Apr 22 2013

Boneheads battered in Brighton!

After months of baiting anti-fascists, the gobshites of the far right were weeping into their pillows last night after they were run out of Brighton yet again. Despite hyping the event as a big one and fantasising about what they were going to do to the ‘reds’ they only mustered 150 flag-waving morons at their march to nowhere. The following report is from a local anti-fascist who was there to send them packing:

We knew the fash were worried on Saturday night when Jeff Marsh started tweeting that the Casuals “owned Worthing”. If they were really such big men why didn’t they come down into Brighton where anti-fascists had been leafleting and band after band at the Punx Picnic was calling the punters out to oppose the fascists? The man was clearly close to losing his bottle and going where he wanted which was home with a nice cup of Horlicks. We could sleep easy knowing that our enemies were bricking it.

Casuals United and NWI "totally own" a secluded corner protected by cops

Casuals United and NWI “totally own” a secluded corner protected by cops

We woke up to a lovely sunny day and slowly wandered down towards the pier where a mob of black clad antis were avoiding the kettle and forming quite a sizeable crowd. The word was that fash were being allowed to walk through town to the demo which turned out not to be a particularly clever policing decision as several groups of them were set upon before they’d even got to the march in a sign of things to come. Soon there was a massive surge up St James street because some fascists had been spotted in a betting shop. The group of 3 far right punters were soon surrounded by hundreds of anti-fascists and were only saved by running for their lives out of the back door and a horse charge by the plod.

The miserable gaggle of wankers were walled in on the seafront for their own protection whilst thousands of Brighton people from all walks of life turned out to tell them to fuck off. Meanwhile odd groups of those who were clearly out intent on getting at the reds wandered in the maze of the Lanes but kept getting turned over by the better organised and more up for it anti-fascists who were given confidence boost after confidence boost by opposition whose hearts clearly weren’t in it.


In the end the fash didn’t even manage to stagger the whole length of their 250m pig pen before they were turned back for their own safety. They huddled looking miserable while being pelted with missiles and wishing they could go home. Sensing that their job was done anti-fascists went on a victory march through the centre of town having well and truly beaten the fascists of the streets.

Word came through that some isolated fascists were trying to cause mischief down near the pier so we went to investigate only to see a pitiful mob of beer bellied has beens who’d finally drunk enough to get the courage to kick off. They were quickly surrounded by anti-fascists and only saved by scores of riot cops wading in to keep the sides apart. Apparently they were Combined Ex-Forces but I don’t think any of these lads would’ve passed any physical tests! They were marched off in a kettle surrounded by jeering anti-fascists and looked pathetic.

The funniest moment of the day came as we were moving away into the side streets as we came across a fascist so paralytic he could barely stand who eventually got it together enough to run off. It was then that people recognised his obviously terrified mate was none other than Diddyman Shane  Calvert. The poor old Nazi looked like he was about to cry as he scurried away behind police lines to shouts of “Come back Diddyman you paedo!” Seems like the mighty infidels are having a few recruitment problems these days and it’s no surprise. The NWI love to give it large on the internet but they shouldn’t really leave home without their mums for protection!

It was time to retire to the pub for refreshments after a day’s work well done. It was clear that the “hard men” of the far right had been totally humiliated. The normally full of shit @CasualsUnitedNT was lost for words for hours during what was meant to be their most exciting day of the year and Jeff Marsh hasn’t re-emerged from hiding to cover his arse yet. They are talking about coming back next year with more people but they already tried that this year and it didn’t work out too well for them. The fact is dregs of the EDL simply can’t get it together any more and they have learnt the hard way. They may be making big speeches about no surrender but I am sure that they won’t really want a rerun.

Check out the write up from the Anti-Fascist Network as well.


