

Italy: Claim of responsibility for the armed attack against Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nuclear (corrected)

WOS note: This version has been updated to include two pieces that we had missed when transcribing the text originally. from the press via culmine, transl waronsociety: OLGA CELL INFORMAL ANARCHIST FEDERATION INTERNATIONAL REVOLUTIONARY FRONT “The government of science and … Continue reading

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Communique for June 11th International Day of Solidarity for Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

from june11: Everywhere that there exists dynamic struggle against the state and capitalism, there is some degree of repression. Capitalism knows well how to protect its interests, and it entails targeting and eradicating those who challenge it’s dominance. While we … Continue reading

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Russia: Claim of responsibility for cell phone tower arson

from 325: 2 cell phone towers torched south of Moscow (Rostov-na-Donu direction). The cottage settlement we chose to disable is a popular site among hunters. And not only that. Local residents decided to add to the abuse of wild life … Continue reading

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Switzerland: Marco, Silvia and Billy on hunger strike against the WEF

We receive and transmit: This is a flyer that has been distributed during the demo against the World Economic Forum in Bern (Switzerland) on the 21st of January 2012. We are translating the communiques of Marco, Silvia and Billy about … Continue reading

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Marco Camenisch begins new hunger strike solidarity initiative

from culmine, partial translation by war on society: From January 20 to 29, 2012 I take on a hunger strike, this Initiative as a solidarity Participation in our Struggle against the WEF [World Economic Forum] in Davos, where the greatest … Continue reading

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Chicago, IL: Words from the Committee for Illegal Life and from the Noisy Nihilists Brigade on the NYE demo

from to live is illegal: Last night around thirty anarchists, nihilists, and other generally furious people gathered outside Chicago’s Metropolitan Correctional Center for an anti-prison noise demo in solidarity with the international day of action against prisons.  The MCC is … Continue reading

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UK: Claim of responsibility for incendiary attack on bank depot

from bristol indymedia: At 4:30 am on Thursday 15th of december we attacked Bristol LLoyds bank depot in solidarity with comrades imprisoned in Greece, Chile, Switherland and all over the world. We painted the message “UNTIL ALL ARE FREE” on … Continue reading

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N. Washington, US: Communique claiming sabotage of railroad lines

from anarchistnews: On the night of 11/28 we sabotaged a railroad line in occupied Samish and Lummi territory, also known as northern Washington state. Copper wire was wrapped around railroad lines which caused a false signal, blocking the line. The … Continue reading

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Spain: Vehicle belonging to construction multinational torched in Madrid

From This is Our Job via Liberación Total (September 12, 2011): This morning, a van belonging to the multinational “construction company” PERI was torched. PERI is one of the most powerful companies in the construction industry, which is dedicated to … Continue reading

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Spain: Incendiary attack on two vans of the energy multinational GDF Suez in Madrid

from liberacion total, translated by war on society: Communique: Tonight two vans belonging to the energy multinational “GDF SUEZ” were set on fire in the neighborhood of San Juan Bautista. The techno-industrial system has been imposed on our lives in … Continue reading

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Chile: Santander Bank sabotaged in Santiago

from culmine, translated by war on society: Communique: On the night of July 31, the facade of the Santander bank located on July 10th Street and Rauli in Santiago was destroyed with a hammer and rocks. The choice of this … Continue reading

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Chile: Letter from comrade Camilo ‘Viejo Loco’ Pérez from house arrest to imprisoned comrades

from culmine, translated by war on society: Letter in solidarity with the comrades of the CCF, the accused in the “Halandri case” and with other imprisoned comrades. May the shadows of the eclipse not hide Solidarity. May the sun continue … Continue reading

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Switzerland: Supreme court and AXPO in Zurich attacked in solidarity with Silvia Billy Costa

The communique in German can be found here. We are not going to attempt a proper translation, but in brief it claims responsibility for attacks (broken glass and graffiti) to the Supreme Court in Zurich and an AXPO (public power … Continue reading

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Spain: Bomb threat to Swiss Consulate in solidarity with Silvia, Billy and Costa

from indymedia, translated by war on society: Wednesday July 20th, 11:30am bomb threat to the Swiss Consulate of Barcelona in solidarity with Billy, Costa and Silvia imprisoned by the Swiss State Since April of 2010, Silvia, Costa and Billy have … Continue reading

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