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Central Contracting Office of Department of Defense
DUNS #020404928

Film and Television Technical Advising and Weapons Training Demo Reel
Director Steven Soderbergh


A Film By Aaron Cohen




Israeli Airport Security
      Training Course


IMS CT School / Security 360
Counter-Terrorist Training and Security Services
310.749.0217 / / 269 South Beverly Drive Ste 987 Beverly Hills Ca 90212




We provide security services and tactical training all over the world.

Our focus is on protecting at-risk organizations, politicians, heads of state, business executives, Hollywood actors, and rock stars, and providing tactical counter-terrorist training to the United States military, to local and state police departments, and to various security forces around the world.

We continue to truly and accurately represent the Israeli brand of security and counter-terrorist training.

Please email us for security services rates or additional training course info.



Order Brotherhood of Warriors
By Aaron Cohen
             On Amazon Now

     "Riveting.  Read this book."


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