Mar 31 2013

Far right humiliated in Nottingham

In spite of national call outs and attendances by the North West Infidels, Paul Pitt of the South East Alliance, Casuals United, the English National Resistance, Nottingham EDL and the EVF, barely a dozen people bothered turning up for Tony Curtis’ demo at Nottingham Uni yesterday. After plotting up at a nearby Toby carvery the pitiful crowd weren’t even allowed onto the campus and had to stand around in the road outside listening to Tone the Moan. Casuals United reckon they go where they want but as usual they meekly went exactly where the police wanted them. They didn’t get close to the event they were supposed to be protesting or speak to the general public so the whole thing was a waste of time.


This is further proof that without the EDL these hangers on are nothing. It looks impressive to have alliances of about 10 different groups until you realise that each group has about 3 people in it and most of them are keyboard warriors. These big mouths spend more time designing elaborate logos and posting on Facebook than actually doing anything in the real world.

This is the second humiliation this week for Curtis who foolishly thought he could hold his own against “the left” on Indymedia. When his badly thought through arguments were torn to shreds he quickly surrendered, pretending he’d been banned, even though as one commenter pointed out, you can’t be banned from Indymedia. As one poster noted “typical fascist, making loads of noise but unable to back it up when effectively challenged”.

Part of Curtis’ whingeing was about being called a racist. Well here’s a tip – if you don’t want people to think you’re a racist it’s probably best not to give Nazis a hug. Curtis was recently pictured with his arm around Shane Calvert, leader of the NWI who are notorious for calling for the killing of “Pakis”, the gassing of Jews and murdering of immigrants. Calvert was recently in attendance at the neo-Nazi White Pride Worldwide event and regularly does demos alongside the National Front. Other NWI activists include Liam Pinkham, who likes to pose in jackboots giving a stiff-armed salute.

Paul Pitt, Shane Calvert and Tony Curtis yesterday

Paul Pitt, Shane Calvert and Tony Curtis yesterday

Shane Calvert

Shane Calvert

NWI member Liam Pinkham

NWI activist Liam Pinkham

Mar 3 2013

Poor East Mids turnout for Manchester

So, in an an attempt to unite the shite about 400 paralytic munters descended on Manchester city centre yesterday. The turnout was pretty pathetic compared to the 1200 who mustered for the last EDL demo in the city but an improvement on the 30 scag addicts who ranted to anyone who would listen in Cambridge last weekend.

"1000 patriots" according to the EDL

“1000 patriots” according to the EDL

The 400 lager-sodden muppets achieved nothing. Manchester police escorted them straight from the train stations to their designated pub, they were frog-marched surrounded by coppers into an area fenced off with 10 foot barriers and then were escorted back to their trains when the speeches were over. They were outnumbered by a lively anti-fascist crowd who got to march through the city centre to the demo site. The Facebook chatter about small groups of EDL out to stalk anti-fascists turned out to be more infidel bullshit. We only saw one group of fascists dare to show up near the UAF stall and they were swiftly chased off.

There was no sign of the supposed coup by the North West Infidels who reckoned they were going to take back the EDL from softy liberals who only hate Muslims not Jews as well. Amusingly though there was a punch up between two different fascist factions at Victoria station which resulted in 5 of them being nicked.

We only spotted about a dozen faces from East Midlands Infidels, or whatever they’re calling themselves this month, confirming our suspicions that only alcoholics and social misfits are left. They used to take several coaches to a national demo but now only a handful with no other social life can be arsed to come. They looked well on their way to alcohol-induced coma as they staggered around Manchester, clutching their Strongbow to their chests and wondering where it all went wrong in their lives.

Manchester showed that even when they pull all the stops out the EDL can’t really pose a threat any more. It is a dying movement that only the most head-banging believers still think is capable of going anywhere. All that the turnout showed is that the death is going to be long and boring.

Feb 24 2013

Unite the shite: Part 2

Tony Curtis has finally thrown his lot in with yet another unmemorable far right group – the English National Resistance. The ENR seem to have stolen the name of a previous group of the same name who tried unsuccessfully to bring the German autonomous nationalist idea to the UK. ENR Mark I seem to have managed a bit of poorly-spelled flyposting and a few rants about miscegenation before disappearing into nothing. It’s hardly a good omen.

