Nightly News   |  February 25, 2012

Analyzing US-Afghanistan ties

Retired Army Gen. Barry McCaffrey offers analysis of the deaths and protests in Afghanistan.

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>>> military analyst barry mccaffrey . how surprised are you that theousethe officers could be tikilled in a heavily supervised building?

>> we may be seeing a watershed event after billions of dollars and 16,000 u.s. casualties. we see how shallow the impact we have on this primitive society is. yeah, we'll take it in context. these are thousands of demonstrators in a country of 30 million people, but this is really outrageous. we have had dozens of u.s. and nato forces killed by afghan uniformed people. and karzai is clearly not standing for and leading on this effort.

>> but the cornerstone of the strategy is the partnership with the afghan government and working alongside them. is all of that now potentially in jeopardy?

>> i have been skeptical about this from the start. once we get u.s. combat forces out of afghan, it was going to be 2014 . secretary panetta said it's 2013 . we need to re-evaluate the notion of having thousands of americans isolated all over afghanistan. it's about time for us to step forward and take a new look at our security strategy.

>> general barry mccaffrey , thank you.