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Matthews' obsession with Obama's ability to "walk[] into a dinette [sic]" continues

April 25, 2008 2:08 pm ET

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SUMMARY: A week after claiming that Sen. Barack Obama "can't walk into a dinette [sic] with five or six guys there, white guys, in some cases. He can't just shake hands and hang out," Chris Matthews asserted, "[Obama] doesn't seem to have the knack for walking into a dinette [sic] with regular people in it and just having fun, just connecting."


On the April 24 edition of MSNBC's Hardball, referring to Sen. Barack Obama, host Chris Matthews said to NBC News political director Chuck Todd, "Chuck, let's talk about race. Let's mix in with class. I've said before -- people have criticized me for this -- he doesn't seem to have the knack for walking into a dinette [sic] with regular people in it and just having fun, just connecting."

The week before, Matthews similarly asserted that Obama has "got another problem. ... He can't walk into a dinette [sic] with five or six guys there, white guys, in some cases. He can't just shake hands and hang out. He doesn't seem to, 'Hey, you know, how are the Eagles doing?' Or 'How are the Phils doing?' " In addition, on the April 10 edition of Hardball, Matthews claimed that Obama is "not that good at that -- handshaking in a diner," adding: "Barack doesn't seem to know how to do that right." MSNBC correspondent David Shuster agreed, stating: "[H]e doesn't do that well." Matthews then asserted: "What's so hard about doing a diner? I don't get it. Why doesn't he go in there and say, 'Did you see the papers today? What do you think about that team? How did we do last night?' Just some regular connection?" During that same segment, Matthews and Shuster also critiqued Obama's reported request for orange juice after being offered coffee at an Indiana diner.

Media Matters has documented numerous other examples of Matthews and other MSNBC personalities and guests purporting to identify actions by, or characteristics of, Obama that they have suggested demonstrate that he is not a "regular guy."

From the April 24 edition of MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews:

MATTHEWS: Chuck, let's talk about race. Let's mix in with class. I've said before -- people have criticized me for this -- he doesn't seem to have the knack for walking into a dinette [sic] with regular people in it and just having fun, just connecting.

TODD: Right. I mean, I think this is as much of that as it is the overall race issue. I mean, look, there are some people who say race is a factor who -- because it's prejudice, and there are some who say race is a factor because they think their next-door neighbor won't support a black candidate, but they are hoping a Democrat wins and that's one reason they voted. So, I think somewhere in those numbers, there's a little bit of accountability for that.

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    • Author by wzwriter (April 25, 2008 2:15 pm ET)
      And Tweety doesn't seem to have the knack for discussing anything important...
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      • Author by carlileb5935 (April 25, 2008 6:01 pm ET)

        And what the hell is a 'dinette?'

        What is this, some wierd Hemingway fixation on his part? What's next, is he gonna start talking about an Old Swede or something?

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        • Author by Blueneck (April 25, 2008 11:10 pm ET)

          I am the heaven
          I am the water
          ich bin der dreck unter deinen walzen
          ich bin dein geheimer schmutz
          und verlorenes metallgeld
          ich bin deine ritze
          Ich Bin Deine Ritze Und Schlitze

          I Am The Clouds
          I Am Embroidered
          Ich Bin Der Autor Aller Felgen
          Und Damast Paspeln
          Ich Bin Der Chrome Dinette
          Ich Bin Der Chrome Dinette

          Ich Bin Eier Aller Arten

          Ich Bin Alle Tage Und Naechte
          Ich Bin Alle Tage Und Naechte

          Ich Bin Hier
          Und Du Bist Mein Sofa
          Ich Bin Hier
          Und Du Bist Mein Sofa
          Ich Bin Hier
          Und Du Bist Mein Sofa

          I Am The Heaven
          I Am The Water
          I Am The Dirt Beneath Your Rollers
          I Am Your Secret Smut
          And Lost Metal Money Down Your Cracks
          I Am Your Cracks & Crannies
          I Am The Clouds
          I Am Embroidered
          I Am The Author Of All Tucks
          And Damast Piping
          I Am The Chrome Dinette
          I Am The Chrome Dinette

          I Am Eggs Of All Persuasions
          I Am All Days & Nights
          I Am All Days & Nights
          I Am All Days & Nights
          I Am All Days & Nights
          I Am Here
          And You Are My Sofa
          I Am Here
          And You Are My Sofa
          I Am Here
          And You Are My Sofa

          Report Abuse
        • Author by Meremark (April 26, 2008 2:39 am ET)

          Maybe it's a pizza palorous .... ?

          Surprise pizza stop, By Theresa Novak - Gazette-Times City Editor

          [Photo, credit:] Andy Cripe - Gazette-Times [Captioned:]
          Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., a Democratic presidential candidate, stops to talk with Deb Fernandez, Michael Fernandez, Amanda Free and Jack Rogers during an unexpected stop in Corvallis on Friday afternoon at American Dream Pizza.

