Category Archives: Publications

Último Reducto – Some comments in reference to the communiques from Individualists Tending toward the Wild

from feartosleep, translated by waronsociety: After reading the five communiques that the Individualists Tending toward the Wild [1] (ITS) have published on, Último Reducto (UR) wish to make some comments about these texts: [2] We are not going to … Continue reading

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Mexico: Indirect Response from the Individualists Tending toward the Wild

from edicionesaborigen via instintosalvaje, transl waronsociety: Ediciones Aborigen (Aboriginal Editions) reproduces one of the entries from the blog El Tlatol which was published in August 2014, in which the persons responsible for the blog’s updating take note of something curious … Continue reading

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‘Damned Words of a Savage’ (pdf)

from contrainfo, transl waronsociety: Introductory note: The violent, provocative and individualist language was what called our attention to Sonetsasauvage, this independent blog is one of the few that are worth spreading because its values are so contrary to what the … Continue reading

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Mexico: ‘The Conflict Against Technology’

from edicionesaborigen via instintosalvaje, transl waronsociety: Ediciones Aborigen has taken the text “Chronology of the Conflict Against Technology” posted on the blog El Tlatol in August, 2014, in order to compile it in an archival effort for its physical and … Continue reading

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Volver a la Tierra #4, Temuco, Nov-Dec 2014

from volveralatierra: Friends, A new issue of Volver a la Tierra [Returning to the Earth], an anarchist publication edited in Wallmapu, is now out. This time, Volver a la Tierra includes: War on the Latifundio “Gesto”, first poem published by … Continue reading

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Brazil: The best homage to Bakunin for his bicentennial – Rio de Janeiro police register him as suspect to track and surveil

from instintosalvaje, translated by waronsociety: Note from El Libertario: Of everything that has been said and written about the Russian anarchist this year which marks two hundred years since his birth, we are quite certain that for him the most … Continue reading

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New Publication – Regresión (es)

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Chile: Book launch of “Fuego de Vida: Memorias del Compañero Sebastián Oversluij Seguel”

from instintosalvaje: It will happen on Saturday, April 12, at 6pm during the 3rd Santiago Anarchist Book and Propaganda Fair, located at 330 El Lingue, near Aeropuerto and 5 de Abril in Estación Central. This book is a living memory … Continue reading

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Hans Niemeyer – Requiem for the Passing Moon (pdf)

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Avalanche – Anarchist correspondence – issue 0

from avalanche: Anarchists always appropriated means to spread anti-authoritarian ideas and struggles to feed the dialogue and subversive action. It is in this sense that this publication is also intended as a tool, more precisely that of providing a space … Continue reading

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[en/fr/es/it/srp] Neither Oblivion Nor Ceremony – Against the Cult of the Carrion

we receive and publish / recibimos y publicamos: (eng) Here is a text that we send to a few international anarchist websites and places in five languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian and Serbo-Croatian), for publication, printing and mostly for opening … Continue reading

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Weeks of Global Agitation and Action in solidarity with Freddy, Marcelo and Juan

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Poster – Solidarity with Marco Camenisch

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Nueva publicación – Palabras Nocivas N°3

recibimos y publicamos:

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