Category Archives: Favorites

Hans Niemeyer – Requiem for the Passing Moon

from vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety: Hans Niemeyer was arrested on November 30, 2011 near a BCI Bank after an explosive attack. Held in preventive prison under the terrible Anti-terrorist Law, he was charged for another 3 attacks. After a year … Continue reading

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France: It’s been four years since Zoé died

from non-fides, translated by waronsociety: Four years. Difficult to know if it’s four years already or just four years. Four years and a long mourning which has only just begun several years after her death, after those who justice found … Continue reading

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‘Fly for Freedom’ – a short story of clandestinity

from refractario, translated by waronsociety: Note from WOS: Our translation of this piece is dedicated to all the rebels flying high or laying low, and especially to Kerry and Steve.

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Chile: Letter from Fenix Lafken, a months-old child in clandestinity for wanting to live a free and wild life

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety: Note from LT: Fenix is a child who was kidnapped by the police from his dad and mom’s hands. The reason? Refusing to have the baby enrolled in the registry and traditional medicine, which annihilates and … Continue reading

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“Unconfined” – Henry Zegarrundo

from solidaridadnegra, transl waronsociety: Unconfined Another night, one more day of feeling, of talking with myself, again I go back to the case of “justice.” I could only look through the cloudy glass. Seeing the streets, the people reduced to … Continue reading

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Seventh communique from Individualists Tending toward the Wild (ITS)

received and translated by waronsociety: “When the  blood of your veins returns to the sea and the dust of your bones returns to the ground, maybe then you will remember that this Earth does not belong to you, you belong … Continue reading

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“A Short Story” written by the dear comrade Carla from San Miguel Prison

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety: A Short Story I grew inside a walnut shell, and there at the bottom of that little shell I had a bit of cotton for my bed, for shelter I had the petal of a purple … Continue reading

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Chile: Claim for the incendiary attack on the giant Christmas tree in the commercial center of Santiago

from liberaciontotal [follow link to watch the video], transl waronsociety, communique: Life has been argued under a monothematic-robotic standard in which peace, happiness and a simple gesture such as a smile have become unacceptable to the maintenance and viability of … Continue reading

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Gabriel Pombo Da Silva – “Don Pedro” (an authentic stoic)

from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety: Don Pedro was (and may still be) a “true Stoic,” a “Unique” and “Egoist” being who ended up in prison for killing or stabbing someone (I have never been able to find out the entirety of … Continue reading

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Luciano Pitronello – The abyss does not stop us

from vivalaanarquia, transl waronsociety: The abyss does not stop us. Communique at one year after the Bombing that almost cost me my life First days of June, 2012 To the conscious rebels; to my companions scattered across the world: A … Continue reading

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Anonymous – “My boys, The Cleveland 5”

from anews: This rant I hope you’re about to read is an amalgamation of strong emotions and revelations regarding my comrades, the Cleveland 5, since this nightmare started. I would like to start by dispelling any misunderstandings folks may have … Continue reading

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Olympia, WA: Attack on Washington Loggers’ Association building; International call for libratory earth violence

from anews: On the night of June 11th in the sleepy town of Olympia, WA, we laid waste to the Washington State Loggers’ Association building, breaking out all 24 of their windows and leaving the painted message “YOU ARE NEVER … Continue reading

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Indonesia: Unrepentant combatants Eat & Billy sing “My Way” by Frank Sinatra/Sid Vicious to celebrate their short sentence

from 325: Click picture for video To give energy, strength and share their laughter in the face of prison, with all the comrades-fighters around the world, the proud imprisoned members of Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI Indonesia sing … Continue reading

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Italy: Claim of responsibility for the armed attack against Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nuclear (corrected)

WOS note: This version has been updated to include two pieces that we had missed when transcribing the text originally. from the press via culmine, transl waronsociety: OLGA CELL INFORMAL ANARCHIST FEDERATION INTERNATIONAL REVOLUTIONARY FRONT “The government of science and … Continue reading

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