
Letters to the Editor

Make drugs boring

Wiser heads in cleverer countries have adopted the approach of making drugs boring.

Man not to blame for climate

The mild warming that we have experienced since the end of the Little Ice Age has been hugely beneficial.

My home has been stolen

I am, with grief and much sadness, the former owner of an allegedly Mr Fluffy home.

ActewAGL boss' mea culpa

I acknowledge the increasing, widespread customer concern in relation to billing.

ACT's top-notch medicos

We should be very proud of the quality of both our specialists and GPs in Canberra, and recognise that the care provided is second to none.

Canberra Times Letters to the Editor: Climate strategy flawed

I support the comments by John Brummell (Letters, March 30). The predominant reaction to global warming: climate change is based on the doubtful premise that if all the countries of the world move in unison to clean electrical energy as rapidly as their individual circumstances will permit then the temperature rise can be limited to two degrees Celsius and that will be the best outcome.

Thanks for your support

it is disappointing that the ACT Labor Party saw fit to play politics with what has been a major issue within the Canberra community for many years.

Abbott hurt renewables

Investment in large-scale renewables came to a near standstill under the Abbott government.

Letters to the editor: Stand against the jackboot

Do the changes to 18C mean that we will be allowed to offend, insult, humiliate and intimidate people so long as we don't do it repeatedly, which would amount to harassment?

Letters to the Editor: Heritage at risk

Tony Trobe ("Time we had a roadmap for change", Canberra Times, March 19) implies that the residents of Reid and Braddon are defending their territory like soldiers of the Great War defended their trenches.

Dig deep and support the Brumbies

We adore our Raiders; we avidly support the GWS Giants so now is the time to dig deep and support the Brumbies.

Going back to the future

Re: "All aboard as airport bus arrives". This is a catch-up to the 1950s.

Letters to the Editor: Lifting done

What a great and practical idea it is to use the old AFP's complex in Weston as a permanent space for a growing gymnastics club, thus saving $2.1million for demolition.

Precinct disappoints daily

What a shame it is that I have to form strategies daily to avoid this area, an area that should be a highlight of Canberra.

Better turbulence policy needed

It was very distressing for Qantas crew and passengers to hear a crew member injure her leg when we hit an air pocket on approach to Canberra this week.

Act on parking, garbage

It is high time that the laws banning parking on public spaces like nature and median strips were enforced.