Gunmen pick off Baghdad councillors

in Baghdad
This article is more than 16 years old
Jonathan Steele in Baghdad
Sat 17 Jul 2004 12.35 EDT

Gunmen have killed six Baghdad councillors in the two weeks since the US occupation formally ended, sending a wave of fear through Iraq's grassroots politicians.

"I am not sure if I can continue," a member of the council in Mansour, the capital's wealthiest suburb, said yesterday. He had been happy in a first interview to have his name used but changed his mind after Jinan Joseph, a fellow councillor, was gunned down in his own home the night before.

Unlike the frequent attacks on Iraqi police stations and the assassinations of a handful of senior politicians, the killings of councillors go largely unreported in the Baghdad media.

Yet they are the most vulnerable group in Iraq society.

"Sixty-one of Baghdad's roughly 750 councillors have been killed in the last year. That's about 8%," the anonymous councillor said.

Councillors had hoped that with the transfer of sovereignty they would gain a respite, but the rate of killing has increased. With the installation of a government, they now fear marginalisation as well.

At a recent meeting of the Mansour council, which has 20 men and two women members, the only visitors were a reporter and a group of US army officers responsible for local security patrols.

The meeting started with a minute's silence for two of the slain councillors and an interpreter for the US captain who was shot as she left for work last week.

"What is our role now that there is an Iraqi government?" one councillor asked.

Ali Radhi, an engineer chosen by the various district councils to be Baghdad's mayor, recounted how he had approached a minister in the new government for extra finance for the capital.

"He told me, 'Go to the Americans. They appointed you.'"

Another councillor said: "They tell us we are traitors because we are with the Americans, but they're the ones who were really appointed. We were elected."

Baghdad's system of government was one of the occupation authority's proudest creations.

After the centralised dictatorship of Saddam Hussein it was meant to bring government close to people and show Iraqis that even though there was not yet an elected national government local bodies were already in action to help solve everyday problems.

To choose the councils the Americans decided on a system of local caucuses, to be organised by the Research Triangle Institute, a private American company contracted by the US government.

Using public notices and radio announcements in the spring of 2003 they advised citizens of an open meeting in every neighbourhood.

The few who turned up chose batches of eight people for neighbourhood councils. These then voted among themselves for members of the next tier, the 12 district councils. Others went on to the top tier, the Baghdad city council.

The Americans supervised the process to prevent Ba'athists re-emerging but their controlling hand and the fact that many of the councillors who attended the caucuses were already on the US payroll as guards, translators and subcontractors affected the councils' image.

· After days of prevaricating, the Philippines yesterday announced it had started withdrawing its 51 troops from Iraq to secure the release of a Filipino truck driver being held hostage by Islamist militants, writes John Aglionby .

Australia and the US strongly criticised the decision to cave in to try to save Angelo de la Cruz. They said it would give further succour to terrorists to attempt the same tactics.