Friday, October 31, 2003

OK Muslim students: say hi to your new teacher: his name is Donald Rumsfeld, and he has something very important to say to you
Brave protestors protest curbs on protests in Calcutta
Book market fire adds to misery in Baghdad
If you are wondering who is behind the attacks on US troops in Iraq, US officials know for sure the identity of those responsible:

Here, US officials blame Bin Laden

But here, "senior" US officials blame Saddam

(BUT POWELL doubts that very much)

..and here yet, Defense officials blame Saddam's deputy, Izzat Ad-Duri

(but "sources" think that he is too ill to do that)

But here, Donald Rumsfeld thinks the culprit may be Ramadan (yes, the month) please don't go around saying that the US government does not have a clue.
Canadian broadcasting investigates the various conspiracy theories of Sep. 11
Israel cited as the "biggest threat to world peace in an EU poll: Israel categorically rejects the poll, and issues more threats to its neighbors

Thursday, October 30, 2003

Full text of the report of Center for Public Integrity: Corruption in Iraq contracts:
Bus rides to Karbala'
The US Senate rejects a curb on CO2 emissions: the Senate declares them great for lungs
Press reactions to Iraq mess: Thomas Friedman calls US war: " most radical-liberal revolutionary war the US has ever launched"
US prosecutes Greenpeace: Direction Action under threat
54 years later, now it is revealed: the gang rape of an Arab woman by Zionist "pioneers"
Great news for world peace and the cause of "liberty": US develops lethal new viruses (thanks Zeina)
Iraqi business deals may be invalid according to international law experts (thanks to Naseer)
Women of the Sahara relish their roles
Women not getting UN protection in war: another reason to oust Kofi Annan
Notice how US government and newspapers scare the US public every time Muslims celebrate a holy event
Pro-US militias of thugs go on a spree of looting, beatings, and torture in Afghanistan: The (il)Logic of US wars of liberation
Robert Fisk, the best ME correspondent, on the new tactics of Iraqi guerrillas
Casualties in Iraq: the full story
Fact and Fiction in Bush's words in the last press conference
Even US wars are now at least partially privatized
The people in Afghanistan are NOT free, but the narco-terrorists are: Hurray for US wars of liberation
When they say that Bush's Middle East policy is on hold, they mean that Israel will not be stopped or restrained by US
The Saudi royal family has spent more than $17 million since Sep. 11 trying to appease the US

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Let me give you the background: San`allah Ibrahim is one of the most accomplished contemporary Arab novelists. Some of his books are available in English translation, see He has also suffered for his leftist views, and spent years in jail under different Egyptian presidents. A few weeks ago, he was awarded the top Egyptian government prize (which carries a monetary value of some $80,000.00 or so) for literature: he decided to attend the ceremony, but surprised everybody when he delivered the speech in which he rejected the prize, as you shall see in this translation of his words. (thanks Bassam for forwarding the text):
FYI -- The English translation of Sonallah's speech when he refused the state prize in literature --

Sonallah?s Speech in the Cairo Forum for Arab Literary Creativity
I shall not be able to compete with Dr. Gaber Asfour?s ability to improvise. It is therefore that I have hurriedly written a short speech to express my feelings.
Believe me when I say that I never expected this honor and that I never sought to get it. There are many who are more entitled to it than I am. Some of them are no longer with us...Creative pioneers who represent this nation whose present and future have gone astray with the wind have chosen me (for this award). I would like to especially acknowledge my teacher Mahmoud Amin El Alem. I was imprisoned with him and he and his comrades taught me the true values of justice, progress and loving one?s country.
Their choice proves that serious and persistent work is eventually met with the appropriate appreciation, with no need for public relations, compromises or flattery of the official institution, from which I was always keen to keep a distance.
And yet this choice has another important value. For it is an evaluation of an approach in creativity that is down to earth addressing real and existing concerns of the individual, the homeland and the nation.
This is the fate of the Arab writer. He (she) cannot ignore what is happening around him (her), or pretend not to see the humiliation of the nation from the ocean to the gulf, the oppression and corruption, the Israeli flagrancy and the American Occupation, and the shameful collusion of Arab regimes and governments in all that is happening.
At this very moment as we are gathering here, Israeli forces are raiding what is left of Palestinian land, killing pregnant women and children and rendering thousands homeless, thereby implementing, with an obviously accurate methodology, a plan of genocide against the Palestinian people and forcing it out of its country. Arab capitals, however, open their arms to receive Israeli leaders. A few steps away from here lives the Israeli ambassador in full security, and another few steps away the American Ambassador is occupying a whole district while his soldiers are in each and every corner of a homeland that was once Arab.
I have no doubt that every Egyptian here realizes the extent of the disaster that has befallen our nation. The matter is not only restricted to actual Israeli military threat to our eastern borders, nor to the American dictates and the apparent helplessness in our government?s external policy, but extends to all aspects of our lives. We no longer have any theater or cinema or scientific research or education. We only have festivals, conferences and a parcel full of lies. We no longer have any industry, or agriculture or health or justice. Corruption and plundering are widespread, and any protester is faced with humiliation, beating and torture. The exploiting minority has deprived us of our souls. The reality is frightening. And within that reality a writer cannot pretend not to see or keep silent or give up on his (her) responsibility.

