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[Greece] Let’s all be insurgents, robbers and saboteurs

Received on March 16th 2017:

Solidarity with those standing trial for the Velventos robberies

In 2013 six anarchists were arrested for a double robbery in the town of Kozani, Velventos. One year later they were sentenced from 11 to 16 years of prison. In the beginning of March 2017 the appeal of this trial started in the Koridallos prison, were they have been held since their arrest.

The reason why these people were hunted down, beaten up, locked up and sentenced to years of imprisonment is not because of the amount of money lost by the banks in case they would have fully succeeded in their robbery. The reason is the danger for authority if it would spread in society, the choice to go out and do what is possible to fight the daily oppression, to find the means necessary to create projects of struggle, to go against the world of the rich and powerful in a direct and autonomous way. We are not speaking about bank-robbery as such, which could as well be an alternative way to obtain wealth in the same capitalist logic that tries to hypnotize us everywhere we look. We are speaking about the choice to act, to deepen an always evolving adventure of revolt, armed with ideas of freedom and courage.

In the end it is a question of life. Do we want to live with our heads down, seeing always our feet on the ground of this so amputating society, thinking this is the horizon? Or do we want to look around us, get together with many or few, to organize the attack against the existent, and all that gives it air to breath. In which case our creativity and imagination will determine the horizon.

Solidarity is struggle.

Let’s all be insurgents, robbers and saboteurs…

Next court dates: 23/3, 30/3, 11/4 & 27/4

in Greek

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