          Sen. Barack Obama made a surprise stop in Corvallis on Friday [March 21, 2008] during his campaign sweep through Oregon. ...


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        • Author by worrierking (April 26, 2008 4:38 pm ET)
          I'm a couple of years younger than Twetty. I grew up in the same town. I don't recall anyone else using the word "dinette" unless they were talking about furniture.

          The only revealing thing about all of this is Matthews trying to show his working class roots by getting the terminology wrong and showing us how out of touch he is.

          He'd be better off talking about how the Phil's did in the match last evening.
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    • Author by nerzog (April 25, 2008 2:16 pm ET)
      I heard this, and thought I was having a deja vu moment.

      Chris and the other Media Whores are apparently starting to believe their own bullsh*t. They beat us over the head night after night with these trivial "controversies", then swear that the "man on the street" is equally outraged about these picayune non-stories. Here's news for you, Chris.... YOU JERKS are the ones driving these stories.... NOT the public. The average American wouldn't give a rat's ass about Obama's "elitism" if you douchebags hadn't told them to be outraged.... again and again and again.
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      • Author by jeter2 (April 25, 2008 2:35 pm ET)


        You sound a tad upset ;-)

        Yeah listening to Matthews continue on with this foolishness does get redundant.

        Not to go off topic here [though I will] just wondering what you think of this:


        Olbermann was discussing the election with Newsweek's Howard Fineman, a frequent guest. They topic was, how can a winner finally be determined in this never-ending Democratic race for the nomination? Of course, the assumption was that it was Clinton that should be shown the door (despite clearly still earning her spot in the race thanks to, um, voters). Fineman said that, all the delegate math aside, ultimately it was going to take "some adults somewhere in the Democratic party to step in and stop this thing, like a referee in a fight that could go on for thirty rounds. Those are the super, super, super delegates who are going to have to decide this."

        Said Olbermann: "Right. Somebody who can take her into a room and only he comes out."

        Is St. Keith advocating violence against Hillary??? Now try to imagine the outrage on the Left IF Rush, O'Reilly, Coulter or ANY Republican/Conservative said this....

        Just wondering if the posters here will blast Keith the way they would a Con.

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        • Author by DEMS_SOL (April 25, 2008 2:49 pm ET)

          super, super, super delegates

          Didn't know those existed.  Wonder if Kryptonite has any effect on them?

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        • Author by tommy (April 25, 2008 2:49 pm ET)


          I will give you only one chance to answer correctly here, think carefully.

          Of the two choices below, which is usually given to Olbermann around here?

          A) A blasting.

          B) A pass. 

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          • Author by jeter2 (April 25, 2008 2:54 pm ET)

            Ha! Yeah Tommy I know.

            But you can't blame me for trying...

            I keep thinking one one of these days...ah never mind ;-)

            Report Abuse
          • Author by DEMS_SOL (April 25, 2008 2:56 pm ET)
            Oh...Oh...OhH...Can I PLEEEEEEASE answer this one first?  Oh nevermind - Jeter beat me to it.
            Report Abuse
          • Author by solon (April 25, 2008 3:20 pm ET)
            Is this thread about Olbermann? QUICK, look over there.
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            • Author by tommy (April 25, 2008 3:24 pm ET)
              Jeter admitted it was off topic.  If you don't care to follow there, don't.
              Report Abuse
              • Author by jeter2 (April 25, 2008 3:36 pm ET)
                I'll go sit in the corner now ;-)
                Report Abuse
                • Author by snoopy (April 25, 2008 4:04 pm ET)
                  Hopefully mommy took your toys away before she sent you there, otherwise it's just a toothless punishment! ;)
                  Report Abuse
                  • Author by jeter2 (April 25, 2008 4:12 pm ET)

                    Shhh don't tell but I have my Hillary cackling pen with me ;-)

                    Oh damn...Mom heard it.

                    Report Abuse
                    • Author by JimmyCraghorn (April 26, 2008 10:40 am ET)
                      He corrected himself on last nights program.  Saying that he should have said 'one comes out' instead of 'he comes out'.
                      Report Abuse
          • Author by carlileb5935 (April 25, 2008 6:07 pm ET)

            Check out Daily Howler today. Somerby completely eviscerates Olbermann. 


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            • Author by NiceguyEddie (April 28, 2008 12:12 pm ET)

              I read it and found it long-winded and rambling; nothing more than a critique coming from from someone who doesn't like Kieth.  My asnwer to all that, since I DO like Keith, is: "Big deal. So what?"

              "Eviscerates" is a gross exageration.  (Or at best, HIGHLY dependant on sharing the writer's POV.)

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            • Author by NiceguyEddie (April 28, 2008 12:12 pm ET)

              I read it and found it long-winded and rambling; nothing more than a critique coming from from someone who doesn't like Kieth.  My asnwer to all that, since I DO like Keith, is: "Big deal. So what?"

