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Coates varnish fading as Olympic battle brews

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When John Coates joined the Australian Olympic Committee in 1981, Malcolm Fraser was the Prime Minister, Pol Pot was in power in Cambodia, and the country's biggest mystery was who, or what, killed baby Azaria Chamberlain.

Coates became AOC president nine years later, in 1990, the year Nelson Mandela was released from prison.

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Roche challenges Coates over top job

War is declared at the very top of Australian sport and promises to get nasty as a movement begins to remove the president of the Australian Olympic Committee John Coates who has held the post for 27 years.

Now, after 27 years at the helm, Australia's Olympics supremo is under serious challenge for his $760,000-a-year job, and neither he nor his spear carriers like it.

"John is a world leader. He is without equal," gushed his chief loyalist, AOC media director Mike Tancred in an interview with Fairfax Media. Tancred scoffs at those who dare question Coates' ability. Those attacking Coates, he says would not qualify to "carry his bag".

But the number of detractors, some of whom are disaffected former staff of the AOC, is growing. Their rallying point is a much younger woman, 46-year-old gold medal-winning hockey player Danielle Roche, who is challenging Coates for the presidency.

It suits supporters of Coates, 67, to portray this battle for control of Australia's Olympic movement as a palace coup by a rival. They believe Roche's candidacy has been organised by his nemesis, John Wylie, the wealthy Melbourne businessman and philanthropist who chairs the Australian Sports Commission, a statutory body that allocates federal government funding to sporting bodies and with whom Coates has had a long-running feud.


Their quarrel culminated in a shouting match at an athletics meeting last month.

For her part, Roche strongly denies being anyone's proxy.

"There had been discussions around the need for a change. And discussions about someone running," Roche has told Fairfax Media. "For me, it was some encouragement from many people. In the end, about three weeks ago now, I just thought someone needs to step up. I'm happy to do that.

"If someone else steps up as well, that's fantastic."

But there is much more to the unhappiness with Coates than simply his public stoushes with Wylie. And there is a growing chorus for change.


In the world of elite sports in Australia, there is much admiration for the man who has led Australia to seven Olympic games and was promoted to be vice-president of the International Olympic Committee. Coates is widely regarded as the man who won the Olympics for Sydney.

But his own organisation has been racked with division in recent years over massive pay packets despite diminishing resources for sport. There has been a high turnover of staff and claims of a toxic internal culture overseen by Coates and his loyalists, including media director Tancred.

"This is about principles and governance," says one Coates critic.

"There appeared to be resistance to change suggested by anyone but himself," says another. "Coates perceived any such change as a suggestion that we'd been doing something wrong, rather than acknowledging that change was inevitable in any organisation."

"He's done so much, but I suspect his role internationally has coloured his views and at times created a disconnect with what's happening in the Australian landscape," a source says.

"The operating style in the IOC and Europe is more dictatorial."

While Australian sporting federations wanted to be consulted over issues that affected them, Coates "would sometimes say, 'Don't ask the sports what they think; just tell them how it will be.' "

Tancred dismisses these concerns as baseless white-anting. He says Coates is without peer and his challenger without substance.

"I hope you ask Danni what she brings to the table. Because she doesn't have the experience," says the spokesman for the Olympic movement.

Tancred is paid about $300,000 a year to serve the AOC and its sports federation members. Asked if it was appropriate that he use his position to act as a de facto campaigner for Coates, he says: "I am extremely loyal to my boss."

Tancred's decision to campaign raises the question that sits at the heart of the battle for control: does the AOC exist for its member sports or for Coates?

The former chairman of the Australian Sports Commission, ex-Coles Myer CEO and Coates critic Peter Bartels, has his view: "It seems Coates' focus at the AOC has changed from winning medals to being the ... chief."


Several former AOC staff members say challenging ideas and questioning Coates' leadership is not encouraged inside the small organisation.

When quizzed by Fairfax Media, Tancred confirmed there have been three bullying cases inside the AOC raised by female employees against a senior employee (not Coates). But he calls them "isolated issues".

"I'm aware of complaints but they were years ago. They were dealt with through the proper channels."

One of the complaints was eight years ago, the others in 2013 and 2015.

Staff turnover has been high, at both senior and junior levels. Several senior staff members, including former CEOs Craig Phillips and Fiona de Jong, and general manager Jane Fernandez, have left.

One view is that those who are not loyal to Coates, or who seek to challenge the status quo, are pushed out, or feel thwarted and resign.

"There has been a toxic environment and a disintegration in the administration of the AOC over the past two years," says a former senior AOC insider.