I shall not ask you to issue a statement of protest or condemnation. This is no longer useful. I shall not ask you to do anything, for you know better than me what should be done.
All I can do is to once again thank my honorable teachers who have honored me by choosing me for this award. I declare my apologies for not accepting it, since its is given by a government, who ? to my mind ? does not have the credibility to award it. Thank you.
Sonallah Ibrahim
25th October 2003
Is Congress moving to regulate post-colonial studies? (thanks Bronwyn)
Sen Lott has the solution for Iraq: He urges that US "mow the whole place down":
For the lovers of Howard Dean: the opportunistic pretender, whose crush on Ariel Sharon has been increasing (thanks Rania)

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

The liars have lied again: commanders see no evidence of infiltration from Syria
Iraqis, who were subjected to the dreadful speeches of Saddam, are now subjected to the dreadful speeches of Bremmer
How the US preaches, but does not practice, free markets
Full text of the first serious study of the Iraqi death toll: As many as 15000 Iraqis were killed in the FIRST DAYS OF THE WAR, and UP TO 4300 of the dead were civilian noncombatants
Heavily armed pigs will now protect Jewish settlements. (thanks to Mona and Rania)
This is new: now they claim that weapons were smuggled in a Jar, placed in the backpack of a traveling student
Bush celebrates Ramadan in the White House: He invites a few Muslims for a dinner of roasted pigs, and California wine. Don't call me insensitive, he pleaded with invited Muslims
My friends Bassam and Sinan (along with three other people) shot a documentary in Iraq last summer: it has been screened already at Georgetown University, and will be making the rounds around the US: you may contact them through the website if you want them to show at your campus. They do not ask for payments, but expect donations of pistachios
Bush pledges to chase and find suicide bombers; when told they were already dead, he asked for an immediate investigation:
Bush really actually said that he will find the suicide bombers and bring them to justice. His advisors must have told him later that they are dead. Bush was confused: he never knew that suicide bombers die. He had always assumed that suicide bombers live and continue to engage in more than one suicide attack. : and he asked his staff if suicide bombers can be brought back to life to be prosecuted. This is the "leader of the free world." By the way, who decides that American presidents are automatically "leaders of the free world"? Are they elected to that position? What is "the free world"? A club? An association? I am sure that "Unfree World" is more interesting. Did you know that Nixon until his last days would refer to himself (in the third person singular) as "Nixon, the leader of the free world." In a memoirs by a former NY editor who attended parties in his house, he tells stories of having dinner at his NJ house with Chinese diplomats: so Nixon takes them on a tour of the house: and he says: "This is where the leader of the free world wrote his second book". Or "this is where the leader of the free world baked a potato." Or "this is where Nixon, the leader of the free world threw up."etc. Bush reacted to the bloody mayhem in Iraq yesterday: he said that it IS A SIGN OF AMERICAN Success and progress in Iraq (I am not kidding: see ) . He also added that his enemies hate freedom. He loves saying that, perhaps because he is the elected leader of, you guessed right, "the free world."

US position in Iraq is seen as perilous around the world: But Bush sees progress and he wants more wars like that in Middle East: we do not hear Thomas Friedman anymore talking about how wonderful the war will be for the region: he is now covering his ass by pretending that he was not a full supporter:
Occupational Schizophrenia: by Robert Fisk: the best correspondent in ME:
This is what the Iraqi war has produced: Sexual assault in Iraq is rampant: but Bush is very impressed with the progress and success:
More evidence of Powell's lies:
US embassy in Lebanon is furious at a comment made by Lebanese leader Jumblat about Wolfowitz:
Corruption in defense contracts:
Those who emulate Israel: