Sunday 09 July 2017


Syria 'names 142 foreign jihadists who fought with rebels'

The Syrian government has named 142 foreign jihadists that it reportedly says were killed fighting alongside rebels in the country's civil war.

Syrian rebels celebrating the takeover of Mayadeen military base near Deir el-Zour
Syrian rebels celebrating the takeover of Mayadeen military base near Deir el-Zour Photo: AP

Damascus-based newspaper Al-Watan on Tuesday published a list that it said the Syrian government had sent to the United Nations Security Council last month giving the names and the dates and locations where the "terrorists" were killed.

"Most are jihadists (radical Islamists) who belong to al-Qaeda's network, or who joined it after arriving in Syria," the paper said, adding that they entered Syria via Turkey and Lebanon.

Among the 142 it named 47 Saudis, 24 Libyans, 11 Afghans, 10 Tunisians, nine Egyptians, six Qataris and five Lebanese.

The government is thought to have asked for the list be registered as an official document on the UN's agenda of "measures to combat international terrorism".

Sources at the Syrian Mission to the United Nation said they could not immediately confirm that they knew of the letter.

When anti-government protests began in Syria, President Bashar al-Assad blamed the unrest on an invasion "foreign terrorists".

Over the past 20 months, as demonstrations turned into war, an influx of foreign jihadists, many equipped with fighting skills learned in previous, has contributed to the strength of rebels fighting against the regime.

Videos released by the hardline Jabat al-Nusra, a jihadist group known to have attracted many foreign fighters, show rebels driving government tanks and celebrating around a freshly captured military base.

The rebels have seen a series of recent military successes in recent weeks, winning control of much of the oil-rich northeastern province of Deir al-zour and cutting off main roads to the embattled northern city of Aleppo.

On Tuesday rebels claimed to have used a ground-to-air missile to bring down a government helicopter that was on a strafing run around a military base that has been besieged by opposition fighters in the northwest of the country. Footage posted on YouTube showed the helicopter bursting into flames and crashing into the ground.

The opposition based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said it was the first time the rebels have successfully used the missile.

There was no independent confirmation of how the helicopter was attacked.

Rebels have fought the regime's air power using heavy anti-aircraft guns in the past and reports have emerged that the opposition has obtained small numbers of anti-aircraft missiles.

Threatened on the ground, the regime has stepped up its retaliation from the air, hitting buildings that might be housing fighting groups. Jets bombed an olive press factory in the north of the country on Tuesday, killing and wounding dozens of people, activists said.

Fadi al-Yassin, an activist based in Idlib, told The Associated Press by telephone that dozens of people had gathered to have their olives pressed when the warplanes struck, causing a large number of casualties.


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