"Coates has an amazing legacy. But it's time for change."

Tancred puts the staff attrition down to natural arrivals and departures over the four-year games cycle. But an analysis of staff departures reveals that in the four years before the 2012 games, 10 left the AOC, including one who retired and another who died. In the next four-year cycle, 20 staff left or were made redundant. The figures are suggestive of a worsening culture inside the AOC, which has about 30 permanent staff.

Coates' pay packet of $762,000 has also become a bone of contention. It stands out even internationally, and was described in the Los Angeles Times this week as evidence of "high rolling". Coates also receives $1170 ($US900) every day when he's on IOC business, plus the same for one day either side of that work for travel.

Roche has said she would do the top job for nothing.

Coates' salary is significantly higher than that of the IOC president, Thomas Bach, who earns about $320,000 per year plus a permanent suite at the Lausanne Palace hotel.

The salary comes out of AOC's own revenue, which is derived partly from the interest earned by the AOC investment fund. Coates has been lauded for setting up the fund, which was created with the $90 million the AOC received in 2000 from the NSW government in exchange for surrendering the Sydney Olympics marketing rights to SOCOG, the body that ran the Games.

But the big pay packet for the Olympics chief is not a good look in a world where the Australian government funding that sporting federations rely on has dropped $14 million, from $268 million in 2011 to $254 million last year.

Many of those sporting federations – the AOC's voting members – are now struggling to cover the basics. Critics say Coates is aloof from those day-to-day concerns, and point out that his role on the IOC means he is often overseas and unable to commit enough time to the AOC.

Tancred told Fairfax Media, in comments backed even by some of Coates' fiercest critics, that Coates is a workhorse, sending emails throughout the night and during weekends.

As for Coates' salary, Tancred says: "The $700,000 is probably cheap. John is a world leader in sport. He is without equal. Your man at the AFL [Gil McLachlan] is earning way more than that."

(For his $1.74 million salary, McLachlan oversees half a billion dollars in revenue, compared with the AOC's estimated $20 million. The AFL's former chairman, Mike Fitzpatrick, charged nothing for his role.)

Ironically, Coates will soon lose his position on the executive board of the IOC because that organisation has a limit of two terms, or eight years. No such limit exists on the AOC.


The success or failure of the Australian Olympic movement is ultimately measured on the brutal metric of the medal count. In that, there's a widespread perception that something is wrong in Australia. At the 2004 Olympic games, Australia bagged 50 medals, a figure that slid to just 29 in Rio in 2016.

The fight between Coates and Wylie, two of the most powerful men in Australian sport, has at its heart a disagreement about how best to use diminishing government funding and smaller corporate donations to win the maximum possible number of medals.

The "Winning Edge" funding model, adopted by Wylie, directs more money towards more successful sports at the expense of smaller, less successful sporting federations. The rationale is that this should deliver maximum bang for buck.

Coates disagrees.

But there's also a clash between two big personalities.

Wylie is what Coates is not – Melbourne-based, Liberal party-aligned and royalty in Melbourne's elite business circles. Sydney-based Coates portrays himself as a man found trackside rather than in a boardroom, and whose unquestionable commitment to Olympics and independent leadership – keeping the federal government at a distance – means he should keep his job.

Roche has said her desire is to reconnect the broken links between the AOC and ASC, between elite and grassroots sport, between what sports and athletes need and what they are currently being given.

"It's about driving every dollar we can back to sports and athletes so we can get back on top and hopefully beat the Poms again."

Each sporting federation, regardless of its size or success, gets two votes for the AOC presidency. Politically, Coates' de facto position in support of smaller sports, and against Wylie's ASC, will likely pay dividends in the election for the presidency.

Some large sporting federations, including swimming, are backing Roche's challenge. Chair of the medal-winning, middle-power Equestrian Australia, Judy Fasher, says her organisation is yet to decide who to back. But she welcomes the challenge.

"John Coates has been phenomenally constructive for our sport. But it's always healthy to have challenges to people's democratically elected positions," she says.

Bartels, a businessman and Commonwealth Games gold medal-winning cyclist, is firmly behind the challenger.

"As the size of our Olympic team has increased, our medal tally has gone down. The AOC model needs change, and diversity. On that basis, it is time for a change."

But unless a number of smaller sports abandon Coates' ship, he is almost assured of victory. That would mean another four years for Coates, and a 30-plus year reign at the top of Australian Olympic sport.

It also almost guarantees that the ASC and the AOC will remain at loggerheads, led by two men who can't stand each other.

Of this final point, Fasher says: "Anyone looking at it can't be happy."