September 2000

No Israeli Deaths

September 2000


September 2000

Muhammad Jamal Muhammad al-Durrah, 12, of Bureij refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen and chest as his father tried to protect him during a demonstration at Netzarim Junction.

Nizar Mahmoud Hasan Aida, 16, of Deir Ammar refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest during a demonstration at Ayosh Junction.

Khaled Adli Bassem al-Bazyan, 14, of Nablus, killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen during a demonstration on the Nablus-Ramallah road.


October 2000

No Israeli Deaths



October 2000


October 2000

Muhammad Nabil Daoud Hamad al-Abasi, 16, of al-Bireh, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration at Ayosh Junction.

Sara Abdul-Azim Abdul-Haq Hasan, 18 months, of Sarah, near Salfit, killed by Israeli settler gunfire to her head while riding with her father in a car.

Samer Samir Sudki Tabanja, 12, of Nablus, killed by IDF helicopter gunfire to his head while watching a demonstration.

Sami Fathi Muhammad al-Taramsi, 17, of Gaza City, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration at Netzarim Junction.

Hussam Naim Hasan Bakhit, 17, of Balata refugee camp, killed by IDF helicopter fire to his head while watching a demonstration.

Iyad Ahmad al-Khashishi, 16, of Nablus, died of chest wounds sustained Sept. 30 from IDF gunfire while at a demonstration on the Nablus-Ramallah road.


October 2000

Wael Tayseer Muhammad Qatawi, 14, of Balata refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest.

Aseel Hassan Asleh, 17, of Araba, near Nazareth, Palestinian with Israeli citizenship and an active Seeds of Peace participant, killed by Israeli police gunfire to his neck at close range while at a demonstration near his village.


October 2000

Hussam Mahmoud Ismael al-Hamshari, 15, of Tulkarm, died of head wounds sustained Oct. 1 from IDF gunfire during a demonstration.

Amr Kahlil Mustafa al-Rifai, 17, of Maghazi refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head and chest during a demonstration at Netzarim Junction.


October 2000

Muhammad Yousef Zayd abu-Asi, 13, of Bani Suheila, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head, chest and back during a demonstration at Netzarim Junction.


October 2000

Majdi Samir Musa al-Misilmani, 15, of Beit Hanina, near Jerusalem, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration.

Muhammad Khaled Mahmoud Tammam, 17, of Tulkarm, killed by IDF shelling to his chest.


October 2000

Sami Hasan Salim Silmi Salama, 17, of Tulkarm, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest.


October 2000

Sami Fathi Abdallah abu-Jazar, 12, of Rafah, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained Oct. 10 from IDF gunfire during a demonstration.


October 2000

Muayad Usama Ali al-Jawarish, 14, of Aida refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest and abdomen while on the way to school.


October 2000

Muhammad Adel Hasan abu-Tahun, 15, of Tulkarm, killed by IDF gunfire to his head and chest during a demonstration.

Samer Talal al-Awaisi, 16, of Qalqilya, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest during a demonstration.

Ala Bassam Abdullah Bani-Nimra, 13, of Salfit, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration.

Thaer Ali Daoud Omar Muala, 17, Amari refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration at Ayosh Junction.


October 2000

Omar Ismael Omar al-Buhisi, 16, of Deir al-Balah, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest during a demonstration near the Kfar Darom settlement.

Majid Ibrahim Hasan Hawamdeh, 15, of al-Bireh, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration.


October 2000

Salahaldeen Fawzi Ahmad al-Nijmi, 15, of Maghazi refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest during a demonstration near the Kfar Darom settlement.

Wael Mahmoud Imad al-Nasheet, 12, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by an IDF rubber-coated bullet to his head during a demonstration near the Erez industrial zone.


October 2000

Ashraf Ahmad Abdul-Majid al-Habayeb, 15, of Askar refugee camp, died of head wounds sustained Oct. 16 from IDF gunfire during a demonstration.

Saed Adnan Abdullah al-Tambour, 17, of Nablus, killed by IDF gunfire to his head while picking olives.


October 2000

Nidal Muhammad Zuhdi al-Dbeiki, 16, of Gaza City, killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen during a demonstration near the Erez industrial zone.

