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The Broadway Hotel, an architectural and historical icon of Woolloongabba, is under threat. Developers have lodged an application to demolish large sections of the historic building and over shadow the entire structure with a "dark tower" esc apartment complex.

This will destroy the character of the Hotel but there is a solution your current state MP Jackie Trad has the ability to call this development in both in her role as planning minister and the role her department has in protecting our heritage.

Please sign and share this petition if you believe we should look after places like the Broadway.

Power bills are going up, which is good for big corporations profits💹, but not for the people who have to pay the bills💸.

Good thing the Greens have a plan to save you $370 on your power bill.

Publicado por Queensland Greens
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63.331 reproducciones
Queensland Greens con Amy MacMahon, Greens for South Brisbane.

Are you sick of getting ripped off on your electricity bill?

Here's our plan to scrap electricity privatisation in South East Queensland. We'll stop the rip offs and create a single public electric retailer for all Queenslanders.



It's great to finally see some more green space being added to Woolloongabba but there are issues with how it is being done. The piecemeal approach where only small pockets of greenery are added to our suburbs while developers are allowed to overshadow, harden and profit our existing large parks is concerning.

Small parks can be great places for the community but the current approach is to maybe put down some park benches and some stunted trees and leave it. These spaces lack the access, the amenities, and space that is required for the space to be comfortably used.

Greening our city should be done in a way that balances new small parks with new large ones. Ones that are large enough for kids to kick a ball around in and ones that are small local spots for a picnic.

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Amy MacMahon, Greens for South Brisbane agregó 2 fotos nuevas.

The Government in the last few weeks have announced a few small green space additions around South Brisbane - buildings are being demolished in South Bank to way for extra parkland, and a lot in Woolloongabba is being converted to a small park as well (see the details attached).

Green space is vital for communities, particularly in the inner city where the population is growing - people need places to run their dogs and throw frisbees and have picnics in the sunshine.

However, I do have concerns about a piecemeal approach that adds tiny sections of parkland to the inner city, while greenspace in places like Carseldine, The Gap, Mowbray Park, and Queens Park are being turned over to property developers, wider roads or a mega casino. We all want and need green space - we need to start by protecting those spaces we already have.

This kind of two-tiered planning approach continues to see the needs of the community put below those of property developers. It seems that the government supports green space so long as it doesn't get in the way of property developers making billions off our communities.

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Happening this afternoon at 3:30pm, come hear about the development application that will rewrite planning regulations in woolloongabba and discuss the community's concerns. In an area desperate for community and creative spaces this development does not deliver for the community.

The Broadway Hotel is an amazing icon of the area and deserves to be treated as such.

Dom 15:30 UTC+10Woolloongabba SubstationBrisbane, Queensland, Australia
90 personas interesadas

WOW!! It was amazing to see so many people out and ready to talk about a new kind of politics that we so desperately need.

Thanks to the Queensland Young Greens for putting this on and all the volunteers and people who worked to make it happen. Big thanks to Amy MacMahon, Greens for South Brisbane, Jonathan Sri, Councillor for The Gabba, Larissa Waters and Lee Rhiannon for giving some inspiring speeches on their vision for radical politics.

Don't Settle for the Status Quo

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La imagen puede contener: 4 personas, personas sonriendo
Queensland Young Greens en For The Many: Social Drinks and Radical Political Discussions

What a night! Thanks to our panellists, Lee, Larissa and Jonno for some truly thoughtful responses to the audience's questions.

Like Amy said at the start, and... Larissa echoed later on, it shouldn't be radical to propose that education and healthcare are free for all and it shouldn't be radical for our government to put the needs of our society before corporate profit. Yet, here we are.

We're really stoked so many of you came out last night. Keep the fire in your eyes and fight towards a better tomorrow every day - we will be 💪🏽

Last but not least, our friend Jas has posted below the deets of the NAIDOC Day March below, but here they are again:

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This Friday Brisbane Aboriginal-Sovereign Embassy marches for NAIDOC week. They march for their rights, their sovereignty and their future.

