Phil's blog

The real movement we need

Some thoughts on building mass movements and organising, in relation to the Labour Party

5 reasons to steer clear of the Labour Party bandwagon

After a campaign that seemed to drag on endlessly in the wake of the general election, Jeremy Corbyn has won the Labour Party leadership by a landslide. The most immediate consequence of this has been a surge in membership. Here are some reasons not to get caught up in the tide.

If a strike turns you into a Tory, you probably were one anyway

In the Guardian, Jonathan Jones laments that workers standing up for themselves is getting in the way of him looking at art. Here are five reasons why he’s talking out of his arse and you should support the strikers.

Taking on the #TradeUnionBill

Expanding on my previous post on the subject, an in depth look at the provisions of the Tory government’s proposed Trade Union Bill and how it can be challenged.

20 June: the beginning of what?

Marchers in London standing behind a banner saying 'End Austerity Now'

Saturday 20 June saw up to 250,000 people march in London under the banner ‘End Austerity Now.’ But four years on from the first ‘March for the Alternative’ back in 2011, how far have we actually travelled?

Responding to the new Tory strike laws

Business secretary Sajid Javid standing outside 10 Downing Street

The Queen's Speech recently confirmed that the Tory government's intent to bring in new laws further restricting strikes. The unions have reacted with fury - but will they really do anything about it?

Fighting for #Justice4JohnPearson

Former PCS rep with a placard reading 'why won't PCS support victimised reps?'

Next week, the PCS union holds its annual delegate conference in Brighton. One of the most important issues on the agenda is that of whether the union will support its reps when they face victimisation. Unfortunately, the answer to that question remains uncertain.

So, the government got in…

The election results are in. The Tories can form a majority government to rule for the next five years. Now what?

The nation versus human dignity

A brief observation provoked by the latest royal birth and the frenzy surrounding it.

Owen Jones’s dangerous illusion

A response to ‘A cruel society is being built. Voting Labour begins the fightback’ by Owen Jones.

Border controls continue to kill

Some thoughts on the recent tragedy off the coast of Libya and how it ties into political rhetoric on immigration and the received wisdom of border controls as a social necessity.

Five reasons "red" Len won't break the law

“Red” Len McCluskey is once more rattling his sabre ahead of the General Election. But don’t expect it to ever be drawn. Here’s five reasons why.

The Civil Service Rank & File – a belated post-mortem

An analysis of the Civil Service Rank & File Network, which emerged in late 2012, and its impact during its brief existence.

Electoralism or class struggle? - Phil Dickens

While there are many pieces talking generally about the problems and limitations of representative democracy, this series looks at and debunks specific 'tactical voting' strategies and election narratives from an anti-electoral, working class perspective.

Voter apathy isn't the problem

The fifth in a series looking at and debunking specific 'tactical voting' strategies and election narratives from an anti-electoral perspective.

Alternative voting systems are no alternative

The fourth in a series looking at and debunking specific 'tactical voting' strategies and election narratives from an anti-electoral perspective.

Voting is no substitute for anti-racism

The third in a series looking at and debunking specific 'tactical voting' strategies and election narratives from an anti-electoral perspective.

The pitfalls of radical electoralism

The second in a series looking at and debunking specific 'tactical voting' strategies and election narratives from an anti-electoral perspective.

On holding your nose to vote Labour

Ed Miliband being hit in the back of the head with an egg

As the 2015 General Election looms ever closer, more and more media commentary is going to be dedicated to who people should vote for. Rather than talking generally about the problems and limitations of representative democracy, this is the first of several posts looking at and debunking specific 'tactical voting' strategies and election narratives from an anti-electoral perspective.

Government union busting and the PCS response

The PCS union is facing concerted union busting activity from the government. However, despite its rhetoric it has fallen into a retreat that helps nobody