Iyad Usama Taher Shath, 13, of Khan Younis, killed by an IDF rubber-coated bullet to his head during a demonstration.

Ala Muhammad Abdul-Rahman Mahfuz al-Jawabra, 14, of Aroob refugee camp, died of head wounds sustained Oct. 6 from IDF gunfire while on the terrace of his home one hour after injuring an Israeli soldier with a stone.


October 2000

Bashir Saleh Musa Shalawit, 16, of Qalqilya, deaf, killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen during a demonstration.


October 2000

Husni Ibrahim Hasan al-Najjar, 17, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration.


October 2000

Thaer Ibrahim Shalsh al-Zayd, 17, of Jalazoun refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen during a demonstration at Ayosh Junction.


November 2000

No Israeli Deaths

November 2000


November 2000

Ahmad Salman Ibrahim abu-Tayeh, 13, of Shati refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration at the Karni checkpoint.

Muhammad Ibrahim Muhammad al-Hajjaj, 14, of Gaza City, killed by IDF gunfire to his head and chest during a demonstration at the Karni checkpoint.

Ibrahim Riziq Marzuq Omar, 15, of Shati refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest during a demonstration at the Karni checkpoint.


November 2000

Khaled Muhammad Ahmed al-Katibw, 17, of Hazma, near Jerusalem, killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen during a demonstration.

Yazen Muhammad Eisa al-Haliqa, 17, of al-Khader, near Bethlehem, killed by IDF gunfire to his head and chest during a demonstration.


November 2000

Rami Ahmad Abdul-Fattah Mutawe, 15, of Hazma, near Jerusalem, killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen during a demonstration.


November 2000

Hind Nidal Jamil Qauider, 23 days, of Hebron, killed by IDF gas.


November 2000

Maher Muhammad Ibrahim al-Suedy, 16, of Bureij refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration.


November 2000

Wajdi Alam al-Hattab, 15, of Tulkarm, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest during a demonstration.

Muhammad Nawaf Hamad al-Taban, 17, of al-Zawaida, near Deir al-Balah, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his back during a demonstration near the Kfar Darom settlement.


November 2000

Ahmad Amin al-Khuffash, 7, of Murda, near Salfit, killed by an Israeli settler vehicle.


November 2000

Ibrahim Fuad Riziq al-Qasas, 16, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a a demonstration near the Tufah checkpoint.

Muhammad Musbah Ismael abu-Ghali, 16, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest during a demonstration near the Tufah checkpoint.

Khaled Fayez Suleiman abu-Zahra, 17, of Nur al-Shams refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest and abdomen.

Raed Abdul-Majed Muhammad Daoud, 14, of Hares, near Salfit, killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen during a demonstration.

Fares Fayq Odeh, 14, of Gaza City, killed by IDF gunfire to his head while throwing stones near the Karni checkpoint.


November 2000

Usama Mazen Salim Azouka, 14, of Jenin, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest during a demonstration.

Usama Samir Abdul-Nabi al-Jirjawi, 17, of Gaza City, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest during a demonstration near the Karni checkpoint.


November 2000

Musa Ibrahim Musa al-Dibs, 15, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest during a demonstration near the Erez industrial zone.

Basel Hussein abu-Qamer, 15, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire during a demonstration near the Erez industrial zone.


November 2000

Mahmoud Nafez abu-Naji, 15, of Gaza City, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest during a demonstration.


November 2000

Muhammad Khater Muhammad al-Ajla, 13, of Gaza City, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration near the Karni checkpoint.

Saber Khamis al-Barash, 15, of Amari refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest during a demonstration near the Ayosh Junction.


November 2000

Jadou Maneh Jadou abul-Kabash, 16, of al-Samu, near Hebron, killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen during a demonstration.

Ahmad Samir Basal, 15, of Gaza City, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest during a demonstration near the Karni checkpoint.

Ibrahim Abdul-Rauf al-Juedy, 17, of Qalqilya, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest and abdomen during a demonstration.

Muhammad Nasr Muhammad al-Shurafi, 17, of Gaza City, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration near the Karni checkpoint.

