Category Archives: Updates

Chile: Compa Enrique Guzmán leaves prison

from contrainfo, transl waronsociety: At almost two months into the liquid hunger strike of compañerxs Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova, and Guillermo Durán, today [June 5th] one of the most important demands was achieved: compañero Enrique Gúzman was moved from prison … Continue reading

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Chile: Three comrades arrested for recent explosive attacks (latest updates)

WOS Note: For some background on the Metro bombing, the CCF communique, and analysis of the action please see this post at 325. The texts we translate here deal with the arrests following the Metro attack and two attacks on police … Continue reading

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Chile: Urgent information about the health of compa Marcelo Villarroel

from rebelióndelaspalabras, transl wos: Rebelión note: I received the following communique via email from compas of the Colectivo Anticarcelario Vuelo de Justicia from Chile concering the health and energy of Marcelo Villarroel, after news spread by the bourgeois press in … Continue reading

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Chile: Update on the situation of Tamara Sol – harassment and punishment

From instintosalvaje, translated by waronsociety: Note by Instinto Salvaje: Our solidarity with our compañera Tamara Sol Farias Vergara is unrestricted, therefore we cannot be quiet about the situation that is happening with our compañera and her family. We only wish to … Continue reading

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Mexico: The trial against the 5E 3 is over and awaiting sentencing

from instintosalvaje: On June 16th, the final hearing was held for the trial against Amelie, Fallon and Carlos, the three anarchists arrested on January 5th accused of damages and attacks against the public peace. Legally speaking, it remains for now … Continue reading

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Update on Casey Brezik, anarchist sentenced to 12 years for attempted attack of the Governor of Missouri

We have belatedly received word that anarchist and accused assassin Casey Brezik was sentenced, almost a year ago, to 12 years in prison. Before this, the last update was that Casey was locked up without a mailing address when the … Continue reading

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Spain: Update on the situation of Mónica and Francisco

from instintosalvaje, transl wos: Today, Saturday April 12, after passing through several prisons (Madrid, Burgo, Cantabria) throughout the week, our compañero arrived in Asturias, where they abruptly decided to transfer him. Several weeks ago, we communicated through various media that … Continue reading

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Chile: Updates on the case against Alfonso and Hermes

WOS note: Alfonso and Hermes are charged with the bank robbery in which Sebestian Oversluij was killed by a security guard on December 11, 2013. There is more background here and by following the tags. from Instinto Salvaje: On March … Continue reading

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Chile: José Miguel Sánchez is in the streets!

from refractario, transl wos: After spending almost 20 years in prison, the compañero Jose Miguel Sanchez completed the sentence imposed by power in the early hours of February 27th. Starting at midnight, February 28th, various relatives and compañeros of Jose … Continue reading

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Chile: Trial date finally set for comrades Juan, Freddy and Marcelo

from vla, transl wos: Compañeras and compañeros, We inform you that finally, and after a legal precision that was carried out a few days ago, there is finally a definitive date for the beginning of the oral trial of the … Continue reading

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Chile: Compañera Sol F. Vergara charged with aggravated robbery and held in preventive prison

from refractario, transl waronsociety: “Strength, Sol, we love you. We are proud of you.” – Luisa Toledo, grandmother of compañera Sol, on entering the courtroom. Our dear compañera Sol was pointed out by power and accused of the attack on … Continue reading

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Chile: Comrade Tamara Sol arrested, accused of firing at a BancoEstado security guard

from vozcomoarma, transl wos: According to an email sent by compas from the anarchist anti-prison publication Refractario to this blog, a compañera has been arrested, accusing of opening fire against a security guard from a BancoEstado branch on January 21st. … Continue reading

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Mexico: Anarchist Gustavo Rodriguez kidnapped, interrogated, beaten and deported to the US

from contrainfo: A few hours ago, comrade Gustavo, missing since December 29th, communicated with his close ones. He briefly explained that he was detained by federal agents and submitted to harsh interrogations. Gustavo commented that he was beaten up, and … Continue reading

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Uruguay: The State kidnaps two comrades

from materialanarquista, transl waronsociety: Another attack on the anarchist movement in Montevideo Yesterday afternoon [August 29th], a comrade from Chile who is living here and applying for her papers was kidnapped by the State, she was called to present herself … Continue reading

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