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Scratching head and wondering if that is Art.

Scratching head and wondering if that is Art.

5 Mar, '171 Comment

Help. I’m confused. Is this really art? This is an honest question. I have no answer other than being left wondering what is art in general, and if this “work” and others like it actually lowers the bar of what should be regarded as art. To me, it a badly shot and edited video that […]

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Learning to be a bit deaf…

Learning to be a bit deaf…

26 Feb, '170 Comments

Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s advice for success in marriage, the Supreme Court, and everything in between is based on two wisdoms she received from her in-laws. Here she is at Stanford Rathbun Lecture 2017 delivering those wisdoms: Man do I need this advice, especially the first part. I sometimes have ugly anger management issues that flare up for […]

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Yoga. My new addiction.

Yoga. My new addiction.

20 Feb, '172 Comments

Yoga was one of those things that I thought house-wives and mystics would while away their time in. The images I saw on the internet certainly supported this view. It’s no surprise that I veered away from Yoga. I’m a healthy and strong individual dedicated to an all-round gym experience, through this hard work, I […]

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Reel Bad Arabs. The propagation of discrimination

Reel Bad Arabs. The propagation of discrimination

11 Feb, '174 Comments

My son Arif’s Christmas gift to me was the book “Reel Bad Arabs, how Hollywood vilifies a people” by Jack Shaheen (it was made into a film as well – vimeo). It is a fascinating reference which took the author more than two decades to compile. In it, he reviewed over 1,000 Hollywood films which […]

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Self help. Regurgitated. 

Self help. Regurgitated. 

10 Feb, '171 Comment

After reading so many self help or development books, I think I’m veering toward the the idea that they’re mostly unimaginative and uncreative regurgitaions. And that I would be better served – and entertained – by reading fiction. Any you would recommend?

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The death of entrepreneurship in Bahrain

The death of entrepreneurship in Bahrain

9 Feb, '174 Comments

I arrived at my office this morning at my regular time to be faced with this truck parked just outside. I suspect that the truck’s destination is a recycling plant. What struck me wasn’t the industry of the workers or that paper recycling is a bona fide operation in Bahrain, what did was the picture I was […]

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Knock knock…

Knock knock…

13 Jan, '171 Comment

صادوهم مغيرين السعر😂😂😂 The ministry of commerce seems to be on a rampage closing down supermarkets which display a price and then charge another at the till. Ruyan was closed a few days ago and now Alhazeem’s follows.  Of course this doesn’t pass without Bahrainis making fun of the situation … here’s a scenario set […]

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The creep of weight gain

The creep of weight gain

23 Sep, '160 Comments

I’ve let myself go over the past couple of months and my weight has been creeping up. Well, I’ve been on holiday for a couple of weeks to Scotland and it was a bit stressful at work the last few months. Note that I’m not beating myself up for this. This is nothing to the […]

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Gratitudes and the Duraz Siege

Gratitudes and the Duraz Siege

27 Aug, '167 Comments

Today, I choose to reflect on our village Duraz’s siege from my own perspective. We are having to suffer long queues of cars to report to a police checkpoint – one of only two for a village and an area that hosts over 20,000 residents – to get home.

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Guerilla Gardening

Guerilla Gardening

27 Jun, '164 Comments

I created this border yesterday. It features big rocks that were dug up by the sewageworks in our neighbourhood. As you can see, I repurposed them as well as the sand they dug up to create a couple of xeriscaped borders. These are positioned at the entrance (or the end) of our road and neighbourhood. […]

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