ENR Mark II seems to be a rather uneasy alliance featuring members of the English Democrats, the South East Alliance, Britain First and now the English Volunteer Force as well. I say uneasy because some of these groups have diametrically opposed views on certain issues. For example, the English Democrats support Irish nationalism whereas the EVF are strongly loyalist. With the far right you can always be sure that cracks will be appearing before long as big egos wrestle for power and influence.

This looks like a collection of failing groups, desperate for a bit more clout than they could ever hope to manage on their own. Whilst the Eng Dems made a splash a few years back they are into decline in most areas now as people start to realise that the councillors they elected are the same old BNP thugs in suits. Britain First is another tiny split from the BNP, notable only for the fact that it is master-minded by the much-hated Jim Dowson, widely believed to have been behind some of the BNP’s worst corruption. The South East Alliance are just an EDL rump and the EVF have failed to impress so far. The organisers clearly hope that this collection of failures will be greater than the sum of its parts but we’re not holding our breath.

ENROrganiser 190213

According to Curtis, he is the “ENR national organiser covering the midlands” [sic] and his first job is going to be going to Brighton for the fascist March for England to show the “leftie commie scumbags” (his term for the local population) that “we will march and carry the St George whenever and wherever we want”. Be careful Tony – the last person to use that phrase was Casuals United’s Jeff Marsh who has now surrendered and given up on his nation by moving to Spain.

NotRacist 170213

Once again Tony is bullshitting wildly by claiming not to support racists and Nazis. When he made the announcement, fellow “patriots” urged him not to get involved in “‘white power’ bullsh-t”. Curtis replied “i am a patriot mate-not a racist-if I even suspect that C18/NF or any of that mob are present I will kick them out myself”. Even discounting the very dubious credentials of some of those involved in the alliance (for example the EVF’s monkey jokes and desire to smash “browns”), Curtis has been supporting the openly Nazi North West Infidels in recent times. That’s the NWI who recently posted a song about killing “Pakis” and gassing Jews on Twitter and are promoting a “White Pride Worldwide” event in Swansea. It’s no surprise. Tony’s new best mates in the EVF leadership are also good mates with NWI leader, John “Snowy” Shaw. Tony will tell people like his Sikh mate Jag Singh what they want to hear about him not being a racist but will cuddle up to  anyone he thinks can further his far right career. He is a liar and a hypocrite who will fit in well with his new racist buddies in the ENR.

LikesNWI 190213

WhitePrideWorldWide 090313

NWI leader John "Snowy" Shaw and EVF leader Will Anderson AKA "Jason Lock"

NWI leader John “Snowy” Shaw and EVF leader Will Anderson AKA “Jason Lock”

Jan 22 2013

Unite the shite

Derbyshire based far right kingpin, Tony Curtis, never ceases to give us a good laugh. When he’s not in his bedroom playing computer games or collecting ghost stories (usually about “the muslamic menace”), Curtis assures his handful of loyal worshippers that he’s working behind the scenes on a top secret plan to “unite the right”. Any day now, he keeps saying, he will achieve unity of the tribes and crush the evil multicultural empire.

Seeing as it was precisely these kind of shady deals that got him kicked out of the EDL in the first place, we’re a wee bit sceptical about whether Tiny Tone can really pull it off. But if he did, who would be the key players?


The English Volunteer Force seems to be the destination of choice for those leaving the EDL in droves at the moment, although their first outing in London drew less than 10. They’ve got a demo about something in Birmingham at the weekend and Tony will be guest of honour, so they are obviously close to his heart.

The EVF is run by Chris Renton AKA”John Sheridan”, a former member of the EDL leadership and former BNP activist from Weston-Super-Mare. Renton tried to make links between the EDL and neo-Nazi bootboys, Combat 18 and was an enforcer on the EDL’s web pages. Former EDL leader Paul Ray described how a 57-year old grandmother emailed the EDL leadership offering support and was “met with a barrage of hate mail including messages from the Sheridan alias himself, many of which had a crude sexual twist to them”. EVF “number 2” and organiser on the ground is Will Anderson AKA “Jason Lock”, also from Weston-Super-Mare. He has made a name for himself by posing with a pair of pants on his head on the internet.