We stand in solidarity with the traditional owners of the land on which we reside. Please join the march as allies and support the Aboriginal people of this land in their fight.

Sovereignty was never ceded.

Vie 10:30 UTC+10Parliament House, BrisbaneBrisbane, Queensland, Australia
398 personas interesadas

This Friday Brisbane Aboriginal-Sovereign Embassy marches for NAIDOC week. They march for their rights, their sovereignty and their future.

We stand in solidarity with the traditional owners of the land on which we reside. Please join the march as allies and support the Aboriginal people of this land in their fight.

Sovereignty was never ceded.

Vie 10:30 UTC+10Parliament House, BrisbaneBrisbane, Queensland, Australia
398 personas interesadas

Don't forget!! Happening tomorrow, Queensland Young Greens is hosting a social drinks at the Lithuanian Hall on Gladstone Rd.

QYG has announced that joining their panel of Cr Jonathan Sri, Senator Lee Rhiannon and Amy MacMahon will be Queensland's own Senator Larissa Waters

All ages are welcome....

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Queensland Young Greens en For The Many: Social Drinks and Radical Political Discussions

We are excited to announce that the other half of our Queensland elected reps duo and Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens, Senator Larissa Waters, will also joining us tomorrow night. Larissa will be one of our three panelists for the Q&A discussion. If we are really lucky, baby Alia might also make an appearance on the night!

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This Wednesday come and hang with Queensland Young Greens for drinks and chats about the future of radical politics in Australia.

With special guests Lee Rhiannon, Jonathan Sri, Councillor for The Gabba and Amy MacMahon, Greens for South Brisbane it's sure to be a great night.

Mié 18:30 UTC+10Highgate Hill Lithuanian Association (Community Hall)Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
278 personas interesadas

We stand in solidarity with the traditional owners of the land on which we reside.

The Brisbane Aboriginal-Sovereign Embassy marches on Friday to raise awareness of Aboriginal sovereignty and protest the presentation by the Recognise Campaign of their report to parliament . BASE asks we stand with them and support the delegates who walked out of the meeting and reject the councils report entirely.

Sovereignty was never ceded.

Vie 11:00 UTC+10
217 personas interesadas

Don't forget!! Happening tonight, Stop Adani Brisbane and Jonathan Sri, Councillor for The Gabba are hosting Guarding the Galilee at the Boundary St Markets.

You can also help out fighting Adani right here, with the Greens on the verge of winning our first seat in Queensland parliament we need a people powered movement on all fronts to stop this destructive mine.

We are only need 455 votes to win South Brisbane and Amy MacMahon, Greens for South Brisbane into parliament, fig...hting against this mine and standing up for what matters.

You can support our fight in South Brisbane by volunteering
or by donating

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Sáb 16:30 UTC+10Boundary St MarketsBrisbane, Queensland, Australia
820 personas interesadas

Stop Adani Brisbane and Jonathan Sri, Councillor for The Gabba present Guarding the Galilee, this Saturday at the Boundary St markets.

Adani wants to build Australia's biggest coal mine in the middle of Queensland.

It's a mine that will trash Indigenous land rights, wreck the reef and cook the climate! Now is the time to get involved. The Greens stand against this mine and the old parties are bending over backwards to help out their corporate mates in the fossil fuel industry....

This coming state election we only need 455 votes to win South Brisbane and get Greens members into state parliament and fight against this mine and stand up for what matters.

You can support our fight in South Brisbane by volunteering
or by donating

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Sáb 16:30 UTC+10Boundary St MarketsBrisbane, Queensland, Australia
820 personas interesadas

An amazing and personal story from Victor Huml, The Greens candidate for Greenslopes on World Refugee Day.

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Victor Huml, The Greens candidate for Greenslopes

A cold war story of escape, missing bears and reunion.

