

Section 18C changes: What will we be able to say that we can't say now? Let's find out

It is with great relief that I celebrate my freedom, soon to be enshrined in law, to insult Aborigines. I've wanted to do it for years, but have been too frightened by section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, which Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull this week announced he will strengthen.

People like me – satirists, columnists, journalists and other freedom fighters – will, pending senate approval, be able to offend, insult and humiliate others on the grounds of their race.

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18C: stronger or weaker?

Malcolm Turnbull says he's strengthening the Racial Discrimination Act, Labor says the government is weakening it.

I will be free to insult not just Aborigines, but also Asians, who are taking over our schools and (soon we won't have to whisper it) are terribly pushy in queues. If this was radio or television instead of the written word, I would pause now to do a comedy-version of an Asian accent.

You don't find that funny? Suck it up, snowflake. Your offence is my freedom, and just because it's not funny doesn't mean it can't be satire. It just means you're too politically correct to get it.

Let's move on to the place where I really, if I'm honest, most desperately want to exercise my freedom: Muslims – soon people will be able to call them all the names that, up until now, have only been spoken in the darkest reaches of the internet, where "racists", as left-wingers like to label them, can be anonymous in their free speech.

Soon we can bring those kinds of words (that I am currently, outrageously, unable to print) out into the open where they belong, and our society will be better for it.


Great debates will be fostered about the insidious creep of Islamism into our society. It'll be like the Enlightenment all over again, but with all the civility of social media.

Finally, we will be able to say what the silent majority is thinking – that Islam is a backwards religion that oppresses its women and condones terrorism, when it's not outright promoting it.

Up until now, there were consequences to airing these kinds of views, but soon that will change.

My opinions as a white, non-Muslim woman who has never read the Koran, and who already has a platform in a mainstream media organisation, will finally be let loose. Unfettered and free.

But freedom of speech also means being at liberty to leave out all the things that don't suit your argument.

So, I will not use my newfound liberty to campaign against other strictures on freedom of speech, strictures much more oppressive to journalists and cartoonists than the Racial Discrimination Act.

I will not make a peep about our defamation laws, which are widely acknowledged to be among some of the most onerous in the world's liberalised democracies.

I will not mention the fact those same defamation laws, by their nature, privilege the reputations of the rich and powerful.  

I will remain silent when valuable, public-interest journalism is censored by in-house lawyers because it points out nasty details of the business dealings of powerful men with deep pockets and litigious natures.

I will not, for example, bring up now-jailed former NSW MP Eddie Obeid suing the Herald for defamation and winning – something that seems laughable now but was carried under the law as it still stands.

I won't say this case could be used to claim defamation laws lack "credibility", which is what the Prime Minister said this week about section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, as justification for its change.

The only vexatious legal complaint I will mention is the one made under section 18C against a bunch of QUT students – a complaint that was thrown out of court by a judge even before a hearing was set.

I will shut up completely about the vexatious complaints made in other areas of the law, for example, abusive men who try to take out tit-for-tat Apprehended Violence Orders against ex-partners who have sought legal protection from them.

Another thing I will not mention, in my critique of the legal system and civil liberties, are the budget cuts to legal aid and community legal centres, which some fear have eroded the access to justice of disadvantaged people.

I will also choose to ignore the ludicrousness of a crusade by an almost entirely white government to get rid of protections against the kinds of humiliations its members will never endure.

I will not say that it's reminiscent of the men of the Trump administration signing away women's abortion rights, and then posing for a publicity snap, without the faintest awareness of how silly they look.

It feels marvellous to be free.

I can only hope the Turnbull government keeps defending my freedoms, even if it is at the expense of addressing serious tax law reform, education policy, wage stagnation, poor urban infrastructure, the housing affordability crisis, the energy crisis, or credible climate change policy. Maybe now they'll have some time for those things, too.