              "Eviscerates" is a gross exageration.  (Or at best, HIGHLY dependant on sharing the writer's POV.)

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        • Author by pete592 (April 25, 2008 2:58 pm ET)

          "Is St. Keith advocating violence against Hillary?"

          He's definitely making a stupid joke that's not funny. 

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          • Author by pete592 (April 25, 2008 3:00 pm ET)
            And that's the same way I blast a con when they make a stupid joke that's not funny.
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            • Author by jeter2 (April 25, 2008 3:35 pm ET)
              Thanks Pete. We agree.
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              • Author by juliajayne (April 25, 2008 8:11 pm ET)
                I'll agree with you Jeter. I think Keith should get the same reaction as the wingnuts who pull similar stunts. KO doesn't get a pass from me.
                Report Abuse
                • Author by juliajayne (April 25, 2008 8:14 pm ET)
                  Oh and Jeter, you're just as bad with your "cackling" remark. You are sentenced to 100 oinks in a row at the top of your tobacco stained lungs.  I hope you have enough wind :-0)
                  Report Abuse
                  • Author by jeter2 (April 26, 2008 11:42 am ET)

                    My sweet Lady Julia I'm glad we agree about Olbermann :-)

                    As far as my "cackling" remark goes, well in my defense...I was trying to make fun of an earlier thread starring Tucker & Shuster:

                    MSNBC's Shuster, Carlson discuss purported "cackle," laugh over "Hillary laughing pen"


                    I hope I'll be excused from doing 100 oinks....though I'm willing to do 50 for my bad judgment in repeating anything Tucker & Shuster say ;-)

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                    • Author by juliajayne (April 28, 2008 1:28 pm ET)
                      'Kay, sir conservalot. I'll let you skate with 50 oinks. But next time it's the dungeon for you. (no tellin' what happens down there).
                      Report Abuse
        • Author by pearlene_scott1602 (April 25, 2008 3:31 pm ET)

          Is St. Keith advocating violence against Hillary???

          an MSNBC spokesperson sent over an apology from Olbermann, which I have reprinted in full:

          It is a metaphor. I apologize: the generic "he" gender could imply something untoward. It should've been "only the other comes out - from a political point of view." You could've called for reaction first if your main motive had merely been criticism.

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          • Author by jeter2 (April 25, 2008 3:33 pm ET)

            Oh Pearlene you always stick up for your man!

            You are very loyal. But no wine for you!! ;-)

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            • Author by jeter2 (April 25, 2008 3:49 pm ET)

              And let me just add this:

              If anyone but St. Keith tried to excuse his remarks this way. Nobody would buy it. IMO.

              But I still love ya Pearlene :-)

              But no wine today for you.

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              • Author by carlileb5935 (April 25, 2008 6:08 pm ET)
                "And let me just add this: If anyone but St. Keith tried to excuse his remarks this way. Nobody would buy it. IMO."

                Well they might buy it, but they'd still complain. It wouldn't be enough.

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              • Author by pearlene_scott1602 (April 25, 2008 8:00 pm ET)

                Jeter, becuase I like you I stopped myself from decking you for taking dirty about my man. HE said he was SORRY!

                And don't go thinking you're going to punish me, your not the only man buying my wine. ;-)

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          • Author by snoopy (April 25, 2008 4:08 pm ET)
            I got yer wine, pearl! When Jeter catches Olbermann being as stupid as Chris when he says whites will support Obama the same way they support black atheletes he might have a point! He's just deflecting from his fave reporter because it hurts him personally when we see just what a big dick his star reporter is.  ;)
            Report Abuse
            • Author by jeter2 (April 25, 2008 4:59 pm ET)

              It does hurt Snoop cause you are making it awfully hard for me to recruit new members for my Chris Matthews Fan Club.

              For anyone interested in joining, we're meeting at a dinette filled with regular White grumpy old men who like to talk sports & drink coffee not O.J. 

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              • Author by Easy to refute wingnuts (April 28, 2008 12:22 pm ET)

                you are making it awfully hard for me to recruit new members for my Chris Matthews Fan Club.

                If you like Chris Matthews' fanny, that's your own concern.

                Not that there's anything wrong with that...

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            • Author by pearlene_scott1602 (April 25, 2008 11:22 pm ET)
              Snoop, you're my hero! Tummy rub for you! ;-)
              Report Abuse
        • Author by prof (April 26, 2008 5:58 pm ET)
          And the connection with Chris Mathews' fixation on Obama's visiting "dinettes" is...?
          Report Abuse
          • Author by mr. l (April 27, 2008 1:11 am ET)
            ... exactly!  Chris is showing his dis-connect from anything REMOTELY connected to 'ordinary people'.  Dinnettes are diners, Ivy League Law Professors who are running for president should hang out in bowling alleys (at night) and dinnettes (in the morning) and mumble and grumble a lot to 'connect with real people'.  And God forbid Obama actually QUOTES a 'real' person about how much it takes to fill up a vehicle with gas- and is CORRECT!  That's..., that's just pure craziness. 
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    • Author by Kyle_Broflovski (April 25, 2008 2:18 pm ET)

      So... Chris Matthews walks into a bar... ouch!  That's gonna leave a mark!