Jihad Suheil Suleiman abu-Shahmeh, 13, of Khan Younis, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration near the Tufah checkpoint.


November 2000

Muhammad Abdul-Jalil abu-Rayan, 17, of Halhoul, near Hebron, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration on Route 60.


November 2000

Abdul-Rahman Ziad al-Dahshan, 14, of Gaza City, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest during a demonstration at the Karni checkpoint.


November 2000

Ibrahim Ahmad Hasan Othman, 16, of Rafah refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest.


November 2000

Yaser Taleb Muhammad al-Nabtiti, 16, of Tulkarm, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest during a demonstration.


November 2000

Ibrahim Hasan al-Muqanan, 15, of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration.


November 2000

Maram Imad Ahmad Hasouna, 3, of al-Bireh, killed by IDF gas near her home.


November 2000

Majdi Ali Abed, 15, of Gaza City, died of head wounds sustained Nov. 17 from IDF gunfire during a demonstration near the Karni checkpoint.

Aysar Muhammad Sadiq Hasis, 15, of al-Jalameh, near Jenin, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration.


November 2000

Abdul-Minem Muhammad Izaldeen al-Bosta, 17, of Araba, near Jenin, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration.


November 2000

Mahdi Qasem Jaber, 17, of Qalqilya, killed by IDF gunfire during a demonstration.

Muhammad Mansur Nasr abu-Adwan, 16, of Qalqilya, killed by IDF gunfire during a demonstration.


November 2000

Karam Fathi Shehada al-Kurd, 14, of Rafah, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained Nov. 23 from IDF gunfire during a demonstration near the Rafah border crossing with Egypt.


November 2000

Muhammad Muhammad Abdallah al-Mashrawi, 14, of Gaza City, died of head wounds sustained Nov. 26 from IDF gunfire during a demonstration near the Karni checkpoint.


November 2000

Shadi Ahmad Hasan Zhoul, 14, of Husan, near Bethlehem, killed by an Israeli settler vehicle while walking to school.

Walid Muhammad Ahmad al-Badan, 17, of Taqou, near Bethlehem, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest during a demonstration near the Tekoa settlement.


December 2000

No Israeli Deaths

December 2000


December 2000

Muhammad Saleh Muhammad al-Arja, 12, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by Israeli sniper fire to his head near the Rafah boder crossing.

Medhat Muhammad Subhi Jadallah, 14, of Shati refugee camp, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration.


December 2000

Ramzi Adel Muhammad Bayatnah, 15, of Abu Qash, near Ramallah, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration near the Ayosh Junction.


December 2000

Zuhair Mustafa Ali al-Hattab, 17, of Gaza City, died of head wounds sustained Nov. 20 from IDF gunfire during a demonstration near the Karni checkpoint.


December 2000

Omar Samir Abdul-Hamid al-Mashni, 16, of Beit Our al-Tahta, near Ramallah, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration following Friday prayers at Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa mosque.

Mutaz Azmi Ismael Teilakh, 16, of Dheisheh refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during a demonstration.


December 2000

Salim Muhammad Salim al-Hameida, 13, of Rafah, Gaza, died of head wounds sustained Dec. 5 from IDF gunfire near the Rafah border crossing.


December 2000

Ahmad Ali Darwish al-Qawasma, 14, of Hebron, died of head wounds sustained Dec. 8 from IDF gunfire at close range during clashes.


December 2000

Muhammad Farouq Daoud, 17, of Harres, near Salfit, killed by IDF gunfire to his chest while throwing stones near the village checkpoint.


December 2000

Hani Yousef Hamid al-Sufi, 14, of Rafah, Gaza, killed by IDF shelling to his head while trying to block the passage of tanks and a bulldozer.


December 2000

Arafat Muhammad Ali al-Jabarin, 16, of Sair, near Hebron, killed by IDF gunfire to his head while throwing stones in Beit Einun.


December 2000

Math Ahmad Muhammad abu-Hadwan, 11, of Hebron, killed by IDF gunfire to his head in Tel Rumeida.

Abdul-Rahman Khaled Hammouda Khbeish, 4, of Balata refugee camp, killed by IDF gunfire to his head.

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