
Current version: 201701

SolydK is a Debian based distribution with the KDE desktop. This is the big brother of the two and has all the bells and whistles.

After burning the ISO to USB or DVD, you can try SolydK live before you decide to install. The Live user is “solydxk” and has the same password as root: solydxk.

SolydK does not need to be reinstalled each time an update is released. You don’t have to reinstall, ever!
The update manager sits in your system tray and signals you whenever there is an update available.


You can download the ISO directly from our server, by torrent, or mirrors. After the download, verify that the signature corresponds with the provided file.


SolydK 64-bit (1.6G)



GPG [?]


Total downloads

40642 times (updated daily)

mem/disk usage

mem: 550MB
disk: 5G

SolydK has all the programs you need to get productive right away. These are some highlights of the programs that come pre-installed with SolydK.

Internet and E-mail

Firefox is a very well-known and used browser to safely browse the internet.
Thunderbird is your default e-mail client and both Firefox and Thunderbird can be easily extended with free downloadable add-ons.


The LibreOffice suite contains all you need.
You can open and edit your MS Office documents as well as any open standard document.

These are some of the programs of LibreOffice:

  • A Word processor: Writer,
  • a Spreadsheet: Calc,
  • and for presentations: Impress.

If you still need MS Office you can see a tutorial here to show you how easy it is to install your copy on SolydK.


VLC is a media player that can play almost any music or video file, and you don’t need to install any additional codecs either.
Amarok lets you play and organize your vast music collection.

Now go and grab the latest SolydK and try it out!

DVD label

SolydK DVD label

Get SolydK on DVD