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      • Author by wzwriter (April 25, 2008 2:20 pm ET)
        Chris Matthews, a rabbi, and a duck walk into a bar.  The bartender looks at them and says "What is this - some kind of a JOKE???"  :-)
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        • Author by snoopy (April 25, 2008 6:10 pm ET)

          A republican walks into a hitler youth meeting to discuss porn and jews. The press goes "eh, nothing here folks."

          I guess y'all heard that one before...

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      • Author by Don Hussein Fabuloso (April 25, 2008 2:22 pm ET)

        You know what I would really appreciate in a politician who walked into a "dinette" that I was in? If he didn't shove his greasy mitt at me while I was trying to eat my Reuben sandwich, and would shut the f- up about his sports team. I'm trying to grab some lunch, why don't you get to work?

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        • Author by Chromium (April 25, 2008 6:17 pm ET)

          Here's my politician in the sandwich stop story:

          I worked for awhile in Ohio, but lived across the river in West Virginia.  Each Friday, several of us from work would go to lunch in one of the local restaurants.

          One Friday when 4 of us were in a sub shop in Ohio, I was facing toward the back of the restaurant, and the 2 men facing me dropped their jaws at one point like they had seen a ghost.  I turned around and saw what looked like 2 secret service agents at the door, with earpieces and sunglasses (when none were needed).

          In strode Senator Howard Metzenbaum, US Senator from Ohio.  He started shaking all of the diners' hands, saying to each person, in monotone, "Hi-Howard-Metzenbaum-Glad-to-meet-you", "Hi-Howard-Metzenbaum-Glad-to-meet-you"...

          When the Senator came to our table and was about to shake my hand, one of my buddies said, "Don't bother shaking his hand.  He's from West Virginia!"  The Senator pulled his hand back quickly, startled, and both sunglass guys came running to our table.  My guilty buddy repeated what he said to the sunglass guys, and Metzenbaum regained his composure  and continued his robotic handshaking with the rest of the diners. 


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    • Author by nerzog (April 25, 2008 2:20 pm ET)
      And, before some conservative apologist offers up the excuse that these overpaid twerps are "just reporting the news".... I beg to differ. If that is their mission, where are the nightly discussions of the Iraq War? The skyrocketing price of gas ($3.75 where I live)? The overwhelming evidence that the Bush Administration lied us into Iraq? The retired generals who sold out to the defense contractors? Karl Rove's corruption of the Justice Department? Please don't tell me the public doesn't care about these issues.
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      • Author by Dem02020 (April 25, 2008 2:37 pm ET)


        The things that MMFA routinely cite (such as this crap about if Sen. Obama walked into Cheers, would everybody say "Hey Norm! ...er, hey Barack!"), this stuff is not market-driven or ratings-driven, as though it was the kind of thing People wanted to see and hear... as a matter of fact it's the stuff that repulses People, and has the effect of turning them off to National Policy discussion, and of causing a disaffection among People...

        This crap is an attempt to influence and manipulate the political opinions of the American People, pure and simple, it's a fact.

        Distraction, absurdity, gossip, innuendo, character assassination, guilt by association, flag lapel pins, her voice sounds like a car skidding on squirrels while running over cats smashing into a flock of geese...

        It's not done for ratings or any market or because People want to hear such crap: It's a manipulative distraction from substantial Political Discourse, pure and simple, it's a fact.



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      • Author by DEMS_SOL (April 25, 2008 2:53 pm ET)

        High gasoline prices - funny you should ask.


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        • Author by snoopy (April 25, 2008 4:21 pm ET)
          Funny you should post that. GOP blames Dem's for current gas prices? Priceless and oh so out of touch with reality...
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      • Author by Chromium (April 25, 2008 3:29 pm ET)

        Nerzog:  And, before some conservative apologist offers up the excuse that these overpaid twerps are "just reporting the news".


        Let me get this straight:  So there's a conservative apologist out there watching Chris Matthews' Hardball show on MSNBC...

        Oh, I GET IT!  YOU'RE JOKING!!!  (I like the one about Dolly Parton better.)


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    • Author by Dem02020 (April 25, 2008 2:21 pm ET)


      A Catholic priest, a Rabbi, a civil rights activist (white), and an African-American presidential candidate all walk into a bar, and the bartender says to them "What is this... a joke?"


