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Kerry: Settler agenda defining future of IsraelSpeech laying out administration's vision underlines threat posed to peace by illegal settlements on Palestinian land.


Bangladesh garment factories dismiss '1,500 workers'        Inside Story

What's next for South Korea?            The Crusades: An Arab Perspective

Liberation: Acre and the End of the Crusades       Arts & Culture

Tattoos in Kinshasa: Overcoming conflict and taboos   by Kait Bolongaro


The long road to rebuilding Gaza   by Sanaa Kamal

       War & Conflict

Al Jazeera's best photos of 2016    Show More Stories    Politics

The trouble with democracy by  Larry Beinhart


Why Kenya's cattle raids are getting deadlier  by  Anthony Langat


What went wrong? A withering West by  Marwan Bishara

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Cradles in Rajasthan for India's unwanted babies by  Shaifali Agrawal

       Latest News   Trending     trueTurkey, Russia 'agree' on Syria ceasefire plan21 minutes agotrueUK minorities do better at school but struggle for jobs9 hours agotrueNigeria still searching for girls seized by Boko Haram19 hours agotrueRecord number of refugees opt to leave Germany in 201612 hours agotrueTraditional Bolivian healers tackle diabetes crisis18 hours agotrueBahraini activist Najeeb Rajab to remain in custody8 hours agotrueDense winter fog blankets Arab Gulf countries8 hours agotrueInterfaith weddings at UK Sikh temples hit by protests16 hours agotrueSudanese miners risk health for gold 20 hours agotrueAnger as Facebook safety feature raises false alarm18 hours agotruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetrue More News      1

   Kerry: Settler agenda defining future of Israel


   Liberation: Acre and the End of the Crusades


   The legacy of the Crusades in contemporary Muslim world


   The trouble with democracy


   Turkey, Russia 'agree' on Syria ceasefire plan


   Interfaith weddings at UK Sikh temples hit by protests


   Erdogan accuses US-led coalition of supporting ISIL


   Bangladesh garment factories dismiss '1,500 workers'


   Al Jazeera's best photos of 2016


   US-Israel row escalates as Kerry gives speech

        VIDEO     FEATURED  NEWS  DOCUMENTARIES  SHOWS  SHORTS                          Witness Gangbe Afrobeatslast year        Inside Story Has Boko Haram been defeated?yesterday        The Crusades: An Arab Perspective Liberation: Acre and the End of the Crusades15 hours ago        Fault Lines Standing Rock and the Battle Beyondyesterday        Special series Boko Haram: Behind the Rise of Nigeria's Armed Group6 days ago        General I Knew Boris Yeltsin7 years ago        Talk to Al Jazeera Obama adviser: China is more of a threat than Russia4 days ago        UpFront UpFront special: The rise of anti-Semitism5 days ago        Latin America Investigates Argentina: Cross-Border Trafficking6 days ago        Witness Istanbul Streets: I Hear Music 6 days ago           Inside Story What's next for South Korea?7 hours ago        Inside Story Has Boko Haram been defeated?yesterday        Inside Story What now for Israel after the UN vote?2 days ago        TechKnow Giving voice to the voiceless2 days ago        Inside Story What will it take to recapture Mosul?3 days ago        Talk to Al Jazeera Peter Hultqvist: 'Respect international law' 3 days ago        Inside Story Where is the next battleground in Syria?4 days ago        Counting the Cost Apple's tax war with the EU4 days ago        Talk to Al Jazeera Obama adviser: China is more of a threat than Russia4 days ago        Inside Story Egypt pulls plug on UN vote on Israeli settlements5 days ago           Fault Lines Standing Rock and the Battle Beyondyesterday        REWIND Street Food Jerusalem2 days ago        Special series Boko Haram: Behind the Rise of Nigeria's Armed Group6 days ago        Witness Istanbul Streets: I Hear Music 6 days ago        REWIND Behind America's Infant Mortality Crisislast week        Witness Something Better to Come: Life in a Garbage Dumplast week        101 East China's African Gold Rushlast week        Witness The Girl Who Saved My Lifelast week        Fault Lines The Anacortes Refinery Disaster2 weeks ago        REWIND It's a Man's World: Rape in Cambodia2 weeks ago       01:30      The Crusades: An Arab Perspective Episode 4: Liberation social video14 hours ago    01:17      Can Traditional Healers Help Bolivia's Diabetes Epidemic?14 hours ago    01:39      Civil March for Aleppo15 hours ago    01:21      A robot almost straight out of Avatar16 hours ago    01:59      Egypt, let our journalist go!20 hours ago    01:00      Who is Antonio Guterres?yesterday    01:39      A Music School for Bangkok's Slumsyesterday    00:26      Church collapse kills dozens in Nigeriayesterday    02:21      Top Influencers We Lost in 2016yesterday    00:37      American health woesyesterday       02:25      Visiting the first free black town of the new world in Colombia12 hours ago    02:23      Exclusive: Nigerian army freed hundreds from Boko Haram 12 hours ago    02:21      The modern-day sultan of northern Niger17 hours ago    02:38      Protests against mixed-faith weddings at Britain's Sikh temples 17 hours ago    02:25      Nigerian refugees in Cameroon still fear Boko Haram 19 hours ago    02:53       Japanese PM visits Pearl Harbor to promote reconciliation20 hours ago    03:44      2016: The year 'the greatest' Muhammad Ali left usyesterday    01:27      Star Wars actress Carrie Fisher dies at 60yesterday    02:14      Syria war: More hardship for Syrians displaced from Aleppoyesterday    02:32      Bolivia: Ancient healers tackling diabetes crisisyesterday        Opinion    The legacy of the Crusades in contemporary Muslim world   by As'ad AbuKhalil