EVFMerseyside 091112

SmashBrowns 301212e

It is slightly surprising that Curtis is so keen on the EVF because he refused to work with Bill Baker’s New Patriot Alliance because they were “racist”. The EVF are as racist as any other far right group. To give two examples, a recent Merseyside EVF post compared black people to monkeys and Andy “EVF” Robinson, organiser of the Birmingham demo, has suggested that the EVF go smash some “browns”. The EVF has invited the openly racist West Midlands Infidels to their Birmingham demo. It would seem that, like most far right leaders, Curtis is an opportunist who will never hesitate to sell out in order to get more power for himself and his pet projects.


EVF in London: Nothing to write home about


The New Patriot Alliance in basically just Bill Baker. Baker is another far right chancer who’s been in every group going and been kicked out of them all as well. He has been in the BNP and the English Democrats and was booted out of the EDL in 2011 because of his links to Combat 18 and Redwatch. Because no one else wants the loser, he has had to set up his own group, the English Nationalist Alliance, whose latest incarnation is the NPA.

Bill Baker: No one wants him

Bill Baker: No one wants him

Baker has said “Sooner we start killing Muslims the Better and their socialist pals” and has claimed he “used to kill for a living”, threatening that Muslims “can all be buried in your black flags when we finish with you”. As usual with these fascist muppets, Bill is all talk and no trousers. His biggest “achievement” in recent years has been taking his tiny band of keyboard warriors on an annual trip to Brighton to get battered by the locals.

Casuals United

Led by the ultimate keyboard warrior, Jeff Marsh, Casuals United are another group who like to talk a good game but never seem to actually turn up on the day. Their slogan, “We go where we want”, usually seems to involve a pub on the other side of town or just staying at home. They have a habit of being so undercover that we have a sneaky feeling that they don’t even exist. The latest example of this was their notable failure to turn up to “smash the reds” or whatever it is they pretend they’re going to do at a protest against Greek neo-Nazis, Golden Dawn. Once they’d had time to cook up a story, they claimed there’d been 500 of them in a pub in Paddington. Yeah right Jeff.

Jeff Marsh: the British Joseph Goebbels or just a very naughty boy?

Jeff Marsh: the British Joseph Goebbels or just a very naughty boy?

“Marshole” divides his time between producing badly photoshopped pictures of Weyman Bennett, making up lunatic conspiracy theories about how the Crown Prosecution Service is a “commie”, anti-white organisation and flogging ghost-written books about his made-up hard man past to gullible supporters.

Most of the right wing football casuals who supported the EDL in their heyday have moved on with their lives. Sadly Jeff hasn’t.


Probably the least likely bedfellows with Curtis, because of their open links with the National Front and other explicitly fascist groups, the Infidels are led by crack head and llama abuser, John “Snowy” Shaw. Snowy is none too bright, as shown by his recent outing of himself as organiser of a loyalist demo in Manchester and his belief that the anti-Semitic forgery, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, is true. The Infidels’ second in command is Shane Overton AKA “Diddyman” who was recently up on domestic abuse charges against his pregnant girlfriend.

John "Snowy" Shaw: will dance for cash

John “Snowy” Shaw: will dance for cash

Unsurprisingly, with losers like these in charge, the Infidels’ demos have been a string of disappointments. Most recently they had a very public falling out over the fact that only a tiny handful of them bothered to turn up to protest a proposed mosque in London. This was another attempt to “unite the right” that backfired. The possibilities aren’t looking good.

Unite the shite?

The possibility of gathering this bunch of bitching, narcissistic losers together in one organisation looks slim. They’ve all got past grudges with each other and their leaders all want to be Führer. Tony Curtis seems to be the latest in a string of far right figures who think that they can “unite the right” but it is just a fantasy.

Even if he succeeds, these groups combined are pitiful compared to the holy grail that all of these fascist failures chase after – the EDL at their peak. Tommy and Kev have squandered their support and sold their followers down the river and most of the footsoldiers have moved on with their lives. Only the most pathetic and incompetent are left.

