
Mirror our ISOs and repository

We’re always looking for mirrors to mirror our ISOs (~4G) and our repository (~1G). If you have the space and bandwidth left, you can rsync your repository with ours. When you have mirrored or want to mirror our ISOs or repositories, just drop us an e-mail with the URLs.

Howto mirror

This is a small tutorial on how to mirror our repository and our ISOs.
Change “/path_to_solydxk_files” to the path where you want to save the bash file, and don’t forget to change the admin e-mail address in the cron job.

1. Create a bash file
Create a bash file /path_to_bash/solydxk.sh, and past the following:

rsync -avz --delete repository.solydxk.com::repository/ /path_to_solydxk_files/repository/
rsync -avz --delete downloads.solydxk.com::downloads/ /path_to_solydxk_files/downloads/

NLUUG (Netherlands) has provided us with another rsync server which you can use if our American server is slow, or difficult to reach:

rsync -avz --delete ftp.nluug.nl::solydxk/repository/ /path_to_solydxk_files/repository/
rsync -avz --delete ftp.nluug.nl::solydxk/downloads/ /path_to_solydxk_files/downloads/

If you only want to mirror the ISOs, you just need to add the last line (downloads) to your bash file.

2. Make it executable

sudo chmod +x /path_to_bash/solydxk.sh

3. Open the crontab configuration

sudo crontab -e

4. Add the cron job
Paste this (change the path to the bash file):

# Mirror SolydXK
@hourly /usr/local/bin/setlock -n /tmp/cronlock.012345 sh -c $'/path_to_bash/solydxk.sh'

Make sure you have daemontools installed.
Within an hour the cron job should run the bash file.

Note: the number on the cronlock file is just something to make the file unique: more cronjobs can run at the same moment. This makes sure this particular cronjob can just run one at the time.