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‘Glee’ Stars Sing Out for Animals

‘Glee’ Stars Sing Out for Animals

Posted on March 20, 2015 | Written by PETA

In honor of Glee’s final episode, we’re looking back at a few of the ways five of the show’s stars have raised their voices to speak up for animals.

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PETA Statement on New SeaWorld CEO

PETA Statement on New SeaWorld CEO

Posted on March 19, 2015 | Written by PETA

“Anyone who goes into SeaWorld without a plan to release the orcas and other animals held captive is going to sink with this sinking ship.”

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Chained Circus Protesters Take on Cruelty at the Capitol

Chained Circus Protesters Take on Cruelty at the Capitol

Posted on March 19, 2015 | Written by Jennifer O'Connor

Do bodypainted ladies standing outside get attention? You bet they do.

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What SeaWorld’s New Ad Should REALLY Say  ©

What SeaWorld’s New Ad Should REALLY Say 

Posted on March 19, 2015 | Written by PETA

SeaWorld’s new ad describes the “joy” felt by one of its captive sea lions, but we know the truth.

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Victory! Washington ‘Ag-Gag’ Bill Fails to Make It to the Floor

Victory! Washington ‘Ag-Gag’ Bill Fails to Make It to the Floor

Posted on March 19, 2015 | Written by Michelle Kretzer

After being slammed with objections from all sides, Washington’s “ag-gag” bill “can’t move any further.”

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Prince Charles Gets ‘Goosed’ at the White House

Prince Charles Gets ‘Goosed’ at the White House

Posted on March 19, 2015 | Written by PETA

Prince Charles gets honks from a grateful “goose” during his White House visit.

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Teaching Prisoners to Butcher Animals—Dumbest Idea Ever?

Teaching Prisoners to Butcher Animals—Dumbest Idea Ever?

Posted on March 19, 2015 | Written by Alisa Mullins

File under “What were they thinking?” A Minnesota state senator wants to give inmates a license to kill.

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These Dogs Lived in a Shed for Months, but Their New Digs Will Warm Your Heart

These Dogs Lived in a Shed for Months, but Their New Digs Will Warm Your Heart

Posted on March 17, 2015 | Written by PETA

While delivering straw to cold “backyard dogs,” PETA fieldworkers came across a shed and discovered something strange.

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Britain Takes First Step Toward Ending Animal Testing for Household Products ©

Britain Takes First Step Toward Ending Animal Testing for Household Products

Posted on March 17, 2015 | Written by PETA

The government has taken a baby step toward ending the suffering of animals in laboratories, but it doesn’t go nearly far enough.

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You Won’t Believe What Burger King Is Doing to Chickens Now! ©

You Won’t Believe What Burger King Is Doing to Chickens Now!

Posted on March 17, 2015 | Written by Michelle Kretzer

Even for Burger King—which rakes in profits by killing millions of chickens every year—this cruel display made our jaws drop.

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Fusion Presents “Rebel With a Cause: The Sam Simon Story”

Fusion Presents “Rebel With a Cause: The Sam Simon Story”

Posted on March 16, 2015 | Written by Michelle Kretzer

Watch the story of how Sam Simon’s talent earned him millions and how his compassion led him to give a large share of his fortune to animals.

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Victory! Rite Aid Does Right by Betta Fish

Victory! Rite Aid Does Right by Betta Fish

Posted on March 16, 2015 | Written by Alisa Mullins

After hearing from PETA, Rite Aid stops selling Teddy Tanks, abominable “toys” that encourage kids to treat fish like playthings.

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Bikini-Clad ‘Lettuce Ladies’ Give St. Patrick’s Day Parade a ‘Go Green’ Twist

Bikini-Clad ‘Lettuce Ladies’ Give St. Patrick’s Day Parade a ‘Go Green’ Twist

Posted on March 14, 2015 | Written by PETA

Vegan meals help all people—Irish or not—reduce their carbon footprint.

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5 Circuses That Need to Follow Ringling and Get Rid of Elephant Acts Now

5 Circuses That Need to Follow Ringling and Get Rid of Elephant Acts Now

Posted on March 13, 2015 | Written by PETA

Ringling’s finally getting it. Now it’s time for these other elephant exploiters to pull the plug.

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PETA Cancels ‘Adoption is Forever’ Billboard

PETA Cancels ‘Adoption is Forever’ Billboard

Posted on March 13, 2015 | Written by PETA

PETA cancels plans to run a pro-adoption ad campaign because of a controversial situation leading to the reconsideration of ‘re-homing’ laws.

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