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        Syria's Civil War     Turkey, Russia 'agree' on Syria ceasefire plan  Air strikes kill 10 children in Syria's Deir Az Zor  Erdogan accuses US-led coalition of supporting ISIL  Idlib overwhelmed by influx of Aleppo's wounded     Middle East    Gaza

The long road to rebuilding GazaMore than two years after the 2014 war, displaced citizens are still struggling to survive.

    by Sanaa Kamal


Israeli tourism maps aim to shape Jerusalem narrativeAlthough new version is more inclusive than controversial older map, it erases the Palestinian neighbourhood of Silwan.

    by Nigel Wilson

       Battle for Aleppo

Idlib overwhelmed by influx of Aleppo's woundedThousands of displaced Syrians are suffering from infected shrapnel wounds, hypothermia and malnutrition.

    by Lizzie Porter


Is interactivity the future of refugee fundraising?Charities are increasingly turning to digital technology as a means of engaging jaded donors.

    by India Stoughton

       Battle for Aleppo

East Aleppo: 'Our memories are buried'Residents evacuated from the Syrian city of Aleppo are beginning their lives anew in Idlib.

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           Africa   Tattoos in Kinshasa: Overcoming conflict and taboos Nigeria still searching for girls seized by Boko HaramSudanese miners risk health for gold Has Boko Haram been defeated?    Latin America   Traditional Bolivian healers tackle diabetes crisis Ex-Argentina president charged in corruption caseThe hidden force of current international uneasinessPeru and Bolivia vow to clean Lake Titicaca     Europe   Record number of refugees opt to leave Germany in 2016 Interfaith weddings at UK Sikh temples hit by protestsRomania president rejects Muslim PM candidatePolish doctors hide pregnancy risks to limit abortions                 News  Programmes  Opinion  About  Investigations  Contact Us  Video    Facebook  Twitter  Google+  RSS  Podcast  YouTube  SnapChat             About   About Us  Press Office  Awards  Code of Ethics  Terms and Conditions  Community Guidelines  Work for us     Connect   Contact Us  Apps  Social  Channel Finder  TV Schedule  Podcasts  Newsletter     Our Channels   AJ +  AJ Arabic  AJ Balkans  AJ Turk  AJ Mubasher  AJ Documentary     Our Network   AJ Human Rights Center  AJ Center for Studies  AJ Forum  AJ Training Center  AJ Film Festival  AJ Learning  AJ Hotel Partners      © 2016 Al Jazeera Media Network

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