Restoring Ancient Wheat

and Bread Traditions

The southern Fertile Crescent is the ancient center of origin for wild wheat, the mother of all cultivated wheats. Wild wheat still grows in undisturbed meadows and field edges. Indigenous Fertile Crescent wheats have been selected by generations of traditional farmers have richer flavor and complex disease resistances than the modern wheat bred for yield and uniformity. However today about 90% of the wheat eaten in Israel, Palestine and Jordan is imported from the US. Mideast traditional wild foods, vegetables and wheats, many of which date back to Biblical times, are in critical danger. In a creative response, regional seed curators, artisan bakers and farmers are pooling our resources together to restore our ancient wheats for the common good.


Conference Proceedings

Annual Report

Wheat Evaluations: 2008

  'Restoring Ancient Wheat 'Planning Team

Dr. A.A. Jaradat, - USDA, Dr. Adnan Yassin, Dr. Hussein Migdadi - Jordan Genebank, Dr. Munqez Shtaya - BERC, Dr. Rivka Hadas, Alon Zinger-Israel Genebank and Eli Rogosa (taking the photo)


Yiftah Barakat & his delicious emmer artisan bread


farmers and researchers discuss ancient wheats

farmers and genebanks discuss how to conserve our threatened landraces


Arab-Israeli Nourishing Peace


Baking in a taboun

Dr. Dominique Declaux, INRA, wheat researcher and Atif, Wadi Fukin farmer discussing market strategies for ancient wheats

Wadi Fukin , our in-situ conservation village for ancient wheats


Stories of Our Seed


Traditional Bread-Baking

Our Partners:



Israel Gene Bank