
Photo: Yitzhak Levy
Meir Avshalom Hai
Photo: Yitzhak Levy
PA working overtime to find shooters
Palestinian security forces arrest dozens of car thieves in West Bank in order to find leads on vehicle used by attackers who shot, killed Meir Avshalom Hai; Israel allows PA officers to continue working overnight

The Palestinian Authority has detained for questioning dozens of Palestinian West Bank residents in the case of the shooting attack that killed Meir Avshalom Hai on Thursday.


A Palestinian security source told Ynet Friday that many of the detainees being interrogated by Palestinian forces are car thieves, as the PA was attempting to locate the person or persons who sold the shooters the car used to commit the attack.


Israel has permitted the Palestinian forces deployed in the area of Nablus to continue their activity beyond regular hours in order to allow them to continue their search unhindered. Under normal circumstances, PA security forces work until the early evening hours.


The Palestinian source said the authority was taking the inquest in the case of the attack very seriously, especially in light of an announcement by Hamas' military wing demanding the renewal of terror attacks against Israeli targets in the West Bank.


"As far as we're concerned this is an event that takes first priority, and the investigation will affect the prevention of future incidents," said the source. He refused to comment on whether the culprits were members of Hamas.


The source added that the PA was skeptical regarding announcements by al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Fatah's military wing, and the Islamic Jihad's military wing, al-Quds Brigades, both of which claim responsibility for the attack.


"We are focusing on intelligence for now, in order to get to anyone who can provide information on the vehicle trade and especially stolen vehicles," he said.


"This was probably the result of cooperation between criminal elements and elements interested in destabilizing security, which is nearly perfect in the West Bank."


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