Sep 12 2012

Look who’s going to Skegness

As the NF work themselves up into a frenzy about the importance of their national demonstration in Skegness, we thought it might be good to let the world know what a bunch of Nazi dregs will be turning up on Saturday.

Kev Watmough

Aging Nazi from West Yorkshire, renowned for grassing up his fellow fascists and running away whenever militant anti-fascists turn up to give them a kicking. Kev is the man behind Nazi hitlist website Redwatch, which posts pictures and the personal details of people who turn up to anti-racist and trade union events in the vain hope that other fascists will do something about them. He has quite a history of involvement with fascist groups in Leeds and Bradford, including the BNP and Combat 18. More recently he was the leader of Nazi groupuscle, the British People’s Party, best know for paedophilia and bomb making. Oh yeah, and opposing hip-hop… no, seriously.

In recent times the BPP seems to have imploded over the involvement of one of its few remaining members with a Chinese Nazi. Obviously such dangerous race mixing could not be allowed by Kev. Because, like most far right factions these days, the BPP has hardly anyone in it, in recent times Kev has been cosying up to the National Front, North West Infidels, Combined ex-Forces and anyone that’ll have him. Needless to say, his reputation as a grass mean that he has many enemies even within the fascist movement, such as the author of the “White Lies!” blog:

This blog deals with Kevin Richard Watmough who has systematically damaged the movement here in the UK and will expose him for what he is. A Liar, A Cheat, A Rapist and long time Agent Provocateur.


Shane “Diddyman” Calvert

Best mates with Llama abuser, John Snowy Shaw, and number 2 in the North West Infidels, Shane Calvert AKA Diddyman, has been getting excited about a weekend in Skeggy. Best known for climbing on a roof in full camo gear to say that paedos should get the noose or something, Blackburn’s Diddyman was also recently arrested for smashing up his ex’s house in Hartlepool. Probably realising the NWI are going nowhere, he has been trying to make links with the NF (also going nowhere) so that they can at least have a bit of company on their pointless journey.

Loyalist fascists

A number of those going to Skegness demonstrate their admiration of loyalist terrorist groups such as “Ulster Volunteer Force”, named after the paramilitaries who carried out bombings on civilian targets in Northern Ireland, and “Johnny Adair” named after the Ulster Defence Association commander also responsible for massacres of civilians. “Johnny Adair” is also a member of Liverpool Irish Fascists.

Miscellaneous Nazis

A number of other openly fascist skinheads have also notified their attendance including Leicester fan of Nazi band, Section 88, Sean Guilford and Ade Brooks, a Manchester NF bonehead and admirer of Hitler-worshipping paramilitaries, the British Movement, and white power gig organisers, Blood & Honour.

As you can see, this bunch are very keen on protecting animals and aren’t racist. Honest.

In good news on Skegness, Bristol Animal Rights have published this excellent statement clearly rejecting the far right’s attempts to use animal rights as a cover for xenophobia and racism:

The focus on halal slaughter is a sign of racial and cultural discrimination. When the U.K homes battery farms and companies like the East Anglian Pig Company (exposed by Animal Equality early in 2012) it cannot be argued that halal is “more cruel” than other practices in the UK. Instead, it gives fire to sentiments spread by far-right organisations such as the British National Party, National Front, English Defence League and others, who disguise racial hatred as patriotism, or in this case, animal rights. They have no interest in genuine animal liberation, only pushing their own political agenda.

They conclude:

We believe that groups struggling for animal liberation should have militant anti-fascism as an intrinsic part of their politics, and wherever and whenever fascism appears it should be met with strong opposition.

There has also been the announcement of a counter-demonstration against the NF’s planned demo.

Jul 28 2012

Racist attacks in 2012

The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) has released its report on racist attacks in the first 6 months of 2012. They point out that “Given that these incidents were recorded in the local or (much less frequently) national press, they show only a tiny fraction of the true scale of violence.” However, three incidents from the East Midlands get a mention.