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    • Author by wesley (April 25, 2008 2:22 pm ET)

      Mathews will continue to rub mmfa's nose in this "dinette" story as long as they keep responding...he likes the free publicity for making these silly comments.

      It does appear that mmfa is running out of steam on this dinette thing...evidenced by this rather half-hearted rebuttal by A J Walzer...but I suppose Walzer is qualified to talk about a "dinette" since his employment before joining mmfa was as a chef. 

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      • Author by wzwriter (April 25, 2008 2:26 pm ET)

        It does appear that mmfa is running out of steam on this dinette thing...

        And you never had any steam at all, Wesley.

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      • Author by MickD (April 25, 2008 2:27 pm ET)
        Wes, why would a "big network news guy" care about MMFA? Is it maybe because his irrelevance is showing?
        Report Abuse
        • Author by wesley (April 25, 2008 2:31 pm ET)
          Well, for starters, he's a "little network news guy"...and yes I agree that his irrelevance is showing. He's a loud mouth with a huge ego...and would be hard pressed to walk into a "dinette" and come out with less than a fat lip if he spouted the stuff he does on his show...regular people he knows little about.
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      • Author by nerzog (April 25, 2008 2:33 pm ET)
        Maybe this little anecdote by Matthews is so f***ing stupid that it speaks for itself. I mean, what can you really say about it? It's total nonsense, yet it passes for "intelligent political analysis", and Putzface gets paid millions a year to belch out this drivel.
        Report Abuse
        • Author by wesley (April 25, 2008 2:36 pm ET)
          Agreed...but you and I both know that Matthews reads mmfa and that's why he used the "dinette" comment again...to tweak Brock's nose.
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          • Author by jeter2 (April 25, 2008 2:42 pm ET)

            you and I both know that Matthews reads mmfa

            Wow! Do you really think he does Wes? Cool.

            Hi Chris, it's me Jeter. I watch Hardball every night. I'm your biggest fan!

            Ha! I'm just kidding Chris. You're a boob.

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            • Author by Lynn (April 25, 2008 5:16 pm ET)
              Maybe Wes is right I hope so. Well anyway Chris if  you are reading this my fondest dream is to clear out most of the US Congress and banish them to a dessert Island and in the boat right behind them would be every gas bag cable news analyst, Pundit, and other assorted professional political know it alls. You guys can play politics to your hearts desire but you would be far far away from us where your silliness, non-issue driven political campaigns and political coverage, dirty political game playing and biased and or stupid political campaign coverage could never do my country any harm again, although we might also send a film crew to watch these rascals turn on each other. We can make it into a reality series and call it Escape from Political Island
              Report Abuse
              • Author by Lynn (April 25, 2008 5:18 pm ET)
                sorry about the extra S I meant desert island.
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                • Author by skipp2989 (April 25, 2008 5:27 pm ET)
                  mmmmmm.. dessert.  I like pie from the dinnette.
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                  • Author by Lynn (April 25, 2008 5:50 pm ET)

                    Well you can have dessert, but there will be none on Political Island and there will definitely not be any dinettes. To quote the lyrics of the 70’s Good Times series all of Political Island’s inhabitants will be  “hanging in a chow line”

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          • Author by nerzog (April 25, 2008 2:42 pm ET)
            Maybe. I certainly hope he reads this site, so he'll know what a putz most of us think he is..... not that he cares. I'd gladly be a putz on TV for that kind of money.
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            • Author by wesley (April 25, 2008 2:59 pm ET)

              With his ego I'm sure he reads everything...searching for a mention of his name.

              But, does he read the comments? Most people don't...according to Alexa each user of mmfa only views 1.5 pages per day...so most are only scanning the headlines...while we regulars entertain ouselves...mostly. 

              Report Abuse
        • Author by tommy (April 25, 2008 2:41 pm ET)


          Of course this is silly, and irrelevant......but it is where we are with the 24/7 cable channels during an election season.  Everything from dinettes to haircuts to candidates wives recipes are going to be bandied about on these shows, otherwise how can they possibly fill all the airtime?  They could stick strictly to substance and policy intracacies, but do you really think their audience would sit too long for that?  I doubt it, they would bolt other, less taxing conversation, I think.

          And as silly as this may appear, it is analysis to some extent.......gauging voter's mindsets on these candidates and how they appeal to those whose votes they court.  Essentially, it's all harmless stuff that is thrown around for about a seconds worth of consumption and has no real lasting affect on anyone.  I don't buy the whole "pushing the narrative" thing too much - if this sways anyone one way or another, or even when combined with other drivel, then they are a lost cause, either way. 

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          • Author by jeter2 (April 25, 2008 2:46 pm ET)

            Of course this is silly, and irrelevant......but it is where we are with the 24/7 cable channels during an election season.  Everything from dinettes to haircuts to candidates wives recipes are going to be bandied about on these shows, otherwise how can they possibly fill all the airtime?

            Exactly Tommy!

