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Three provisos for same-sex marriage by post

Without safeguards, a large turnout and broad support in government, a plebiscite at the next election remains the most realistic and reasonable option.

The Herald believes that most Australians want the same-sex marriage issue to be settled quickly. For the majority, that means finding a process that will unite the public behind a law to recognise loving couples who want to make a lifelong commitment. At the moment they and their children are often treated like second-class citizens.

Before the September election opponents of same-sex marriage within the coalition forced Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to promise voters a traditional plebiscite, rather than allowing a free vote of MPs.

With the government's mandate for a plebiscite quickly rejected by Labor and the Greens in Parliament, a proposal for a postal plebiscite on the issue has emerged. It has come, remarkably, from coalition MPs who might have wanted to push aside any change to marriage.

Let's overlook for now the motivations of Immigration Minister and right-wing leader Peter Dutton in discussing the option.

On the face of it a postal vote without the need for legislation – overseen by the Australian Electoral Commission and with safeguards against rorting – might deliver an outcome more quickly and cheaply than fighting for a free vote or a traditional in-person plebiscite.

The Herald has supported a traditional plebiscite, but only in conjunction with the last election. That approach would have cost taxpayers $44 million rather than the $158 million for a standalone plebiscite. The postal vote option could be even cheaper.


We argued same-sex marriage would not dominate public discourse during an election campaign and as such the risk of inflaming anti-gay sentiment would be reduced. A postal vote away from election time would carry some risk of the debate turning ugly.

While we would have preferred a free vote of MPs, that option is not perfect. Politicians do not always reveal to the electorate their personal views, nor could they be trusted to reject pressure to vote along factional lines out of career self-interest. In many ways, an in-person plebiscite would be more democratic than a free vote of MPs.

The democratic basis of a postal ballot is more problematic.

Turnout would probably be lower than other options and skew towards older voters. A low turnout in a postal vote would diminish its authority and potentially allow opponents of same sex marriage to question the legitimacy of an unwanted outcome.

But postal ballots for big issues are not new. Australians chose delegates to the constitutional convention in 1998 via a postal vote, with 48 per cent turnout. The Queensland government used one for council amalgamations in 2007. Turnout was 57 per cent. New Zealand held two when deciding to reject a new flag design in 2015 and 2016. Voter turnout was 48 per cent and 67 per cent, respectively.

A postal vote on same-sex marriage would probably need a turnout nearer 80 per cent to be beyond reproach. That's possible. What's more, voters could have the option of electronic voting too, although the AEC raised concerns when that was discussed at a Senate committee in 2016.

Complicating any consideration of a postal ballot is one question: Why is Mr Dutton supporting it?

It may well be, as Fairfax Media has reported, that he now accepts that legalised same-sex marriage is inevitable and wants the Liberals to control the process. He may think the issue will cost the Liberals votes and damage his leadership ambitions.

If he believes a postal vote would work to stifle a yes vote, however, then Australians will have less confidence in the process. Mr Dutton is hardly a unifying figure in this debate. He slammed business leaders for suggesting a free vote was needed on same-sex marriage, yet is happy to accept their support on other policies.

If Mr Turnbull wants to pursue the postal vote option and gain the support for same-sex marriage that his leadership needs, Mr Dutton should not be the spruiker.

The Herald is open to a postal vote to get this issue sorted, with three provisos: that proponents can reassure everyone the process would be foolproof; that every effort is made to encourage a large turnout; and that both supporters and opponents of same-sex marriage in government ranks back the plan.

Barring that, a plebiscite at the next election remains the most realistic and reasonable option to settle same-sex marriage.