Argentina, Buenos Aires: Sabotage of train line and Hellenic Association

from contrainfo, transl. waronsociety:

The reasons to act, motivations, and urgencies remain. Also in many the excuses to not do it remain. We will always consciously choose the first option.

Saturday, July 4, minutes before the “copa américa” began, which would be disputed by soccer millionaires in Chile and Argentina, we sabotaged the rails of the train that connects the city of silver with the constitution station, demonstrating on the one hand our repulsion to the idiotic spectacle which brought the realization of this tournament that is clearly used as a cover for power’s despicable maneuvers.

We are disgusted by the citizens’ patriotic clamor fed by both states as much as the innumerable businesses and private sponsors. On the other hand it was a clear gesture of complicity and love with imprisoned compañerxs imprisoned in the chilean region, prisoners that in some cases are there thanks to the cooperation of both states.The minister of transportation Florencio Randazzo (old minister of the interior who decreed the extradition of Marcelo Villarroel and Freddy Fuentevilla has to take into account that we have not forgotten. In light of the investments destined to deepen the technology of control and domestication that the same society demands and requires we will always respond with attacks, sabotage, and fire.

The myth of progress equates to a major invasion of our lives, the agglomeration of voluntary slaves in big urban centers, the creation of fictitious necessities promulgated by the techno-industrial system, simultaneously offering “solutions” to the problematic conditions it is responsible for, they will always be aspects of domination we will fight.

Hours after this sabotage, already entering into Sunday (the day of elections of the head of government in Buenos Aires) we attacked the Hellenic Association on Humberto Primo street placing our device at 2 am just beneath a luxury vehicle parked outside of the target. In this moment our thoughts and our hearts went out to the Conspiracy Cells of Fire prisoners still fighting inside of greek prisons, continuing to demonstrate coherence and dignity. All of our strength to Evi Statiri compañera Gerasimos Tsakalos (imprisoned CCF member). Because each day the state keeps the family members of combative prisoners hostage is a day of offensive.

Finally we want to mention that for both actions we used incendiary devices with chemical detonation and the press of the enemy has not made mention of anything about these attacks.


Strength and love to Marcelo Villaroel, Freddy Fuentevilla, Carlos Quiduleo, and Juan Aliste! subversive imprisoned compañeros accused of expropriating a bank, an action in which a miserable cop lost his life.

Strength and love to the nihilist compañera Sol Vergara! kidnapped after shooting at a bank security guard in a beautiful act of revenge.

Strength and love to Natalia Collado and Javier Pino! in prison accused of the burning of a public transportation vehicle.

Solidarity with those arrested accused of the attack on the PDI station in chile.

Complicity with Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova and Guillermo Durán, Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, Marco Camenisch, Claudio Lavazza, Fernando Bárcenas, Fernando Sotelo, Abraham Cortes, Francisco Solar, Mónica Caballero, Costa, Silvia and Billy. And with all fighters imprisoned all over the world.

Love to all the CCF members in prison.

Death to the anthropocentric, techno-industrial, patriarchal, and police society!

Death to all society!

Indomitables for chaos





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