Tag Archives: Bolivia

Bolivia: Prison letter from Krudo one year since the frame-up

from krudoalakalle, translated by waronsociety: One year into the political persecution and repression by the state after having framed up slanders against individuals who refuse to be part of the established order, thirteen in total, some of whom were pulled … Continue reading

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Letters of Freedom – write to Henry Zegarrundo

from vivalaanarquia, click for translation by waronsociety:

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Argentina: Solidarity with Henry and Krudo

from vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety: On May 29 various individuals concentrated in the Consulate of Bolivia in the city of Buenos Aires to demonstrate our solidarity with Henry and Krudo.

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Action for May 29 and reflection on the affects imposed by civilization

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety: As anarchists we position ourselves in the constant conflict and the insatiable fight of freedom which guides us and incites us to permanent critique and self-critique which are as sharp as our daggers.

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Some words from Refractario about Henry’s case and release to house arrest

from solidaridadnegra, translated by waronsociety: Note from Solidaridad Negra: We share these words from Publicación Refractario, an important site for anti-prison information and struggle. We feel it is important that there is still a pending trial and that solidarity is … Continue reading

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Bolivia: Banner in solidarity with Henry

from materialanarquista, translated by waronsociety: May no warrior be alone! And then we will howl together at the moon and claw at the cement until our claws bleed… Because not only will we destroy the world that condemns us to … Continue reading

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Bolivia: House arrest for Henry Zegarrundo

from solidaridadnegra, translated by waronsociety: A few days from one year since the kidnapping of our compañero Henry, and after innumerable suspended hearings and one in which they denied him conditional release, today May 2nd, 2013, we wish to report … Continue reading

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“Unconfined” – Henry Zegarrundo

from solidaridadnegra, transl waronsociety: Unconfined Another night, one more day of feeling, of talking with myself, again I go back to the case of “justice.” I could only look through the cloudy glass. Seeing the streets, the people reduced to … Continue reading

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Bolivia: Interview with Henry, the dignified comrade accused in FAI case [pdf]

from solidaridadnegra, transl waronsociety: Note from Solidaridad Negra: Thanks to some comrades who were able to travel from one city to another to visit the comrade Henry Zegarrundo, we were able to do an interview with him. To overcome the … Continue reading

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Bolivia: Speaking of Snitches

from non-fides, transl waronsociety: On January 3rd, we received an email from Roberto Flores Terceros of Bolivia, asking us to publish a “right of response” from Nina Mancilla, Virginia Aillón and Paula Estenssoro in reply to some texts that we … Continue reading

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Bolivia: Update on comrade Henry

from solidaridadnegra, transl waronsociety: On January 17, 2013, the hearing set for the request for house arrest for the comrade Henry was supposed to be held. This audience was postponed at the request of the comrade himself, who has rejected … Continue reading

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Bolivia: Letter from Krudo for the week of agitation

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety: I will begin by saying that with all of this shit that I’m going through with my confinement in many ways I am totally happy because I know that many people are doing events and more … Continue reading

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Bolivia: Update on the situation of dignified prisoner Henry Zegarrundo

from solidaridadnegra via liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety: On May 29, 2012, thirteen people were arrested in the framework of the investigation that was initiated by the FELCC (Special Force of the Fight Against Crime) around some attacks against symbols of Power. … Continue reading

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Bolivia: Anarchist Cell for Revolutionary Solidarity FAI/FRI on the recent events

from culmine, transl waronsociety: Do you have some decency to at least feel a bit of disgust every morning when you look at yourselves in the mirror? Do you have some blood running in your body that allows you to … Continue reading

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