I was a small boy when my mother made the decision to flee Czechoslovakia after it was invaded by Russia ...and its allies. My mother falsified a visit to neighbouring Austria to seek exile. My major concern at the time was leaving "Yellow Bear" and "Black and White Bear" (a Panda Bear) behind. I pleaded with my mother to take the two bears with us on our "vacation". My mother only had one suitcase for the both of us. Sadly the bare essentials didn't actually include bears. As an precocious 5 year old my mother had to tell me we were returning after a few days so I wouldn't say the wrong thing in front of the Border Control Officials. Little did I know we were leaving the country forever.

The Border Control Officials were very suspicious of our travel plans and started closely scrutinising my Mother's travel documents. At that point, I apparently said I couldn't wait to return home after our trip to see the bears. My exclamation caused much amusement amongst the stern faced Officials making them laugh out aloud. This brought a change in their mood and we were allowed to pass through the checkpoint without any further challenges. We spent several months in Vienna before we were given permission to come to Australia, our new home. Sadly "Yellow Bear" and "Black and White Bear" had to stay behind in the emerging hard-line Stalinist style regime. I remember being really sad about leaving the bears.

Last year when I was clearing up some of my Aunt's deceased estate I found "Yellow Bear" in a big box of stuffed toys. I couldn't believe it and I can hardly describe the feeling. I was so excited as a flood of childhood memories engulfed me. Decades later "Yellow Bear" and I were finally reunited and the bear finally made the journey to Australia with me. Sadly the fate of "Black and White Bear" is unknown (perhaps being a Panda he was deported as a suspected Maoist).

Today on World Refugee day I reflect on the experience of my family. In my case it was just some toys left behind but for my parents and many others it meant leaving their homes, family members and friends. In a world where violence forces thousands of families to flee for their lives each day we need to show more compassion to displaced people around the world.

"I’ve met so many who have lost so much. But they never lose their dreams for their children or their desire to better our world. They ask for little in return, only our support in their time of greatest need"
UN Secretary-General, António Guterres

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Happening tomorrow night Environmental Defenders Office Qld and The Wilderness Society present; Saving the Green in Our Suburbs

Trees in our suburbs are invaluable. Trees provide shade to cool our suburbs down and protect us from increasing heat waves; encourage active lifestyles; proven health benefits of reduced stress, depression and sickness; improve the air we breath; along with countless other benefits. But with ever increasing urban development in Queensland, and plans for greater densification of our urban areas, our suburban trees are under threat and quickly diminishing.

This joint event with The Wilderness Society and the Environmental Defenders Office Queensland will give you the knowledge and skills you need to use your rights to be informed and have your concerns heard about clearing in urban areas.

Mié 18:00 UTC+10
291 personas interesadas
South Brisbane Greens actualizó su foto de portada.

We had a fantastic weekend door-knocking with Amy MacMahon, Greens for South Brisbane, Larissa Waters, Senator Scott Ludlam and Jonathan Sri, Councillor for The Gabba. Something pretty exciting is happening here in South Brisbane. Be apart of the 'upset of the century' to end politics as usual.

You can join the campaign here:

La imagen puede contener: 2 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie, cielo, árbol, multitud, boda, nube, niños, exterior y naturaleza

We had a fantastic weekend door-knocking with Amy MacMahon, Greens for South Brisbane. Something pretty exciting is happening here in South Brisbane. Sign up here to be apart of the 'upset of the century' to politics as usual

Amy MacMahon, Greens for South Brisbane

"Upset of the century": that's how Channel 9 described our potential historic win in South Brisbane. We're 455 votes from creating a better form of politics. Wa...tch to the end of the clip and see why our movement is so powerful. The major parties have millions in corporate donations, but we have people power. Volunteer to join our people power campaign

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We had a fantastic weekend door-knocking with Amy MacMahon, Greens for South Brisbane, Larissa Waters, Senator Scott Ludlam and Jonathan Sri, Councillor for The Gabba. Something pretty exciting is happening here in South Brisbane. Be apart of the 'upset of the century' to end politics as usual.

You can join the campaign here:

La imagen puede contener: una o varias personas, personas de pie, cielo, árbol, nube, exterior y naturaleza