Troops Attack Nabi Saleh Weekly Nonviolent Protest

23 Jul
8:49 AM

Israeli troops attacked on Friday the weekly nonviolent protest against settlements and the Annexation Wall in Nabi Saleh village, near the West Bank city of Bethlehem. Several residents were kidnapped by the army, and several others were wounded. Army also kidnapped several residents.The army was extensively deployed in the village and the orchards Israel intends to annex for illegal construction of settlements and the Wall in the area.

The protestors chanted slogans rejecting the illegal policies of the Israeli occupation, and in support to the Palestinian detainees held by Israel, demanding their freedom.

Soldiers and members of the so-called Border Guard Units closed all roads leading to the village and declared it a “closed military zone” before firing gas bombs and concussion grenades at random.

Furthermore, troops broke into the home of Basheer Tamimi, kidnapped his 19-year-old son, Tareq, and a local medic identified as Mohammad Abu Samra, 25, and took them to an unknown destination after kicking and punching them.

The army also detained Wissam Al Tamimi, 15, the Maan News Agency reported.
Israelis and International peace activists joined the locals of Nabi Saleh and a number of nearby villages, who marched carrying Palestinian flags while chanting slogans against the Israeli occupation, demanding liberation and independence.

Troops violently attacked the protesters firing a barrage of gas bombs at them; dozens received treatment for the effects of teargas inhalation.

After dispersing the procession, troops kidnapped residents Ziad Al Tamimi, and Ahmad Abdul-Al, cuffed and blindfolded them before taking them to an unknown destination.

The army also detained more than 50 international activists and took them to a nearby military camp, Maan said.

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Saed Bannoura

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