Yemeni website editor abducted

The Yemeni editor of a website (El Eshterak), Mohammed al-Maqaleh, was abducted a week ago after publishing a report on military air strikes that caused civilian casualties in northern Yemen, where battles between Yemeni forces and Houthi rebels have raged for five years.

His abduction appears to be part of a crackdown by Yemeni authorities against journalists who report on the conflict. Three journalists, all website editors, have been arrested in the past four months.

In May, the government banned several publications, including the widely-read Al-Ayyam newspaper, and blocked numerous websites, for allegedly inciting violence.

David Dadge, director of the International Press Institute, said: "We call upon the Yemeni authorities to immediately make public the whereabouts of the missing journalists. No government should be allowed to make journalists with critical views simply 'disappear.'"

Sources: IPI/Armies of Liberation

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