            Everyone talks about how good news & newscasters were way back when. But part of the reason for that was because they had a limited amount of time to report the news. And very little time to shmooze.

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            • Author by friedbergboy1422 (April 25, 2008 3:04 pm ET)

              Hi Jeter,

              Even though there is much more time, wouldn't you also say there is less news?

              Report Abuse
              • Author by jeter2 (April 25, 2008 3:32 pm ET)


                I don't know that there is less "news" today. By that I'd guess you mean real [as in important] news?

                I just think more time is spent today on superficial & trivial "news" than on the more important stuff.

                More time to fill, more need to fill it with something...even if it's crap. And I see no end in sight, unless cable & the internet disappears & we're back to only 3 major networks & newspapers for our source of the news.

                I kinda miss those days sometimes....

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                • Author by nerzog (April 25, 2008 3:44 pm ET)
                  The most likely explanation I've heard, and I can't remember who said it, is that real news analysts and investigative reporters are too expensive. It's much easier to get talking heads to crunch numbers, read polls, and have roundtable discussions in which every opinion is equally valid and facts are irrelevant. I've heard that these guest pundits don't get paid a whole lot, but I don't know for sure. Since they get most of their "news" from the AP, or Drudge, they can pay their host an exorbitant salary and scrimp on the real reporting.
                  Report Abuse
                  • Author by wesley (April 25, 2008 3:48 pm ET)


                    We don't agree on much politically...but your post was a real bulls-eye on the current state of our media.

                    You knocked that one out of the park. 

                    Report Abuse
          • Author by nerzog (April 25, 2008 2:48 pm ET)
            I'm not sure that it's all that harmless. All of these stories... Jeremiah Wright, Flag Pins, "Elitist Comments", etc. should be one-day stories. They simply do not merit the saturation they've been getting. I understand why FOX news and Rush Limbaugh repeat it, but why is it covered wall to wall on CNN and MSNBC? I agree that all the analysis of demographics is important to a degree, but is it more interesting than retired Generals who lie on TV in return for cushy corporate jobs? Is it more interesting than Justice Department corruption? If the American people are that vapid, why would they even watch news programs?
            Report Abuse
            • Author by tommy (April 25, 2008 2:51 pm ET)
              I wasn't referring to the Wright story, or the others,  by any means. I am talking about these silly personal characteristic evaluations given out by pundits.
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          • Author by MoonbatYouBet (April 25, 2008 6:55 pm ET)

            It's not harmless precisely because it continues to "reinforce the narrative."  All these tiny little seemingly trivial things add up to a big picture and continue to paint that picture over and over again until it gains a life of it's own.  Matthews' job seems to be to work on the "elitist" spectrum of the picture, continuing to make these observations that have absotlutely no grounding in reality to create the image of the Democratic candidates as disconnected from the mythical "Middle American" and unable to empathize or do any good for them while the Republicans are somehow just like all the "common folk" out there.  The whole concept is based on lies and misconceptions.

            All of these people, Obama included, are first and foremost politicians.  Matthews' comments are a judgement of how well Obama does in the "Condescending to the lower middle class" round.  Ok, so Obama sucks at that round.  SFW!?!?!?!??!?!  George Bush scores perfect freaking 10s in that game with bonus style points for "Pretending to be just like you" so well. Just how well have those amazing acting skills worked for him as President?

            Whenever Matthews is talking like this he is really saying "Look all you hicks and yokels out there, Obama just ain't like you and me, good common folk."  He is the one being a condescending elitist thinking that we are so simple-minded that we choose our leader based on how good he is at making idle chit-chat?

            Unless, of course, he's right.  If so, deity help us all.

            Report Abuse
    • Author by bada_bing (April 25, 2008 2:24 pm ET)
      I can see Matthews' blathering, but why is Chuck stooping to this?
      Report Abuse
    • Author by Kyle_Broflovski (April 25, 2008 2:31 pm ET)

      And come on, orange juice!!  Everyone knows that the life blood of working class americans is pure, unadulterated coffee (and none of that elitist liberal latte/cappucino stuff, either!)

      I think this is all part of a hidden, radical fruit juice agenda against our nation's hard-working, tireless laborers.  In fact, the very lifeblood of this nation is coffee!  (before work, of course, after work it's beer)

      I believe that oranges are being imported to the U.S. from terrorist sponsoring nations, in order to decrease the productivity of U.S. workers.  Obviously, Barack Obama, a dangerous muslim terrorist posing as an American politician, supports this radical juice agenda, and in doing so, he is destroying America. 

      Other people who drink Orange Juice:




      Illegal Immigrants

      Pinko commies


      Opinionated Black Pastors


      Al Gore


      Unless you support all of the above listed groups, stop drinking OJ now!!!

