Page last updated at 10:47 GMT, Monday, 28 July 2008 11:47 UK

Hamas members detained in W Bank

Palestinian Authority security men in Nablus
West Bank security forces are loyal to Mahmoud Abbas and Fatah

Palestinian security forces in the West Bank have detained more than 50 members of the militant Hamas movement, soon after a crackdown by Hamas in Gaza.

Academics, students and local council members are said to be among those picked up in and around Nablus.

In the last few days, about 200 Fatah supporters were detained in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

The detentions followed a bombing which killed five Hamas members on Friday. Fatah denies any role in the attack.

The Palestinian-controlled areas of the West Bank are run by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah movement.

The militant movement Hamas took over Gaza by force in June 2007, forcing out security men loyal to Mr Abbas.

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