Under the heading of “Attacks, graffiti and threats by supporters of far right groups” the racist attack by Daventry EDL member, Charles Dickie, is noted.

2 March 2012: An EDL supporter told an Asian taxi-driver that he was ‘not welcome here’, pointing to EDL slogans on his T-shirt and launching a tirade of abuse. When he was arrested he sang EDL songs and police later found anti-Muslim posts on his Facebook page.

Dickie, who later denied he was racist, pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis and to smashing a police phone while in custody. He told police he “would be at the top one day” and warned “there better be lots of them as there will be 5,000 of me”. Police made a formal objection to a bail application after Dickie continued to make veiled threats during his time in custody over the weekend.

Dickie was found guilty of threatening the driver because of his religion in absentia after he refused to get into a prison van taking him to the trial. The magistrate heard he had made threats towards a planned mosque in Daventry to police. He was sentenced to 20 weeks in prison plus four weeks for failure to surrender to bail after an assault in Blackpool the previous year.

Also mentioned in the IRR report are an attack on Muslim taxi driver, Harun Shah Zaman, in Leicester and a racist attack on a Pakistani man in Northampton.

19 May 2012: Harun Shah Zaman, a taxi driver in Leicester, was brutally beaten and robbed by four passengers. One of the passengers headbutted him and another punched him in the face before the other two (female) passengers joined in the assault. The group then stole his wallet, his cash bag, his keys and his sat nav (which they smashed on the floor) and ran off. Despite there being several witnesses to the attack, nobody intervened.

2 April 2012: An Asian man was savagely beaten in an unprovoked racist attack in Northampton by a white male who was walking a pitbull–type dog. The victim, with his wife at the time of the incident, crossed the road away from the attacker when he racially abused them; but the white male then followed the couple and headbutted and punched him to the floor.

There is a high prevalence of anti-Muslim threats and violence in the region, as well as in the country at large, something that is stoked by the far right’s rhetoric and demonisation of the Muslim community. The IRR mention 9 far right racist incidents, of which 4 involved the EDL and one involved the North West Infidels EDL splinter.

We need to tackle these fascists and make sure the attacks stop.

Apr 1 2012

Fascists talk nonce sense

In response to continued exposes of cover-ups of paedophilia within fascist and far right groups, the British Nationalist Man Child Love Association has released this message:

There has been a lot of nonsense spouted by the unwashed students of the left recently concerning the stance of British nationalists over paedophilia. Our fellow patriots in the EDL, BNP, etc. have, quite rightly, sought to attack Moslem men who prey upon white girls. The disgusting rape of children committed by foreigners who seek to sully our gene pool with their perverted and lustful miscegenation must be opposed by all patriots.

The reds have responded with their usual hysterical shrieks pointing to the cases of convicted nationalist paedophiles, such as Richard Price (EDL leadership), Michael Coates (EDL/North West Infidels), Brett Moses (EDL), Darren Francis (Northants BNP), Gavin Leist (Loughborough BNP), Mark Walker (BNP), Ian Hindle & Paul Wells (BNP), Nigel Hesmondhalgh (BNP), Roderick Rowley (BNP)Martyn Gilleard (British People’s Party, National Front, BNP), Jon Venables (BNP supporter) and Kevin Strom (American neo-nazi and personal friend of Nick Griffin). They suggest that we are hypocritical for attacking Muslim child molesters whilst allowing them to flourish on our own side.

This is simply missing the point.

Comparing these pinnacles of the master race with immigrants who have come to this country to prey on our children is outrageous. These patriots are defenders of a nationalist tradition of seeking a pure love between a man and a young maiden.

Some misunderstand this as exploitative, abusive and sick. The British Nationalist Man Child Love Association say that they are wrong.

We want to defend the white tradition of paedophilia and assert our God-given right to dominate the earth. That is why British nationalist movements attract men who use their authority and power to pressure children into sex. We see it as our traditional right.

We are not hypocrites. We are not sick. We are nationalists.