      Report Abuse
    • Author by rumplestilskin396408 (April 25, 2008 2:38 pm ET)
      why does he still call it a dinette.  hasn't someone corrected him.
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      • Author by dbeden4153 (April 25, 2008 3:09 pm ET)
        Obviously he doesn't read this site as much as people here think ;)
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        • Author by wesley (April 25, 2008 3:15 pm ET)

          I think he repeated dinette "because" Brock and Co. called him on it and by repeating the same dumb statement...he is poking at mmfa.However I don't think he reads the comments...he has probably "been there, done that" and knows everyone here thinks he's a dunce.

          I'm not Karnac...but that's my guess. 

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          • Author by tommy (April 25, 2008 3:19 pm ET)

            I think every media person who is highlighted on these media watchdog sites, from the left and the right, takes it all in stride.  I mean, unless they really screw up royally, they weather the mini-storms just fine.  They realize that when every single word is monitored for some correctness of some sort, they're going to get nabbed at some point, it's par for the course nowadays.

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            • Author by wesley (April 25, 2008 3:41 pm ET)


              I think they do more than take it in stride...I think they relish the coverage...good and bad...almost like a badge of honor.

              It appears that most "investigative reporting" done by the major media today is to scour the web looking for something that they can sensationalize to fill air time.

              The blogosphere then picks apart all these stories...and the vicious circle is unending.

              I think that the major media is a dumbed down...inbred society...that is truly out of touch with us "dinette" folks. The major networks are losing viewers and the cable nets are not really gaining much.

              The blogosphere is the real winner...with it's mix of diverse opinions and people who do not need to be spoon fed or are easily duped. 

              Report Abuse
              • Author by tommy (April 25, 2008 3:45 pm ET)
                Excellent analysis Wes.
                Report Abuse
              • Author by dbeden4153 (April 25, 2008 4:53 pm ET)
                Wes, while I agree that the blogosphere is winning out these days, that's a far cry from where we should be in news-gathering and dissemination.  Just like Boehlert's column yesterday suggested, (btw, MMfA, you should at least change it so we can type "Boehlert without the spell-check flagging it) The blogosphere has no oversight nor any mechanism for distributing an objective analysis, and can therefore be much worse than the MSM is right now.  And then again, the marketplace of ideas will put forth the best blogs who have the highest traffic, if those blogs become reliable as a source of objective analysis.  The only problem is, that hasn't happened yet.  People on the right have those trusted sources that people on the left dismiss, and vice versa.  There is no objective analysis in the news anymore, blogosphere or otherwise.
                Report Abuse
          • Author by Don Hussein Fabuloso (April 25, 2008 3:26 pm ET)

            That's an interesting take on Matthews' repeated use of "dinette". It's a really alien mindset  to me, but seems to be common among pundits and radio talkers, especially conservative ones.

            Similar to saying "Democrat party", I don't understand how repeatedly being wrong and exposing ones ignorance is seen by those doing it as rubbing the other persons nose in it. Is this a uniquely Republican area of pride, displaying your stupidity and imagining it as some sort of victory? I guess you use what you got.

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            • Author by magnolialover (April 25, 2008 4:10 pm ET)

              The thing is, I hear people around me talking about the Democrat party, so it's working to a certain extent, and using that particular word is nefarious if you ask me. Why? Because they are trying to distance the democrats within the democratic party from the democratic process, that's their reasoning of course. But then again, anyone with half of a brain knows that they sound, well, just dumb.

              It goes the same for right wing talk show hosts. I listen to a lot of their shows, unfortunately, living in NC there are a lot of them on with not a lot of balance of anything else, and almost universally, they like to basically call people names. I stumbled on Mark Levin one night, and whew, he's the worst one out there as far as making up silly sounding names for all of the people he believes are evil (read, democrats, and up until recently, John McCain). I know that Olberman does this as well, and it bothers me. Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, Levin, Boortz, et all. They all do this name calling thing, and behind it all, there's no substance whatsoever. Just a jerk with a microphone.

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      • Author by prof (April 26, 2008 6:23 pm ET)
        Perhaps he was actually pointing out the furniture:  "Those tables and chairs are simply darling!  What do you think, Pat?  And the floral print plastic 'table cloths'---absolutely to DIE for!  Pat, you must be DROOLING over those bright red cushions on the aluminum chairs!  So retro!"
        Report Abuse
    • Author by MidwestMaggie (April 25, 2008 4:50 pm ET)

      Love your article as I have been fuming at Chris Matthews audacity in

      laying this senseless claim. Over and over and over again........... Duh! Huh?

      Chris M. is quite simply supporting bigotry. He, also, knows so little about

      Senator Obama and how he has truly helped so many people. Obama 

      is comfortable in any surrounding and very engaging.

       Unlike so many politicians, Obama's sincerity is refreshing. Perhaps that

       is why Chris M. can't get it or him. 

       I still remember Chris M. throughly enjoying bashing Senator Kerry

       and praising George Warmonger Bush.

