Security Prisoner
Security Detainee
Administrative Detainee
HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual is an Israeli human rights organization with tha main aim of assisting Palestinians of the Occupied Territories whose rights are violated due to Israel's policies.

This site contains information relating to these human rights violations. It gives the texts of Israeli laws and regulations, including those of the Military Government; international conventions; petitions to the Israeli High Court of Justice; claims for compensation for damages; decisions by Israeli and other courts; and other official documents and reports.
New report by HaMoked and B'Tselem
50 Years of Occupation
"Quiet Deportation"

Between 1967 and 2015, Israel has revoked the residency status of 
14,500 East-Jerusalem Palestinians
Timeline: Punitive House Demolitions
"Ceased residency"

Between 1967 and 1994
Israel revoked the residency status of some quarter million Palestinians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip 
Charting Key Events and Legal Developments by Subject
to timelines
Israeli Case-Law under Scrutiny 
to court watch
The Occupation from Below – the Personal Stories
to cases
HaMoked to the Attorney General: the police-authorized presence of the slain victim’s parents during the sealing of the home in Jabal Mukabber echoes a public spectacle at the city square
A spectacle at the city square? The military sealed a home in Jabal Mukabber and the victim’s parents came, accompanied by police officers, to watch the punishment
Updated summary on punitive home demolitions from July 2014 to March 23, 2017
Vindictive policy and collective punishment: the military demolishes the families’ homes, the National Insurance Institute denies benefits, and the Ministry of Interior engages in deportation – thus the state persecutes the relatives of assailants
The Supreme Court in a unanimous decision: the Israeli status of East Jerusalem residents is unique by virtue of the fact that they were born here; therefore, an expired residency status may be restored
All Updates (02) 627 1698   (02) 627 6317

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