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 72 items in 8 pages
List of issues prior to submission of the initial report of MozambiqueList of issues prior to reporting (LoIPR)CMWMozambiqueCMW/C/MOZ/QPR/118 May 2017 View document        E     CMW_C_MOZ_QPR_1_24702_E.pdf     CMW/C/MOZ/QPR/1 True25
As ReceivedFollow-up State party's reportCCPRMozambique 29 Apr 2016 View document  E           INT_CCPR_FCO_MOZ_23737_E.doc     INT/CCPR/FCO/MOZ/23737 True46
SUMMARY RECORD OF THE 1173RD MEETING, HELD AT THE PALAIS WILSON, GENEVA, ON TUESDAY, 29 OCTOBER 2013 : COMMITTEE AGAINST TORTURE, 51ST SESSIONSummary recordsCATMozambiqueCAT/C/SR.117325 Jan 2014 View document        E           CAT/C/SR.1173 True31
Concluding observations on the initial report of MozambiqueConcluding observationsCATMozambiqueCAT/C/MOZ/CO/109 Dec 2013 View document        E SACRCAT_C_MOZ_CO-1_15830_E.doc     CAT/C/MOZ/CO/1 True5
Concluding observations on the initial report of MozambiqueConcluding observationsCCPRMozambiqueCCPR/C/MOZ/CO/118 Nov 2013 View document        E SACRCCPR_C_MOZ_CO_1_15639_E.doc     CCPR/C/MOZ/CO/1 True5
Summary record of the 3020th meeting, Tuesday, 22 October 2013, at 3 p.m.Summary recordsCCPRMozambiqueCCPR/C/SR.302005 Nov 2013 View document        E SACR      CCPR/C/SR.3020 True31
PUBLIC MEETING: WEDNESDAY, 23 OCTOBER 2013, AMSummary recordsCCPRMozambiqueCCPR/C/SR.302105 Nov 2013 View document        E SACR      CCPR/C/SR.3021 True31
Follow-up to concluding observations, paras. 13, 14 and 15Follow-up issuesCCPRMozambique 01 Nov 2013 View document                    INT/CCPR/FUI/MOZ/16241http://uhri.ohchr.org/search/results?symbol=CCPR/C/MOZ/CO/1&rights;=5d486a2b-dc2d-409a-b882-49eb256e38c5&BodyFilter;=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&AnnotationTypeFilter;=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&CountryFilter;=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&resultsOrder;=StateTrue98
Follow-up to concluding observations, paras. 13, 14 and 15Follow-up issuesCCPRMozambique 01 Nov 2013 View document                    INT/CCPR/FUI/MOZ/16242http://uhri.ohchr.org/search/results?symbol=CCPR/C/MOZ/CO/1&rights;=5d486a2b-dc2d-409a-b882-49eb256e38c5&BodyFilter;=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&AnnotationTypeFilter;=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&CountryFilter;=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&resultsOrder;=StateTrue98
List of IssuesList of issuesCCPRMozambiqueCCPR/C/MOZ/Q/1/Add.131 May 2013 View document        E S   CCPR_C_MOZ_Q_1_Add-1_14579_E.docCCPR_C_MOZ_Q_1_Add-1_14579_F.docCCPR_C_MOZ_Q_1_Add-1_14579_S.doc   CCPR/C/MOZ/Q/1/Add.1 True18


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