       Chris only gets upset about Bush's War when he seems to believe a draft

      may return and his son will be made to serve in the military.

      Chris Cheap Shots is a better name for his show than Hardball. 



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    • Author by donaldmaddog5642 (April 25, 2008 6:56 pm ET)
      Hey, WESLEY, for your information "dinnets', as in "diners" do not have chefs. Only the high-end, fancy-schmancy restaurants have chefs. Diners have cooks.
      Report Abuse
      • Author by prof (April 26, 2008 6:28 pm ET)
        "Dinettes" have tables and chairs.  "Diners" have short-order cooks.
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    • Author by temphandle anise57conifer (April 25, 2008 10:19 pm ET)

      Come on liberals Matthews has a great point , Obama is a Brother from another Planet  and guess what , they obviously don't have caucasians on that planet , so how CAN he communicate with whites . 

      And even though his law school was 90 % white , he didn't speak to any of them, he hung out playing basketball and that bowling debacle , good gawd do we have to see him in a swimming pool next , bowling the cradle of white American sports proved he can't be part white .

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      • Author by prof (April 26, 2008 7:05 pm ET)

        So, Obama graduated with honors from law school because he just hung around playing hoops with his brothers?   And (I'm really trying to take you seriously), you actually believe that bowling is a kind of credential for whiteness??  Damn, I don't bowl--and here I thought I was white all these years.  I suppose it makes me, er, non-white.  Well, I suppose that makes sense since I seem to understand what Obama is talking about.

        Thanks for the racist analysis!  ;-)  Always love it when neo-cons show their true colors--a dozen shades of white and a room temperature IQ.

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    • Author by FLGATOR29 (April 26, 2008 9:54 am ET)
      This 2008 not 1950. Thats where Matthews ideas and thinking are coming from.Matthews needs to step back and let someone with with new ideas to take over his place and set at MSNBC. Go play golf, go fishing Chris your time has com.
      Report Abuse
    • Author by temphandle emits13taunted (April 26, 2008 11:47 am ET)

      We all know about Chris Matthews.  He's been a joke for a long time.

      However, Media Matters is losing some credibility when it doesn't criticize some of the bizarre and vitriolic commentary by Keith Olbermann against Senator Clinton.  I haven't seen anything at all on your site about the most recent episode where he seemed to imply that a "super superdelegate should take Hillary into a room and only one of them should come out.  Mr. Olbermann apologized to Rachel Sklar, who wrote a damning piece about the allusion to violence against women in his remarks, but did not apologize, God forbid, to Sen. Clinton.  Where was Media Matters in all this?

      You cannot maintain a position of objectivity in your media critiques if one MSNBC commentator gets special treatment.  Mr. Olbermann deserves the same condemnation as Chris Matthews for his inflammatory rhetoric.

      Report Abuse
      • Author by prof (April 26, 2008 7:08 pm ET)

        Media Matters for America is a Web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.

        You might want to check out the "About Us" section of this site.

        Report Abuse
    • Author by eweston8542983 (April 26, 2008 12:18 pm ET)

      Kieth takes some licks elsewhere on site. Is his progressive side more important than the kicks he gives Hillary? It is an open question.

      Humor took a hit or two on this thread. Just got though,"The Kat Who Walked in Beauty" Geo Herrimans Krazy Kat. Some beautiful dailies from 1920.

      From May, 17th.

      KK: That Mrs.Henn is a tough bird, Ignatz.

      IM: How so?

      KK: From what I seen her do I'd say she was tough.

      IM: Well what did you see her do?

      KK: I seen her bite a fish.

      IM: Y'mean to tell me a hen bit a fish???

      KK: Sure, but I'll say this for the fish, he was game, and came right back at her.

      IM: What did the fish do?

      KK: He kicked her.

      Ignaz bends over to pick up a brick sized rock, with intent to throw.

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    • Author by interestingobserver (April 27, 2008 5:40 pm ET)
      Chuck Todd looks like Brad Rutter.  Just my interesting observation.
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    • Author by firbolg (April 27, 2008 7:00 pm ET)
      Since I got Tivo 5 years ago I have faithfully recorded Hardball. Last week I deleted the season pass, unable to watch the deterioration of Chris into carping banality any longer. However, Chris is not the only pundit frothing at the mouth over Obama's success. I also pulled the plug on the McLaughlin Group. I am sic (pun intended) at the bigoted reaction of the grumpy old men of the MSM. I support Obama's message of change in Washington and believe there is also a crying need to clean out the stables in the media as well.
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    • Author by frautuck (April 28, 2008 2:00 pm ET)

      What's this?  The media is being critical and unkind to Obama?  Not much fun is it?  Well to that I say 'Walk a mile in Clinton's shoes'.  She has received this kind of media treatment from day one while Obama got to bask in the glow of their infatuation with him, and all for free!  

      Could it be the party's over? 

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