Paris, France: Targeted rampage of administrative offices of the university of Tolbiac

translation received anonymously:

Translator’s note: This sabotage took place during the ongoing movement against the “loi Travail” (the work act). The university of Tolbiac is on the frontline of this struggle in Paris. This rampage was commented in the bourgeois press, and some unions already dissociated themselves as can be seen here:

University of Tolbiac, March 22, an occupation of the N lecture hall is planned to hold a general assembly, but cops, security guards and management are all here to prevent it. In a wink, all of them disappear and the door of the lecture hall opens miraculously. We now understand that opportunists of the movement negotiated behind the backs of all. Like what, there are no miracles. It is precisely for this reason that, pissed off, we decided to sabotage these power games.

While students were getting sloshed in their supposedly occupied lecture hall, we decided to have fun in a whole different way. We climbed the 7th floor to ransack administration offices, cutting cables, throwing various liquids on various electronic devices, administrative papers are destroyed and two computers are stolen to be quietly destroyed.

This is the realization of a precise will to not be limited to speaking out, to general assemblies, or demos (whether at 11 or 13:301), but to counter any form of collusion with power, all powers.

Let’s prevent the law from working.

Some enraged of another 22 March2.

Translated from Attaque:

1 TN : Since the beginning of the movement, in Paris, the “unorganised” demos generally starts at 11, while the unions starts at 13:30.

2 TN : Probably a reference to the Movement of 22 March 1968.

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