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Last Updated: Friday, 26 March, 2004, 13:42 GMT
Housework sermon sparks imam boycott
Turkish women break their Ramadan fasts
The preacher asked village men to help women carry water
A Muslim preacher in eastern Turkey says he is being boycotted for telling local men to help their wives with the housework, Turkish media reported.

"Women do all the work in this village. All I said was men should at least carry the water (from the local well)," Mustafa Platin told Sabah newspaper.

His angry flock, who stopped attending the mosque, have asked authorities to remove the preacher.

"We can carry water, but this not up to him," village leader Adnan Karsli said.

The men don't want to pray with him any more, they go to mosques in neighbouring towns
Adnan Karsli
Village headman
Mr Karsli of Kotanduzu village, near Erzurum, accused the imam of frequently insulting village men in traditional Friday sermons.

"Instead of teaching us about Islam, he talks nonsense," he said.

"The men don't want to pray with him any more, they go to mosques in neighbouring towns."

Imam Mustafa Platin confirmed no more than three villagers joined him, even on the usually busy Friday prayers, in Turkey's traditionally conservative east.

Mr Platin, a 27-year-old father of three, said he meant well.

"Women do the washing, they look after the livestock, they cook. And they carry the water."

"When I told men to help them, they have reacted very harshly."

Country profile: Turkey
02 Mar 04  |  Country profiles

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