The SolydXK Team

SolydXK is a community effort. In this page I’d like to introduce the people who contribute an enormous amount of time and effort to SolydXK: the SolydXK team members!


Arjen Balfoort


Arjen Balfoort (Schoelje) <>
SolydXK founder, maintainer and developer.


LinkedIn profile

In real life I’m a business consultant, husband, and father of two.

I finished the art academy in ’91 where I graduated in painting, sculpturing, and photography. I started my IT career in ’97 as a Microsoft developer. Later, I studied business strategy, strategy management, and governance for both the profit and the non-profit sector. Early 2012 I discovered Linux, and in March 2013 we started SolydXK.





Frank (grizzler) <>
Security manager, tester, CE ISO maintainer.

After more than thirty years with a large semi-governmental organisation, mainly in Application Management for our state pension payment system, I’m now working (more or less) as a freelancer.

I’ve been using Linux for (almost) all my computing needs since 2008, but I’ve played with it off and on since the turn of the century.





Inken (ilu) <>

I started experimenting with Linux around 1995 but it took me until 2013 to finally leave the MS world behind. Linux now has reached a point where it is not only on par with MS Windows but better.

My main focus in supporting open software is freedom. I’m deeply concerned that our society casually trades the freedom we still have for convenience and false security. People have fought to achieve that freedom and we must continue to dedicate time and effort to keep it. That’s why I try to encourage and help people to leave constraints and complacency and embrace the openness and freedom that is Linux.





Jocelyn (ane champenois) <>
Forum administrator, tester.

For 10 years I’ve been a Science and Mathematics teacher, and I just got my degree in Urban Planning. I’m a father of one, and live together with my partner.


I discovered Linux in 2003 with a French distribution called Mandrake. For a long time I was a regular user of Mandrake and Ubuntu. After that, I searched for a rolling release, and in 2013 discovered LMDE Xfce. When the unofficial LMDE KDE and the unofficial LMDE Xfce were discontinued, I followed to SolydXK to join the team, and it has been a very good learning experience since.